NECCO (NE Regional), Sturbridge, MA, August 13-14, 2005 Saturday Sunday Solveig Pflueger AB Marilyn Dombroskie AB Mark Coleman AB Louise van de Water AB Aline Noel Garel AB Aline Noel Garel SP Odette Lamoureux AB Connie Webb AB James Reardon SP Odette Lamoureux SP Francine Hicks SP Amanda Bright AB Donna Gonyea SP Lisa Dickie AB KITTENS SP MCANG OL JR FH DG MDLVWANG CW OL AB LD Purrsession Frosty The Snowman PS 1 1 1 1 1L 1L 5L 1 3 1L 1 1L 3 1 Laziblues Tess BS 5 3 2 6S 5S 7S 2 7 1S 1S 7 Tigerflower Magicat of Pentaclecats AB 6 3 6 10S 2S 6S 2 2S 2S Gizana Lovelace ES 9 7 5 8S 5 5 9S 3S 6 Tailsoluv Bi One Get One Free OS 7 7 2S 8 7S 5 6S 9 10 Bemisu Tahonie SX 3 2 2 6 1S 1S 5S WHF Silver Storm SL 10 8 4 3 6 3 6 Into Wishin Aleksia NF 5 10 5L 3L 4L 4L 9 7L 9 Provinmountain Thrilled To Death BG 2 9 6S 4S 5S 2 5S Sarajen Anisette MC 4 6L 10 5L 1 2 Kosikatz Formal Attire of Sundari BG 8 3S 1S 3S 5 3 Cat Nappers Kyle TA 9 8 3L 1 6L 8 Howlyn Flash Gordon MC 6 3 2L 2L 2 Vanderpawz Haiku of Cristalcats JB 9 10S 3S 10 4S 4 Felival Sunkissed Leo HI 10 8L 9L 6 3L 4 Widowswalk Johnny Walker Blue MC 4 6L 6 2L 7 Synergy Ravi of Blueblaze OL 7 7L 9L 3L 4 8L Bellapalazzo Charlie Brown RD 8 2L 4L 7L 8 Sarajen Black N Tan MC 4 10L 1L 4 Silky Wonders Akulina CR 8S 8S 10 5 B-Jay's Amazing Wing Thing SI 5 8S 6S 7S Ransdells Creamsicle of Kasseldolls RD 2L 8 7L 10L Radzcatz Fenway HI 10 5L 9L 4L Broadsway Wellington MC 3L 5L 8 Cat Nappers Kenny TA 7L10L 9 10L Medoz Legacy Showcase of Bengaland BG 7S 9S 4S Alescris Neapolitan of Catortionist HI 9L 8L 10 Dreamquest Fancy Flash of Sunsoar ES 2S 7S Radzcatz Paris HI 9L 7 Howylyn Fargo MC 4L 6L Broadsway Charlotte MC 8L 9 Pentaclecats Nakia Zahara EM 9S 10S 9S Pentaclecats Just A Rebel EM 3S 10S Medoz Bam Bam BG 4S 10S Alescris Maddie-Line HI 6L 8L Silvergene Sparkles of Jungletales BG 4 Pentaclecats Nova EM 7 Etochat Shadowdancer of Pentaclecat AB 4S Premiercats Masai Magick BG 5S Urban Legend BG 8S Jungletrax Iya The Storm BG 9S Dracoonfly Crystal Bugger MC 10L Allbreed/Longhair Count 55 55 55 53 26 27 27 52 49 26 50 25 49 51 Shorthair Count 25 27 26 26 26 CATS SP MCANG OL JR FH DG MDLVWANG CW OL AB LD Classicalcats Valentino SX 1 1 1 7 2S 2S 4S 1 1 1S 3 8S 3 3 Laziblues Earl Grey BS 5 9 2 1 5S 4S 7S 3 4 2S 1S 5 1 Kallbokattens Magnus NF 4 10 8 4L 2L 2L 7 6 3L 8 4L 6 9 Tabbeyrd I Am The Walrus MC 2 2 