Cats In Action, Beaumont, TX, September 18-19, 2004 Saturday Sunday Debbi Brown AB Joe Edwards AB Don Caruthers AB Fate Mays AB Al Walbrun AB Ann Hoehn AB Linda Kay Ashley AB Deborah Reed AB Cheryl Hogan SP Lisa Dickie SP John Creech SP Al Walbrun SP KITTENS DB DC AW LA CH JC JE FM AH DR LD AW HMS Etta James BS 1 2 4 8 1S 3S 6 3 6 4 1S 1S Broadsway Redding MC 2 1 1 9 1L 4L 1 1 1 1L 1L Minusdetails Hemi MX 8 2 1 2S 2S 4 9 5 3S 2S Birmnsrus Ho Beau of Starghatts BI 10 5 3 3 1L 10 8 2L 2L Hojpoj Cheyenne OS 6 4 7 1S 9 2 7 3S R-C Q. T. Cosmos HI 2 2L 2L 5 3 8L Klazeekats Mason of Adobe SI 3 6 6 3 6 Ranchcats Kaffee of Saroko OS 9 9 4 3S 4S 4S Tops'Ncats Topsey Turvey MC 5 3L 8 5 3L Impressive Indeed BG 7 6 5S 6 6S Kernel Blue Suede Shoes HI 3 6L 8 5L Marleevo Carribean of Royalflush ES 4 4S 2S 6S Faithful's Geh'Le of Royalflush ES 10 4 4 Mycoon Alnilam of Katpenn NF 5 3 6L Felitan Sadie Rose of Manor OS 5 7 4S Mewsicaldolls Bobos Blues RD 9L 8 10 8L Vivalafeline Aces Dream Machine BB 8 7L 10L 4L Royalrex Marie Laveau CR 7 7 5S Koonary Majestic Hawk MC 10L 10 2 Phantasia Goldnuggetcurl AL 8 4L 8L Tabbytown Kezman of Spaaihoef MC 10L 9 3L Minusdetails Worth The Wait CY 3L 6L 7L Lostwood's Calliope of Ouijakatz NF 2 4L Marleevo Texas Hold'm of Royalflush ES 5S 1 Solacefarm Panda Gatewayovich SB 8L 10 9L Kernel Lord of The Ring Of Donneda PS 10 7L10L Karissimakat Carson of Careycats HI 10 5L Mykat Sam Houston MC 5L 5L Mykat Davy Crockett MC 7 9L Joykatz Kodiak BG 2 Moonmajik No Introduction Necessary SX 5 Chattycat's Priss N Boots of Jabari BG 7 Clowntown Playing Possum of Manor AS 9 Kernel Serenade In Blu PS 9 Greystoke Paul Revere AS 5S Ouijakatz Chandra NF 6L Soulmate Deuce of Raynehart RD 7L Solacefarm Luka Gatewatovich SB 9L Allbreed/Longhair Count 42 44 43 43 27 27 48 48 47 48 27 27 Shorthair Count 17 14 21 21 CATS DB DC AW LA CH JC JE FM AH DR LD AW Purrsession Oliver of Woodlynn PS 2 4 2 1L 1L 3 2 7 1 1L 2L Solacefarm Mischa Goshaovich SB 10 6 3 9 3L 5L 10 5 3 4 4L 3L Birmnsrus Immanuel Alleluia BI 1 8 1 6 5L 2L 7 3 1L Royalflush Little Mirage Shadow ES 3 10 8 4 5S 2S 9 6 3S 4S Sazikatz Dasani TO 3 7 1 1S 1S 4 10 1S 3S Belara Customs Dream of Jabari BG 9 3S 4S 2 1 4 3 2S R-C Evening Shadows of Clouddance HI 2 10 3 8 2 7 3L 4L Catalons Hummvy of Vivalafeline BB 6 1 4L 1 8 5L Katpenn Starfire NF 8 7 6L 2 2L 8L Kabelkim Malachy of Branbarrel CY 9 9 10 3L 8 7L Koonary Mahogony Prince MC 4 5 4L 6L Ranchcats Shady Lady of Sholine OS 7 5S 7 6 Terrificats Jose' Ole' MC 5 2L 9 5L Sholine Anne of Green Gables Of KLM BA 6 5 10 7L Sammycats Belle PS 4 5 6L Felitan Midnight Rose of Manor OS 6 4S 2S Naughtnature Maximus Aurelius SX 8 2S 5S Kinukatz Space Cookie TO 5 1 Terrificats Velveteen Rabit