Southern Alberta Cat Fanciers, Calgary, Alberta, April 17-18, 2004 Saturday Sunday John Burch SP John Burch AB Rene Copeland AB Rene Copeland SP Joe Edwards AB Joe Edwards SP Lindajean Grillo SP Linda Jean Grillo AB Pat Harding AB Pat Harding SP Lynn Judge SP Lynn Judge AB Yvonne Patrick SP Yvonne Patrick AB Louise van de Water AB Louise van de Water SP KITTENS JB RC JE LG PH LJ YPLVW JB RC JE LG PH LJ YPLVW Crystabel Peterthegreat of Balimoor SI 3S 4 6 2S 2 1S 1S 1 6 2S 4S 2 1S 4 1 1S Chaparral Maplewood of Charmin SG 1S 6 1 5S 1 2S 3S 6 2 3S 1S 2S 2 3S Balimoor Angel From Heaven BA 1L 4 2L 4 1L 4 1 3L 1L 3 1L 3 1L Elquairo Temple Diamond Tierra EM 4S 5 2 4S 6 5S 4S 5 1S 2S 6 5S 6 4S Whispernwoods Pacau OS 2S 3 1S 5 2S 3 3 3S 1 4S 4 2S Purryderoc Raven MC 2L 1 5 4L 2L 4 1L 2L 4L 5 2 5L Arrowlakes Northern Reflections PS 3L 3 4L 4L 5 2L 3L 3L 5 Kakatz Double Aces of Casa de Amor BI 5L 7 3 2L 3L 4L 2L 1 Creators Little Shortstuff Angel MK 4L 7 5L 5L 6 4L Giggles Abba Daba DR 4S 5S 7 5S 5S 3S Shadow Boxer of Sancancat PS 3L 2 3 2L Kakatz Jacinto Amber of Casa de Amor BI 2 3L 4L Ragalong Ocean Spirit RD 5L 5L 5L 5L Whispernwoods Phoenix OS 5S 3S 5 Arrowlakes Shimmering Lights PS 1L 4 Whispernwoods Barok The Magnificent OS 3S 4S Talismaine Hope For The Future MC 1L Bengal Exotic FX Pyro-Maniac BG 7 Vistabella Andiamo BI 3L Bengal Exotic FX McCawdai A La Mewt BG 5S Allbreed/Longhair Count 11 22 22 11 22 11 11 22 21 10 10 21 10 21 21 10 Shorthair Count 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 CATS JB RC JE LG PH LJ YPLVW JB RC JE LG PH LJ YPLVW Shonstar Mon Ami of Purrsia OS 4S 7 4 6S 8 1S 5 6 2S 4S 710S 1 1S Kenkat Jellybean of Wallycats PS 2L 9 2L 3L 1L 7 2L 6 2L 1 2L Purrsia Paper Roses SI 3S 2S 4S 2S 4 5S 3 7 5 Mewcroft Mateo of Charmin SG 2 1S 9 7S10S 7 2S 1 7S 10S Summit Mews Arohanui SI 2S 6 3 6 2 1S 2S 6S Antarcin Kannundrum MC 5L 1 3 9 1L 1L 10 3L Coonpanion Baloo of Antarcin MC 6 5 5L 3L 3L 8 3 Summit Mews Snowdrop OS 8S 3S 3S 4S 9S 5 6 8S Elquairo Sand Drift of Alleykatz EM 6S 8 9S 8S 8S 5S 3S 10 9S Pishi Babalooey ES 5S 10 9 8S 8 10 8S 5S Prairiepixie Maple Mist PB 10S 6S 6S 1 7S 8 2S Beniamin Aikon BS 2 10 7 1S 4 Judge's Choice Nuckn Darling CR 1 10 7S 1S 8S 3S Balimoor Tatum BA 3L 4L 10 8 3L 9 Boberan's Midnight Special PS 4L 5 2 2L 1L Animatrax Renaissance BG 8 7 6 9 9 Balimoor Powdered Ice of Bashar OS 1S 7S 1 6S 7 Marvonack's The Legend Lives On ES 4 1 3S 1S Balimoor Snow Princess OL 4L 1L 4L 5L 2 Animatrax Viper BG 10S 2S 4S 9S 4 Li'l Minx Tinuviel KT 9S 5 5S 10S 8 Exoticrose Divine Lady BG 3 2 4 San-Toi's Shykula of Roncare SI 4S 5S 6S 4 Aritzia's Beyond Rapture PS 3L 2L 2 L'Abrifelin Soprano of Island Angel PS 2 5L 1L Abundadots Down Under of Tekkatz BG 7S 6S 5S 4S Madame Nu's Sunstroke of Prairiecat HI 1L 5 4L Vistabella's Zinfandelle BI 3 5L 3L Chittagong's April of Angel Eyes BI 5L 4L 4L Willowplace Pocaanas of Rowanridge HH 2L 3 Antarcin Monochrome MC 1L 5 Giggles Lava Lue DR 4 4S Sancancat's Delsoul PS 