5 1L 1L 1L 2L 4 2 Aradia Take A Chance On Me AB 3 410S 3S 8S 7 2S 2 4 Mainlysilver Grand View Hudson MC 5 6 3L 4L 4 2 4L 9L 9 Glor-ee Genghis Khan SI 7 6 6S 9S 2S 8 8S 510S 7 Kylador Travelin Salesman RD 2 4L 7L 2 5L 2 3L 6 Iamcats Joey Dundee SO 8 3 7L 6L 10 8 2L Donnadolly's White Lightning RD 3 6L 3L 3 1L 6L Bengaland Arctic Hooter BG 8 8S 5 6S 1 Roseanne Bagirah of Instapurr ES 5 9S 6 4S 10 Twofold Maksmillian of Jasperridge SB 8L 8L 9 9L 7L 8 Cukkla Versace BG 7 1S 5S 3S New Exoticats Ugo Boss ES 9 9 9S 5S10S Koerncoon's Malakye MC 7 6L 1 Bengaland Magnums Cheetara BG 6 5 7S Spicehill Max A Million of T.renn's HI 10L 9L 10 7 Blazin Arrows Patroit MC 5L 5L 4 Kicsi-Macska-Alien's Daughter Jill DR 10 9 6S Classicalcats Mystic of Bemisu SX 4 7S 7S Vanderpawz Yum Yum JB 7S 8S 6S 10S Bridlewood 007 of Speakeasy BG 1S 5 Blizkidz Quiksand of Tigre OS 6 10 Bridlewood's Southern Comfort BG 3 6S Khamsin's Firestar of Pentaclecats AB 6 5S Petteycats Blizzard of Koerncoon MC 10 1L Vanderpawz Mitsue Michiko JB 1S 10 Cherryhill Kashmir of Donnasdollys RD 6L10L 7L Iamcats Beau Shayne AB 3S 3S Tribalcats Turquoise of Broadsway MC 5L 5L Vereinschaft Heis ML 2L 8L Iamcats Miss Mimi SO 10L 9 Bellapalazzo Ericka RD 10 10L Jungletales Dazzle BG 4 Mythmakers Bashirah SX 4S10S Catnapper Cheetara of Turkhaven TA 9L 8L Tabbeyrd Angel Eyes Annie MC 7 Ransdells Lilac Lady of Kasseldolls RD 8L 10L Jungletales Tulip BG 8 Ragdoll Babies Blue Wizard RD 8 Butterblume R2 MK 9 Floppicat Tiffany RD 3L Jungletrax Kente Cloth BG 3S Bemisu Tahonie SX 4S Bejuled Belleuno Comare BG 5S Epona's Karina of Into Wishin NF 7L Ragdoll Babies Fairy Pebbles RD 9L Laziblues Brighton BS 9S Goldspurr Vanilla Ice of Speakeasy BG 9S Allbreed/Longhair Count 56 56 56 57 29 29 29 58 58 29 58 29 57 57 Shorthair Count 28 28 27 29 28 ALTERS SP MCANG OL JR FH DG MDLVWANG CW OL AB LD Kitcorp Masquerade of Purrsession PS 6 3 3 2 5L 2L 1 5 1L 1 1L 1 1 Khamsin Pepper Jack AB 1 1 2 1 3S 4S 2 9 2S 9 2S 2 2 Catnbeary Charlie Brown AS 4 1 5 2S 4S 8 1 1S 5 3S 8 7 Elegance Lil Diamond Luster DR 7 2 4 4 5S 5S 1S 5 5S 10 1S Vanderpawz Adachi JB 10 3S 1S 3S 9 7 4S 2 5S 6 8 MtKittery Ossipee of Coonpulsive MC 8 7 1L 5L 1L 6 6 7 3 Radzacatz Walter Angel HI 5 3L 4 3L 7 4 Felival Cardin HI 2 3 2 3 2L Lloyal Bailly BI 6 8 6 3L 4 9 Catnapper Paolo of Turkhaven TA 5 9 4L 1L 5L 5 Geishagoll Wondrous