MC 6 5 Wildonspots Royal Simba of Chalkmtn BG 4 1S Koonary Blaze of Glory Of Kattopia MC 5 7L Sazikatz Sazerac of Mixologies TO 4S 3S Berrycurls Double Stuff SL 7L 10 Kinukatz Cloudette TO 2 Masquerag Victoria of Mewsicaldolls RD 8L 8L Lagallerie Tutti BG 7 Munchkinlane Little Dabble Do MK 8 Terrificats La Fina Josefina MC 9 Angeleyes Apollo of Pashon BI 9 Hura Dura TO 5S Catbirdandco Bruiser RD 6L Allbreed/Longhair Count 42 41 42 37 23 22 37 39 40 40 23 23 Shorthair Count 18 18 17 17 ALTERS DB DC AW LA CH JC JE FM AH DR LD AW Minudetails Short Assets CY 2 1 1 1 2L 1L 2 1 2 2 3L 1L Saroko Noni SI 3 2 2 5 2S 1S 8 3 3 6 3S 1S Marleevo's Take It 2 The Next Level ES 1 7 4 4 3 2 5 3 2S 3S Mykat Pecos Bill MC 4 4 8 1L 4L 7 4 1 4 1L 2L Karissimakat Isabella of Caligula HI 8 3 3 3L 2L 5 10 2L 4L Chin Hills Macadamia Fudge BU 6 5 10 2S 1 9 1 2S Ouijakatz Skylar NF 5 5 6 6 9 8 5 3L Ranchcats Jupiter of Starghatts OS 9 7 2 1S 8 7 5S 4S Calla's Cloudy Day AS 10 10 7 4 5S Sammycats Speedy PS 6 8 3L 4L 5L Redriverbobis Duchess Fergie BB 5L 6 10 9 Tabbytown Willie Nelson of Royalrex MC 3 5L 7 Kinukatz Hayden TO 5S 6 8 Kernel's Star Saphire HI 4 9 5L Linanci's Daiquiri of Mixologies SF 5S 10 4S Sazikatz Louisiana Louie TO 7 5 Sazikatz Zydeco TO 6 1S Moonmajik Sheik SX 7 4S Love Sumalee Kudzu of Strayinc KT 9 3S Harlequindolls Sky of Katydolls RD 10 8 Gulfcats Lollypop JB 6S 4S Sazikatz Bud Light of Mixologies TO 3S Sazikatz Gimlet of Mixologies TO 9 Jorbee Silver Bulit AS 9 Cooncreole Lyubovnik Mahlechik SB 10 Nattevind Dwennon Brom NF 4L Greystoke United We Stand AS 6S Allbreed/Longhair Count 32 32 32 32 10 8 27 27 27 27 9 10 Shorthair Count 21 21 17 17 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS DB DC AW LA CH JC JE FM AH DR LD AW Ouija of Lagallerie 1 5 3 2 1S 4S 3 3 2 5 2S 2S Orangeusumthin Sunshine of Lagaller 2 6 2 1 2L 1L 5 1 5 2 1L 2L Black Tie Affair of Lagallerie 4 3 4 3 1L 2L 2 6 1 6 3L 3L Bleu Bear E Pi of Careycats 5 4 1 6 3S 1S 4 5 7 7 3S 1S Sunflower 6 2 7 5 4S 2S 6 4 4 3 1S 4S Phantom 7 7 6 7 2S 5S 7 7 6 4 4S 3S Havana Daydreamin Tzarkhan 1 2 3 1 2L 1L Killian 3 1 5 4 5S 3S Allbreed/Longhair Count 7 7 7 7 2 2 7 7 7 7 3 3 Shorthair Count 5 5 4 4 HOUSEHOLD PETS DB DC AW LA CH JC JE FM AH DR LD AW Patches 1 2 4 1 1S 2S 2 1 5 1S 2S Happykamper of Silverheels 3 4 5 5 4S 5S 2 5 5 2 3S 3S Get The Scoop of Careycats 5 3 4L 4L 3 4 2 4 2L 1L Red Rider 3 2 2 2L 3L 4 1 4L 2L Isabelle 2 5 1L 1L 1 4 1L 3L Cook E Monster of Careycats 1 2S 1S 1 3 5S 1S Indulgence 4 3 5S 4S 3 2S 4S Awesomeblossom of Koonary 1 4 3L 2L 3 3L 4L Belleringing 3S 5 King Triton 3S 4S 5S Allbreed/Longhair Count 11 10 10 10 4 4 10 10 10 10 4 4 Shorthair Count 6 7 6 6 -- This report was prepared by Jan Chambers (