Cape Cod Cat Club, Marstons Mills, MA, September 10-11, 2005 Saturday Sunday Louise van de Water AB Marilyne Dombroskie AB Genevieve Basquine AB Paul Lahey AB James Reardon SP James Reardon SP Francine Hicks SP Odette Lamoureux AB Donna Gonyea SP Robby Whyte AB Dewane Barnes SP Dewane Barnes AB KITTENS LVW GB JR FH DG DB MD PL JR OL RW DB Purrsession Frosty The Snowman PS 2 2L 1L 2L 1L 1 4 1L 2 1 1 Broadsway Wellington of Windwalker MC 3 7 3L 6L 2L 3 7 8 4 5 WHF Silver Storm SL 4 4L 2 10 5L 4 7 3 Laziblues Tess BS 8 8S 3S10S 3S 8 3 3 4 Xquisit Zulu of Rufntuf SI 7 810S 5S 3S 5S 9 9 4S 7 Kosikatz Formal Attire of Sundri BG 6 5 3S 4S 1S 8 8 2 Gizana Lovelace ES 9 7S 9S 9S 5 7S 1 2 Maullenium Cheops of Arietta EM 1 6S 1S 2S 2S 7 Into Wishin Aleksia NF 5L 2L10L10L 6 6 2L Radzacats Fenway HI 4L 4L 7L 6L 5 5 Provinmountain Octopussy BG 4S 4 3 3S 10 Arietta Count Nicolai AB 6 7S 6S 7 9 Arietta Countless Natasha SG 3 8S 5S 10 10 Iamcats Miss Lena SO 10 5L 5L 7L 9 Anouchka Pincess Lea PS 2 10L 10L 5 Vanderpaws Haiku of Cristalcats JB 4 8S 6S 4S Trendars Securities BG 2S 2S 1 Bellapalazzo Charlie Brown RD 7L 4L 3L 8 Cat Nappers Kenny TA 5 7L 9L 5L Cukkla Name Pending BG 2S 1S 1S Etochat Shadowdancer of Pentaclecat AB 10 4S 6 Cat Nappers Kyle TA 8L 2 7L Radzacatz Paris HI 6L 6L 6 Widowswalk Jonny Walker Blue MC 1 3L Koerncoon Capt Hook of Dragginslair MC 1L10L 4L Provinmountain Thrilled To Death BG 9 1S Bengaland Infinity Magnum Force BG 6S 5S10S Darlinlildols Jada of Lottarags RD 3L 9 Felival Sun Kissed Leo HI 3L 10 Katselkamolots Kearana SF 9S 9S 7S Kosikatz Something To Talk About BG 5S 6S Kelimcoons Angelika of Hollishill MC 8L 8L Tailsoluv Bi One Get One Free OS 6 Broadsway Gloria MC 1L Purrsession Tiger Lily PS 9L 9L Toppcatcoonery's Sheri MC 6L Pentaclecats Nakia Zahara EM 7S Bengaland Jace Divinci BG 8S Marinacats Myjestic Fantasy MC 8L Toppcatcoonery's Pollyanna MC 8L Mtlaureldolls Blue Bayou of 2ndchan RD 9L Advent Hill Red Sky MC 9L Savannahriver Ag Fluff BG 10S Allbreed/Longhair Count 54 53 25 25 26 27 49 50 26 49 50 50 Shorthair Count 27 28 28 28 22 CATS LVW GB JR FH DG DB MD PL JR OL RW DB Classicalcats Valentino SX 1 1 3S 2S 4S 4S 1 2 3S 3 1 7 Kallbokattens Magnus NF 7 8 1L 2L 1L 3L 4 5 2L 5 3 9 Laziblues Earl Grey BS 5 3S 5S 1S 2 6 5S 1 2 1 Mainlysilver Grandview Hudson MC 2 6L 3L 4L 4L 8 3 3L 4 Tigerflower Magicat of Pentaclecats AB 9 9 3S 6 7 2S 6 5 Tabbeyrd I Am The Walrus MC 3L 1L 2L 1L 1L 4 2 Briddlewood 007 of Speakeasy BG 8 2S 5S 4S 7 6 8 Mirabeau Tonka Toy of Radzacatz HI 4 9L 2L 6L 6 Klazeekats Casper of Rugosarose OS 9 1S 4 3 Arietta Abadiya Dakila EM 4S 3S 5 8 Fagervoll Figlia Linette of Arietta SG 1S 5S 7 9 Silkywonders Akulina CR 4 3 10 Iamcats Joey Dundee SO 6 5L 7L 10 Bridlewood Southern Comfort BG 1S 2S 1 Twofold Maksmillian of Jasperridge SB 5 10L 9L10L 8L Catnapper Cheetara of Turkhaven TA 4L 8L 9L 8 Ransdells Creamsicle of Kasseldolls RD 5L 3L 5 X-Quisit Just Call Me Angel