Austin Cat Fanciers, Austin, TX, August 7-8, 2004 Saturday Sunday Nancy Parkinson AB Debbi Brown AB Vicki Jo Harrison AB D'Ann Kovic AB Kay Devilbiss AB Al Walbrun AB Lorre Smith SP Deborah Reed SP Toni Jones SP Marylou Anderson SP Harley Devilbiss SP Ana Maria Sosa SP KITTENS NP VH KD LS TJ HD DB DK AW DR MA AS Sarcenet Rider In The Sky AL 4 5 7 3L 3L 5L 4 9 5 1L 6L 3L Klazeekats Mason of Adobe SI 1 1 2S 4S 1 1S 4S 2S Marleevo Caribbean of Royal Flush ES 9 3 6 3S 2S 8S 6 Katsnjazz Lady Day BU 5 4 9S 5S 10 7S 1S 8S Korindah Laredo OS 8 9S 2 3S 2S 1S Birmnsrus Ho Beau BI 4L 9L 4L 4 3L 7L 6L Okonor Blizzard of Shonstar OS 1S 3S 2S 3 6S 7S Koonary Mahogony Prince MC 1L 6L 2 3 1L Minusdetails Shedaisy CY 5 5 3 4L 4L Walkabout Xclaimation BG 9 7S 8 9 4S 4S Impressive Indeed BG 3 6S 7S 1S 2 Ranchcats Miss Marueen O'Coon MC 5L 7L 7 1 2L R-C Q. T. Cosmos HI 9 2L 7L 2L 5L 7L Kernel Lord of The Ring Of Donneda PS 8 8 6L 7 7L Mycoon Alnilam of Katpenn NF 6 8L 1L 9L 2L Ranchcats Shady Lady of Sholine OS 1 5S 3S 9 Kariam's Butterfly BI 2 2 2L Greystoke Paul Revere AS 2 7S 2S 5S Inkblotz Chessie BS 10 5S 4S 6S Marleevo Texas Holdm of Royal Flush ES 6S 6 6S 9S Ranchcats Reece OS 1S 4 6S Joykatz Kodiak BG 7 4S 3S Fullapurr Skye Blue RD 10L 6L 10 5L Ranchcats Shane of Snuglcoons MC 1L 5L 4L Earthangels Sprite of Fullapurr RD 2L 6L 3L Kanali Athena of Kayserai TV 4L 8L 1L Soonerstate Abrham SB 7L 5L 3L Solacefarm Alena Katarinaovna SB 4 8 Koonary Honey Girls Serenity MC 3 10 Inkblotz William of Orange BS 6 8S Walkabout Fire N Ice BG 5S 3S Royalrex Simply Red CR 7 9S Muttonchops McMurry of Vivalafeline BH 8S 8 Hojpoj Cheyenne OS 10 7S Kayserai Chaldea of Howlingcoyote TV 1 Klassykittens Rosie Cotton Bar Maid ML 10 9L Ranchcats Kaffee of Saroko OS 5 Greystoke George Ofthejungle PS 6 Kayserai Tezer of Howlingcoyote TV 7 Odesseycatz Ice TO 5S Minusdetails Worth The Wait CY 8L Specialagent Le Singe PB 8S Inkblotz Pink Panther BS 8S Bluebonnet Cypsee Queen MK 9S Klassykittens Legolas Elf Prince ML 10L Allbreed/Longhair Count 49 49 48 25 25 24 46 46 46 22 22 22 Shorthair Count 24 23 24 24 24 24 CATS NP VH KD LS TJ HD DB DK AW DR MA AS Solacefarm Mischa Goshaovich SB 3 4 1 1L 6L 6L 8 3 2L 1L 1L Catalons Hummvy of Vivalafeline BB 5 8 2 6L 4L 6 1 8 5L 4L 3L Mavrexkrikkett DR 4 10 6 5S 5S 2S 1 10 4S 1S 2S Birmnsrus Immanuel Alleluia BI 5 3 5L 2L 1L 4 1 2L 2L Felitan Luxur of Shonstar OS 10 6 4S 2S 3 6 7 1S 3S 4S Belara Customs Dream of Jabari BG 1S 1S 1S 9 2 5S 3S Kimlai Nellie Melba of Katsnjazz BU 7 3S 4S 8 6 3S 2S R-C Evening Shadows of Clouddance HI 1 2L 1L 3L 2 5L Kabelkim Malachy of Branbarrel CY 7 10 4L 5 3L Fullapurr Fraulein Katze HB 3 10 2S 5S 1S Sholine Anne of Green Gables Of KLM BA 8 4L 5L 7L 5 Kinukatz Space Cookie TO 2 3S 2 4S Kinukatz Boeing TO 2 2S 4S 5S R-C Dark Shadows of Clouddance HI 4 7 4L 6L Inkblotz Twinkle Toes