4L 6 Animatrax Panache BG 3S 9 Okonor Mystra of Whispernwoods OS 7S 10 Tekkatz Ice Age BG 9S 9S 10S Dawnfire Beany Baby of Tekkatz BG 3S 9S Abundadots Poseidon of Crimsonsun BG 3 Junglegem Skywalker of Tekkatz BS 5S Puppycats Bluesguy of Cupids RD 5L Mikasu Asha of Casa de Amor BI 5L Skara Brae Fesina Lente of Sanun KT 7S Rexarecats Rosalind of Ripplerex DR 8S Dreamscape Sassafras's Coriander AS 10S Allbreed/Longhair Count 20 52 52 19 52 18 19 52 49 18 19 49 19 48 49 19 Shorthair Count 29 29 29 29 27 29 30 30 ALTERS JB RC JE LG PH LJ YPLVW JB RC JE LG PH LJ YPLVW Aritzia's Chantilly Lace PS 1L 10 8 1L 1 4L 1L 1 4 5L 3 1L 1 4L Casa Decano Buckler Boy OS 2S 5 1 1S 7 3S 2 7 1S 5 4S 10 7 1S Kiwigato's Nani Pookelah HI 4L 7 2 4L 6 2L 6 10 2L 1L 9 4L 3 Chatandolls Keo San RD 9 5 2 2L 3L 9 3L 2L 3L 4 8 5L Dreamscape Polar Magic Milo AS 1S 8 4S 1S 5S 10 6 5S 4S 5S 5 10 2S Cortine's Voracious Prince PJ CR 1 4 5 3 2 1 1 6 Sunstone Kilimanjaro of Samphire OC 2 3 9 4 3 2 3 2 Animatrax Valentino BG 5S 9 5S 3 4S 4S 4S 3S 2S 8 3S Myrlyn Fancybluwrapper of Samphire SI 6 4 8 1 4 6 5 Purrzz Simply Simon OS 4S 10 2S 2S 2S 1S 6 5S Antarcin Tommy Rosselli MC 2L 8 5L 4L 5 2L 4 Anjeau Anjolina My Loves Song BA 5L 10 1L 4L 2 2L Angeleyes Yukon Mist of Azuremist BI 5 5L 5L 7 1L Casa Decano Tiasha My Angel SI 6 3S 2S 8 4S Ciara's Quite A Sunburn of Samphire OS 3S 3S 1S 9 3S Antarcin Rylee MC 7 7 4L 3L Purr Furr Me Ciro Domingo RD 3L 2L 8 10 Summit Mews Slim Shady SI 5S 2S 5S 1S Talismaine's Yogi Bearcat MC 5L 4 1L Bengal Exotic FX Okinwan Isshyn-Ryu BG 3 3S Antarcin Atlantic Roots MC 3L 7 Antarcin Kathleen Suntana MC 3L 9 Pinecoon Flash Fire of Carolscats MC 5L 9 Antarcin Rusty Buckle MC 3L Allbreed/Longhair Count 15 28 28 15 28 15 15 28 26 15 15 27 15 27 27 15 Shorthair Count 10 10 10 9 9 8 9 9 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS JB RC JE LG PH LJ YPLVW JB RC JE LG PH LJ YPLVW Saving Cinder of Tekkatz 1L 1 2 1L 3 1L 1L 1 3 2L 2L 1 1L 1 2 1L Toni 1S 2 1 1S 2 1S 1S 3 2 1S 1S 3 1S 3 1 1S Kass Purr With A "k" of Purr Furr Me 2L 3 3 2L 1 2L 2L 2 1 1L 1L 2 2 3 2L Allbreed/Longhair Count 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 1 3 3 2 Shorthair Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HOUSEHOLD PETS JB RC JE LG PH LJ YPLVW JB RC JE LG PH LJ YPLVW What About Bob 1S 2 4S 4 2S 1S 4 2S 1S 5 4 1 5S Bearlee There 3L 3 1 1L 5 1L 2L 1L 1L 2 1L 2 1L Higgins 1L 4 2L 2L 1L 3 5 2L 2L 4L 5 4 3L Porkey 3S 2S 3S 2S 4 4S 3S 4 3S 2 1S Pyewacket 4S 3S 2 5S 3S 2 5S 1S 5 2S Dharma of Entrechaton 1 5 1 2 1 1 Topazz Too of Entrechaton 2S 4 3 1S 3S 5S 3 5S 4S Miss Koko 2 5S 1 1S 2S 2S 3 3S Master Im Your Venus 2L 4L 4L 5L 3 5L 5L 2L 2L Prince 5 3 1 3 Enchanters Illogical Levity 5L 5L 5L 3L 5 3L 3L 3L 4L Alvis 4L 3L 3L 4L 4L 4L 5L 5L Impressionaabledreamer of Tekkatz 4S 1S 4S 4S King Cloudius Skye 5S 4S 5S Allbreed/Longhair Count 5 14 14 5 14 5 5 14 14 5 5 14 5 14 11 5 Shorthair Count 7 7 7 5 7 7 7 7 -- This report was prepared by Christine Barger (