SI 4S 1S 2S Tribalcats Turquoise of Broadsway MC 6 7L 4L Miaghy Charlemagne of Anouchka ES 10 5S 9 Iamcats Miss Mimi SO 2L 4L 7L Laziblues Brighton BS 3 7 Boraines Andelina PS 10 810L Ransdells Lady Emila RD 6L 6L 8L Koerncoon Malakye MC 2 8L Vanderpaws Haiku of Cristalcats JB 10 10 Ransdells Lilac Lady of Kasseldolls RD 7 7L Angaline's Donatello RD 5L 10 Petteycats Blizzard of Koerncoon MC 2 Savannahriver Jagger of Sundari BG 3 Cukkla Versace BG 4 Epona's Karina of Into Wishin NF 8L 9L Arietta Laduni Kiyasa EM 9 Mannahatta Sheikra of Smoochncoons MC 5L Blueyed Betty Boop RD 5L Widowswalk Mack The Knife MC 6L Spicehill Max A Million of T.renn's HI 7L Advent Hill Rungsted NF 9L Koerncoon Cowboys Stetson MC 10L Coonwyck Amber Glow of Hollishill MC 10L Allbreed/Longhair Count 42 43 26 25 25 26 48 48 28 47 46 47 Shorthair Count 17 17 17 17 20 ALTERS LVW GB JR FH DG DB MD PL JR OL RW DB Purrsession Oscar PS 2 5 1L 1L 1L 1 4 2L 1 1 1 Jumping Jack Flash of WHF SL 3 3 3L 5L 5L 2L 5 7 1L 3 3 2 Geishadolls Wondrous Heart SI 5 1S 1S 2S 3S 2 3 4S 7 7 Catnbeary's Charlie Brown AS 1 1 3S 4S 5S 1S 6 3S 5 Felival Cardin HI 6 4 4L 3L 3 2 6 Ginchiko's JTR of Jagcat JB 4S 5S 2S 1 2S 5 5 3 Villaroyal Sunny RD 2 4L 5 2 2 4 Degacoon Toby MC 4L 3L 3L 3L 4 4 San-Toi's Atlantic Mist SI 2S 2S 1S 4S 4 1S Toppcatcoonery's Dragon Fyre MC 6 2L 6 4L Raggledazzle's Polar Bear RD 1L 6 6 Catnapper Paolo of Turkhaven TA 5L 4L 5L 5L Catnapper Thedotos of Turkhaven TA 4 7 Felival Drakkard HI 2L 7 Pentaclecats Tiger Lily EM 3S 5S 5S Moqui Relic SI 5S 3S Villaroyal Rainbow RD 2L Moqui Bill SI 4S Allbreed/Longhair Count 21 21 13 13 13 13 22 22 14 22 22 22 Shorthair Count 7 7 7 7 8 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS LVW GB JR FH DG DB MD PL JR OL RW DB Kiera 2 4 4S 2S 5S 1S 2 1 2S 2 4 1 TRT Pixie Puss 4 5 1S 1S 2S 4S 3 6 1S 3 2 3 Ava 1 2 6S 6S 6S 2S 1 3 4S 1 3 2 Teddy Bear Hampster Dance 3 1 1L 1L 1L 1L 4 2 1L 4 1 6 Christian 5 6 2S 4S 1S 3S 5 7 3S 7 6 4 Spike 7 3 3S 3S 3S 6S 7 5 5S 6 7 5 Emilie 6 7 5S 5S 4S 5S 6 4 6S 5 5 7 Allbreed/Longhair Count 7 7 1 1 1 1 7 7 1 7 7 7 Shorthair Count 6 6 6 6 6 HOUSEHOLD PETS LVW GB JR FH DG DB MD PL JR OL RW DB Cheyena Girl 2 1 1S 1S 4S 3S 4 2 3 5 Ichiban Genki of Cristalcats 1 2S 3S 1S 2 1S 2 1 1 Chester 3 1L 1L 1L 1L 1 1L 1 2 2 TRT I Am Miniskin Hear Me Roar 4 4S 2S 2S 3 3 Milo 4S 5 5S 4 5 4 Dusty 5 3S 1S 4 4S Melodie 2 2L 4L 4L 2L 2L 5 Misty of Narcissus 4 3 3S 5 Sweetie Pie of Cristalcats 2S 5S 1 3S Lady Aoife O'Mordha 3L 2L 2L 4L 3L 4 Pinto Pony Mike 5 5S 2S Ruben 3 3 Misty 4L 3L 3L 3L 4L Penny 4S 5S Muschi 5S Allbreed/Longhair Count 15 14 4 4 4 4 13 13 4 13 13 13 Shorthair Count 10 10 10 10 9 ADVANCED NEW BREEDS LVW GB JR FH DG DB MD PL JR OL RW DB Rita Diva of Klazeekats PD 1 1S 1S 1 1 1 Mercuryhold Simonetta PD 1 1S 1 Rugosarose Dasha PD 1 1S 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 Shorthair Count 2 2 1 2 3 -- This report was prepared by Melissa Alexander (