BS 7 9 3S 5S Joez Sorrel PS 3L 2L 5L Ranchcats Cherokee of Rockmeadows MC 10 9 3L Pistol Pete SX 6 4 Wildonspots Royal Simba of Chalkmtn BG 8 4 Silverstorm Eclipse of Auraleah PS 9 5 Katpenn Starfire NF 7 1L Serendipitycats Sun King RD 7L 3 Kachinadolls Gil2 of Oheavenlydolls RD 5L 4L Balam Grand Marquis HI 1 Bijangles Galant Antonio BI 5 Ouijakatz Orion NF 3L Dbcats Heartbreaker of Sarcenet AL 9 GB Maelstrom Theoi Mystikoi NF 9 Allbreed/Longhair Count 35 36 36 21 22 22 32 32 33 20 20 21 Shorthair Count 13 14 14 12 12 12 ALTERS NP VH KD LS TJ HD DB DK AW DR MA AS Marleevo's Take It 2 The Next Level ES 1 2 1 5S 2S 4S 1 4 2 3S 1S 3S Ouijakatz Skylar NF 10 3 2 1L 1L 1L 6 3L 2L 1L Redriverbobis Cher Bear BB 3 3 3L 4L 3L 2 2L 4L 4L Calla's Cloudy Day AS 6 8 4 4S 2S 7 7 4S 5S Kinukatz Hayden TO 5 6 5S 7 4 2S 3S 1S Sazikatz Louisiana Louie TO 8 5 5 2S 1S 3S 3 Minusdetails Short Assets CY 4 5 1 1L 1L 3L Ranchcats Beau Thai OS 1 1S 3S 5S 2 5S Ranchcats Jupiter of Starghatts OS 10 3S 1S 5 2S 2S Croton's Maverick of Kdcoons MC 2 7 2L 1 2L Schmeichelkatz Pongo of Radiance BS 6 6 5 1S 4S Mykat Pecos Bill MC 5L 2L 4L 3L 5L Tejas Tiger Butter BG 4 6 7 4S Cooncreole Big Easy of Purrzzbir MC 9 9 2L 3 Kernel's Star Saphire HI 4 4L 5L 5L Harlequindolls Sky of Katydolls RD 7 8 4L Kakatz Jiffy Attire BI 10 3L Greystoke United We Stand AS 4S 5S Coonyham Travis of Whatacat MC 3 Bobcatlegend's Cheeto PB 9 Balam Tatoo En Rojo PS 5L Nattevind Dwennon Brom NF 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 25 25 25 13 13 13 22 22 22 11 11 11 Shorthair Count 12 12 12 11 11 11 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS NP VH KD LS TJ HD DB DK AW DR MA AS Ouija of Lagallerie 5 4 2 1S 2S 1S 4 2 7 4S 2S 4S Sam of Cascats 4 5 1 3S 1S 3S 3 6 1 2S 1S Joleen 8 8 4 2S 5S 2S 7 3 5 3S 3S 1S Along Came Bob 2 7 10 4S 3S 5S 2 8 6 1S 6S 2S Lagallerie Orangeusumthin Sunshine 6 1 6 1L 1L 1L 1 1 3 1L 1L 1L Jet Li 1 6 5 8S 6S 4S 8 4 9 6S 4S 5S Black Tie Affair of Lagallerie 3 3 3 2L 2L 2L 5 5 2 2L 2L 2L Gainborough 7 2 9 5S 4S 6S 6 9 8 5S 7S 3S McAfee of Ringlet Ranch 10 10 7 7S 8S 7S 10 10 4 7S 5S 7S Baxter of Ringlet Ranch 9 9 8 6S 7S 8S 9 7 10 8S 8S 6S Allbreed/Longhair Count 10 10 10 2 2 2 10 10 10 2 2 2 Shorthair Count 8 8 8 8 8 7 HOUSEHOLD PETS NP VH KD LS TJ HD DB DK AW DR MA AS Margo of Odesseycatz 1 4 4 3L 2L 5L 2 4 1 2L 1L 1L Red Rider 4 3 1 1L 1L 2L 2 3 1L 2L 2L Thunderbolt of Strayinc 5 2 2S 3S 1S 1 5 5S 3S Patches 2 3 1S 1S 1 4 2S 4S Hallie Berry of Priceless 3 5 5S 2S 2S 3 1S 4S Indulgence 1 3S 4 3 2S 5S 3S Cougarann 2 4S 4S 5 2 4S 1S Lucky 5S 5 1S 2S Justa Bit Rusty 2L 3L 3L 3L 3L 3L Bubba 5L 5L 4L 4L 4L 4L King Triton 4S 3S 5S Charlote Web 5 5S Awesomeblossom of Koonary 4L 4L 1L Waay Cool 3S Allbreed/Longhair Count 14 14 14 5 5 5 13 13 13 4 4 4 Shorthair Count 9 9 9 9 9 9 -- This report was prepared by Jan Chambers (