Cats of the Finger Lakes, Syracuse, NY, October 16-17, 2004

            Frances Yow       AB
            Sue Becknell      AB
            Hisako Yamada     AB
            Aline Noel-Garel  AB
            Adriana Kajon     AB
            Kurt Vlach        AB
            Anne Ritzinger    AB
            Sandi Mattingly   AB
            Pat Harding       SP
            Lindajean Grillo  SP
            Amanda Bright     SP
            Lisa Dickie       SP

KITTENS                                  FY SB HY AN AK KV AR SM PH LG AB LD
Candirand Christina of Kabobkats     PS   3  6  2     3  1     6 2L 3L 2L 1L
Classicalcats Sieglinde              SX   1  8     6           2 5S 8S 3S 1S
Synergy Astanga                      OS           10     7  1  1 9S 1S 8S   
Norja Hans Christian Andersen        NF  10        5  5        8    1L 4L 3L
WHF Silver Too Curl                  SL     10  1    10  2     5       3L   
Bassetti Samurai Taro                JB   4     4        6  3          1S   
Bleujeanne Vixen                     CX   5           1       10 3S    7S 6S
Gizana Lucy In The Sky               ES               4     4    1S 4S10S 3S
Sarajen Boswell SB of Terracoon      MC   8        1        8       4L 1L 2L
Dreamland Fantasia of Exoticrose     BG         6           2       5S 4S 5S
Iamcats Davinci of Cedarwood         AB         7  9  6  8             6S   
Bengaland Arctic Hooter              BG   2  5     4       10               
Tipsntufts Zociac of Puddleduck      MC            8     9     3 5L    5L   
Puddleduck Zoe                       MC      2        9  3          2L      
Abyroad That Old Blue Magic          AB   6  9                   6S 7S    7S
Aluren Nightfires                    BG      1              6  4            
Shaynacats Patchwork                 PS         9           7    1L       4L
Arietta Abadiya Dakila               EM                          4S 3S 5S 4S
Caressarag Little Sulley             RD   9              5  9               
Plaidplus Cherry Cordial of Tories   BS   7                     10S 9S    9S
Gentlejungle Race of Stonehenge      BG            3  2                     
Premiercats Darrius                  BG                  4     7            
Alu Too Cute                         ES         5  7                        
Gogees Casanova                      BG         3       10                  
Cheetahsden Catmandu of Exoticrose   BG      4                   2S         
Gogees Etheria of Athens Cats        BG      7                            2S
Northpole Midnight Sun               RD        10              9            
Americangothic Raggery Man of Suwane MC         8                3L         
Euroburms Finding Nemo               BU                     5      10S      
Katselkamelot's Sylvear Swordsman    SF               8                  10S
Gogees Playboy of Kosikatz           BG            2                        
Tapastree's Phoenix Rising           BG      3                              
Arietta Kurafi Basara                EM               7                     
Junglebook Cubby Coo The Rajahs Cat  BG                             2S      
Shombayheart Flashpoint of Witsend   BG                                2S   
Jungletrax Stono Rebellion           BG                             6S      
Karanchoe Obidiah Joseph             RD                          4L         
Nibiru Whiskey River of Junglemist   BG                          7S         
Junglemist Warning Shot              BG                          8S         
Blueblaze Sally Ride of Yankeecats   MC                             5L      
Mainelyclassic Icon of Cloistercoon  MC                                   5L
Provinmountain Stranger In Paradise  BG                                   8S
Chadwickoon Jacob Marley             MC                          6L         
Lawntonstmews Desert Devil           BG                                9S   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     73 72 79 71 77 76 70 77 21 20 20 20
                     Shorthair Count                             54 59 42 49

CATS                                     FY SB HY AN AK KV AR SM PH LG AB LD
Purrsession Snowbelle                PS   4  2  2  1     1  1  7 1L 2L 2L 1L
Bluegrasrags Southern Comfort        RD   8  7  3  5  4  3  6 10 3L    7L 4L
Highgaitpaws Chance of Marzac Knoll  AB   7           7  2 10  2    2S 4S 4S
Suwanee Fudge Ripple                 BG   1  6 10        5     5    5S    1S
Evita Louis Viutton of Vinduoro      BU   3       10  6     2    3S 8S    2S
Broadsway Redding                    MC   2        4  8        9    3L 3L 2L
Tassam Kobi of Sehnsational          BA      9  7     2  6       2L 4L 4L   
Chloes Painted Spirit of Adventure B BG      5  5     3  8       4S 6S      
Pharoahs Aliya Bastet Arietta        EM            6  1          9S 7S 9S 5S
Bellesandbeaux Once Upon A Dream     SN         9  9 10  9            10S 9S
Puddleduck Phantom Evil King         MC      3  8        4  5               
Bengaland Priceless Divinci Shogun   BG   5        3        8    2S         
Sans Souci Beaus Teeco               BG            2        4  4          8S
Jayswhiskers Nog                     SO               9  7          5L 1L 3L
Mistyblue Celestail Blue             KT      4                 610S    8S10S
Sutera Heart Breaker                 BG      1                 1    1S      
Vanderpawz Miki Moto                 JB         4                7S    7S 7S
Naturskat Rebekah of Norja           NF                 10          1L 6L 5L
Millwood Gigabyte                    BG      8              9          3S   
Bemisu Ty                            SX            8           3    9S      
Snopride Sir Leonardo of Nahanni     BG               5     3               
Chattycats Ring Leader of Cukkla     BG         1                1S         
Wiburtspaws Charlotte of Safram      SX  10                      8S       6S
Blueblaze Satai Neroon               MC   9                      5L    5L   
Roseglen Justin Tyme of Linward      AB                          5S    2S   
Donnasdollys Valentino               RD            7             4L         
Bejuled's Sister Moon Child          BG                             4S 6S   
Hav-A-Hill Melitta                   HB   6                                 
Cedarwood Kippy Jo                   AB         6                           
Sheindels Vanilla Sky of Speakeasy   BG                     7               
Alirose Rosie of Florida Bengals     BG                                1S   
Rosettea Avalanche                   BG                        8            
Jungletrax Glamazon                  BG                             3S      
Tapastree's Poco Harem               BG     10                              
Aspengold Rampage                    BG                                   3S
Wizardgate Iblik of Littlebigcats    SX                                5S   
Wildvision Mattinee Idol             BG                          6S         
Twofold Maksmillian of Jasperridge   SB                                   6L
Calcatta Allthatjazz of Greenmansion BG                            10S      
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     80 79 71 77 68 69 75 68 19 19 22 21
                     Shorthair Count                             53 52 54 49