Heart SI 7 3S 4 4S 9 10 Indigoblu Star-of-Siam SI 3 5 4S 2S 2S 8 Orchid Habenaria Harriet RD 2L 2L 3 3 Belmainshacoon Paul B MC 9 3L 4L 3 Purrnplay Crazyhorse AC 10 4 10 10 Cooncreole Mezhzvezdnoje Murlykane SB 10 8 5L 6 Raggledazzle's Polar Bear RD 9 7 4L Aradia's Lady Isis Nightmoon Realm AB 1S 5S 5 Belmainshacoon Hobbes Renaissance MC 6 2L Villaroyal Rainbow RD 9 6 Villaroyal Sunny RD 7 4L Felival Champagne's Misty Blue HI 5L 8 Mainette Eight On The Break MC 10 3L Catnapper Theodotos of Turkhaven TA 4L 10 Provinmountain Badger BG 4 Ginchika's JTR of Jagcat JB 8 Allbreed/Longhair Count 28 27 28 28 20 20 20 29 29 18 29 18 29 29 Shorthair Count 7 8 8 10 10 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS SP MCANG OL JR FH DG MDLVWANG CW OL AB LD Oscar The Grouch of Claws 1 4 1 5 4S 3S 2S 1 3 1S 1 3S 1 1 Christian 2 1 3 1 2S 4S 1S 4 2 4S 2 4S 2 2 Emilie 3 2 5 2 1S 2S 6S 2 1 3S 3 2S 3 4 Buddha 5 6 2 3 5S 6S 3S 3 4 2S 4 1S 3 Snafu 4 5 4 4 3S 1S 5S Fubar 6 3 6 6 6S 5S 4S Allbreed/Longhair Count 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 3 4 Shorthair Count 6 6 6 4 4 HOUSEHOLD PETS SP MCANG OL JR FH DG MDLVWANG CW OL AB LD Chester 2 1 2 2 2L 1L 3L 2 3 1L 3 1L 4 1 Ichiban Genki of Crystalcats 6 3 4S 6 1 3S 4 1S 3 Just Some Funky Furball Aka Sam 1 1 4S 3S 1 2 1S 2 Bucket Brush Gator 7 1S 1S 5S 8 4S 1 3 Sir 5 3 5 1L 5L 1L 2L 4L 6 Superdolls Gerry Berry 7 6 8 1 3L 3L 2L 6 Alkamyst of Paku 8 3 7 2S 5S 4 2S Mysterio Ohio 7 2S 2S 2 3S 4 Cheyena Girl 3 3S 5 6 5S 7 Handsome of Catortionist 4 3L 5 3L 2 5 Alex Da Hyper Dood Aka Adhd 2 3S 5S 1 5 Ruben 4 9 1S 2S Penny 5 8 5 Superdolls Survivor 4L 4L 3 4L Pinto 4 4 Misty of Narcissus 6 7 Sweetie Pie of Cristalcats 4 4S Cookie Puss of Feline Claws 2L 5L 5L Melodie 5 5L Misty 2L 8 Dusty 5S 4S Bucket Smudge Sniff 6 Cuddlycats Mouseman 7 Allbreed/Longhair Count 22 23 24 23 3 8 8 21 20 7 23 7 23 22 Shorthair Count 15 16 16 14 13 PRELIMINARY NEW BREEDS SP MCANG OL JR FH DG MDLVWANG CW OL AB LD Half And Half OA 1 1 1 1 1S 1S 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count 1 1 1 ADVANCED NEW BREEDS SP MCANG OL JR FH DG MDLVWANG CW OL AB LD Russimystic Ivanna of Balduchi PD 1 1 1 1 1S 1S 1S 1 1S 1S 1 1 Tasurt Makena CU 1 Junker Murkla Hvosttruboy PD 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 Shorthair Count 3 3 3 4 4 -- This report was prepared by Melissa Alexander (