Euro Cat, Pontoise, France, March 5-6, 2005

                Saturday                         Sunday
        Massimo Picardello    AB        Kurt Vlach            AB
        Lisette Baudoux       AB        Alberto Léal          AB
        Marie-France Dendauw  AB        Marie-France Dendauw  AB
        Alice Rhea            AB        Alice Rhea            AB
        James Reardon         SP        James Reardon         SP
        Pascal Rémy           SP        Pascal Rémy           SP

KITTENS                                  MP LBMFD AR JR PR KV ALMFD AR JR PR
Newtajmahal Velixir                  SX   5     6  1 3S     9  4  8  1 2S 4S
Ladifference Vel Satis               AB   4  4  7    1S 2S  3  1  6       3S
Catzanova Vegas                      SO         9 10 1L 1L     6  7 10 2L 1L
Vador du Prince de la Nuit           PS      7     4 6L     4  2  9  5 1L
Moulincrecy Valentino                MC         4  3 2L 7L     9  2  4
Vicomte des Tramontines              BI   9 10     7 4L 6L           8 4L 2L
Cattycats Shenlong                   OS   3  6  2           1     3
Van Gogh de la Mare au Clementine    HI      1  1       5L     7  1
Vagabond Neves du Lagon Bleu         PS      2     2    8L  6        3
Vangelina The Cats Love              BU   8          4S     5  5       4S 5S
Kissables Katika of Albedo           PS   1          3L 2L             6L 3L
Millwood Kianga of Junglewisper      BG  10        5    5S       10  7
Ragmagic's You Ought 2B in Pictures  RD      3  5           8     5
Sarajen V.I.P. of Moulin'Crecy       MC      8     6        2        6
Cattycats Quian Tang                 OS   2             1S     8          2S
Vavavoum The Cats Love               BO         3                 4    1S
Follow Me Vapor of Love              ES            8           3     9
Vizir de Peyrat                      BS                    10 10     2
Maodao Joyce                         BG         8       3S                1S
Summerplace Jonny of Pajocoons       MC                 3L  7             4L
Moulincrecy Vicking                  MC   7          5L                3L
Vert Galant des Balsamines           SI   6             4S
Volcane de la Tribu des Bengalis     BG        10    2S
Follow Me Very Much                  ES      9       5S
Moulincrecy Velvet Shade             MC                 4L                5L
Vanleya Miou Persans de Banteay      HI              8L                5L
Wistariantale Octavia                MC      5
Falkenwald's Pauline                 RD              7L 9L
Vif d'Ynis Witrin                    BO            9
Lookmaedao Aku                       BG                                3S
Wahram Apelsinam                     AB                                5S
Big Giants Dennise                   MC              9L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     42 42 44 44 24 24 35 36 39 39 21 20
                     Shorthair Count                 20 20             19 19

CATS                                     MP LBMFD AR JR PR KV ALMFD AR JR PR
Urricane                             PS   2  6  3  1 2L 1L  1  1  1  1 2L 2L
Alnakeed Malika of Newtajmahal       SX      3  1  2 3S 3S  2  4  4  2 3S 3S
Catzanova Tiziano                    SO   7  2  4  9 3L10L     2  7  9 3L 8L
Mainewalk Frodo                      MC   4  5  7    4L 2L  6     2  7    3L
Insider's Waldemar                   SL   6 10    10 6L 3L 10  8    10 7L 1L
L'Amour de la Vie Enrique            PS   1  1      10L 8L  7  6 10       5L
Valentinethecatslove                 BU   3     2           4  5  3    5S 9S
Belair Bengals Tsunami               BG         6  5    2S        5  6    2S
Riverview Manor Valeck               MC   5          1L 6L     3       1L 7L
Chatandolls Mieko of Hogwarthspride  RD      7     4        8        4   10L
Felival Dior                         HI            3 9L 7L           3 6L
Tendre Passion des Fleurs de Lilas   BI      4          4L  9  7
Obao du Val de Cisse                 SI              4S 1S  5             1S
Moulinrouge Venisha of Ajanta        BG              2S 6S    10       2S10S
Emjoys Syt of Ruskis                 RB      9       5S 4S             8S 4S
Vespucci Amerigo Fleurs de Lilas     BI            7 7L              5    6L
Pretty Little Meggie of Chamanou     ES            810S 8S           8 7S
Valdivia Apelsinam                   AB              1S 7S             1S 5S
Uzzo de Marie Sources                BI   9     8                 6
Up Lollipop The Cats Love            BO   8             5S             6S 8S
Violette du Vent des Dames           PS        10                 8       9L
Nefertiti Vaia Calypso               SX  10          6S                9S
Urio de Baroukhazad                  NF                        9          4L
Day Oh Cashmere of New Stuff         PS              5L                4L
New Exoticat's Voulez Vous           ES      8       9S
Purrsession Oliver of Woodlyn        PS                     3
Ragmagic's Luna Lovegood             RD              8L                8L
Samsara V'Sunshine of Khat A Strof   MC         5
Moulinrouge Visual Attraction        BG                10S             4S
Lacocoon's Wagner                    MC            6
Samsara U'Krishna                    SI                               10S 7S
Saphir Neves du Lagon Bleu           HI                           9
Ormeryds Claes M. of Chamanou        ES         9
Pinkfantasy's Fantine of Xennedu     PS                 5L
Varsovia de l'Arche de Noe           PS                                5L
New Exoticat's Vent d'Amour          ES                                   6S
Selia Odin of Calaquendi             RD                 9L
Urraca de la Vallee des Dieux        SX              7S
Valeska Van Sov Hoki                 TV                                9L
V.I.P. The Cats Love                 BO              8S
Keep Calm Valley                     PS                               10L
Descendant Ivanah                    SI                 9S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     72 73 72 65 46 48 73 75 75 74 43 44
                     Shorthair Count                 25 25             29 31

ALTERS                                   MP LBMFD AR JR PR KV ALMFD AR JR PR
Catzanova Upsilon                    SO   2  1  2  5 2L 3L  2  3  2  3 3L 2L
Summerplace Xena of Pajocoons        MC   4  3  3    5L 2L  3  4  3  5    3L
Anleo Yoda Lerato of Newtajmahal     SX   1  5  4  1 1S 1S     2     1 1S 1S
Adwello Stardancer                   BI      4     4 4L 1L  1  1     4 4L 1L
Hogwarthspride Prince Legolas        RD   3  2     3 1L     4     1  2    4L
Sargons Shadow Dancer                HI   5     1       4L     5  4    2L
Trash de Majiccoon                   MC            2 3L 5L  5          1L 5L
Pilgrim de Ten Green'Nor             OS         5    2S 2S        5    2S 2S
Samsara Talek                        MC                                5L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      8  8  8  8  6  6  9  9  9  9  7  7
                     Shorthair Count                  2  2              2  2

Vuitton                                   1  1  1  1 1S 1S  1  1  1  1 1S 1S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1  1  1        1  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                  1  1              1  1
This report was prepared by Pascal Rémy (