ALTERS                                   FY SB HY AN AK KV AR SM PH LG AB LD
Purrsession Oscar                    PS      8  2  4  7  1  4 10 1L 1L 1L 1L
Luvpurrs New Fallen Snow of Medoz    TO   1     1  9  2  4  6  6 2S    3S 2S
Alu Q T                              ES   7  4 10 10     5  2    1S 2S 4S 1S
Laki's Meet Joe Black of Ringapurr   BU      1     6  1  7  3  4    5S 2S 4S
Maou Sparkle Plenty of Tories        BS   6 10  7     8     9  7 5S 4S 5S 5S
Dreambabys Dreambeam                 PS   8  3     7        1  5    2L 5L 4L
Blueblaze Count Hasimir Fenrig       MC   2  5        6        1    3L 3L 3L
Mirandos Silver Lining               RD   5  9  3           7    3L 4L 2L   
Terracoon Bensen                     MC      2  8  5     2 10             5L
Oklahoma Twister of WHF              SL            8  9  8     3       4L 2L
Bangles Mystique                     BG      6  6       10  5       3S      
Vida Safyre Moon of Kapekatz         SI   3        1     9       4S         
Bellesandbeaux Je Taime Mon Amie     SN         5     4        8 3S         
Longview Utah Trail                  AS   9     9  2                   1S   
Kat-Tres Pocket Full of Miracles     OS            3 10     8       1S      
Provinmountain Daktari               BG         4     5        2            
Vanderpawz Kurosawa of Bleujeanne    JB   4           3                   3S
Cooncreole Mezhzvezdnoje Murlykane   SB  10                    9 2L         
Puddleduck Yoshi                     MC                  3       4L         
Bengaland Moonlighting of Blueblaze  BG                  6                  
Jinjorbred's Spanish Inquisition     SX      7                              
Duman's Hearts Afire of Blueblaze    TA                             5L      
Shirespointe Piggy Bank              MC                          5L         
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     25 25 26 26 25 25 27 26 11 11 10 10
                     Shorthair Count                             15 15 16 15

Skylark Mischief                          4  1  1  1  1  2  2  1 1S 2S 1S 1S
Sweet Indulgence of Mysticpurrz           2  3  4  3  2  4  3  4 2S 1S 2S 2S
Ingo                                      1  4  2  2  4  1  1  2 1L 1L 1L 1L
Blue Obsidian Skye                        3  2  5  4  3  6  4  3 3S 3S 3S 3S
Monterro Blue Baron                       7  5  6  6  5  5  5  5 4S 5S 5S 4S
Tinkerbell                                5  6  7  5  6  7  7  6 5S 4S 4S 6S
Let Freedom Ring                          6  7  3  7  7  3  6  7 6S 6S 6S 5S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  1  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                              6  6  6  6

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           FY SB HY AN AK KV AR SM PH LG AB LD
Pantha                                    3  6  1  8  7  4  2    3S 4S 2S 4S
Felix                                     4  4  5 10  4  6  9  5 1L 4L 2L 3L
Just Some Funky Furball Aka Sam              1  3  1  1  8     1 4S       1S
Echo Heart                                2        6  9  9     3 5S 3S 6S   
Brutus Ritley                             6  5  6     5          6S 5S    7S
Syam Jasmine Ling                         8  9     9        6 10    7S 9S10S
Lorelei                                  10 10  2              9 4L 1L 3L 2L
Mysti Moon                                               3  1    8S 6S 5S 5S
Cpt Benjamin Sisko                              7     2  2       2S    3S   
Queen O Airanddarkness of Blueblaze                   6  1  8         10S 2S
Sasha                                     7  7              3       8S 4S   
Diamond Girl                                       7        4    7S 1S 7S   
Shaddy                                       3  4                2L 3L 1L 1L
Razzel Dazzle                             9  2                 6          6S
Misdemeanor                                        3     7       1S       9S
Miss Emily Darbyshire                              2           2       1S   
Mysterio Ohio                             1          10     7               
Alex Da Hyper Dood Aka Adhd                        4  8             2S      
Jetta Woods                                        5    10                3S
Lexxus                                       8  9              7            
Radar                                          10          10  8            
Cpt Kasidy Yates                                      3  5                  
Ace In The Hole                                 8                      8S   
Emma                                                             3L 2L    4L
Maleke                                                         4            
Camry of Syracuse New York                5                                 
Leeta                                                       5               
Valentine                                                                 8S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     28 28 25 29 25 25 28 27  4  4  3  4
                     Shorthair Count                             23 23 25 25

Half And Half                        OJ   1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1 1L 1L 1L 1L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                                        
This report was prepared by Kathy Keeley (