Texas Maine Coonfederacy, Lake Jackson, TX, January 17-18, 2004

              Saturday                     Sunday       
        Ann Hoehn         AB        Joe Edwards       AB
        Judy Chappetta    AB        Debbi Brown       AB
        D'Ann Kovic       AB        Deborah Reed      AB
        John Creech       SP        Debbie Lopeman    SP
        Lorre Smith       SP        Marylou Anderson  SP
        Cheryl Hogan      SP        Elektra Hammond   SP

KITTENS                                  AH JC DK JC LS CH JE DB DR DL MA EH
Saroko Noni                          SI   1  4  4 4S 2S 4S  4  7  1 1S 3S 1S
Bridlewood A License To Thrill       BG   2  1  2 3S    1S  2  1  8 3S 1S   
Sammycats Belle                      PS         1 4L 1L 2L  3  2  4         
Shonstar Tinker Belle                OS   5       1S 1S 3S     8  2 2S      
Phantasia Peaches-N-Curl             AL   9     9 1L 5L             2L 8L 4L
Birmnsrus Immanuel Alleluia          BI         5    9L 6L  8       6L 6L 7L
R-C Evangeline                       HI   7  8             10  9  9 7L      
Cascats Ain't She Sweet              SS   4             3L  9     5 8L    9L
Careycats Red Dog                    ES   8    10    5S 2S     6       4S   
Ouijakatz Orion                      NF         3 8L           5  3       8L
Sazikatz Dasani                      TO      7  6 2S 4S       10            
Ranchcats Miss Kate                  MC         7 3L    1L  5            10L
Enchantacoon Mackintosh              MC   6                    3  6       5L
Cooncreole Laila                     SB                     1       4L 2L 3L
Birmnsrus Heavenly Accolade          BI           2L           4 10 1L      
Sammycats Miss Louisiana             PS   3            10L          9L 3L   
Bobcatlegend's Cheeto                PB         8 5S                5S    5S
Ranchcats Buckshot                   OS      9              6          2S   
O'Heavenly Dolls Therheis            RD      5              7          9L   
Lapurrfects Flames of Fire           SL           6L 6L                   1L
Dollvalley Sophie of Katydolls       RD           7L 3L 4L                  
Ouijakatz Forrest                    NF              2L            10L    2L
Melodygarden Sparrow of Fairysteps   AS  10  3                              
Kakatz Duel Action                   BI     10                         1L   
Kernel's Butter Kreme                PS                             3L    6L
Sholine Anne of Green Gables Of KLM  BA      6      10L                     
Catbirdandco Bruiser                 RD                 9L        7         
Greystoke Carrie                     AS              3S 5S                  
Kinukatz Space Cookie                TO                             4S 5S   
Tsalagivalley Silver Bullet          BB           5L    8L                  
Mykat John Henry                     MC              8L 5L                  
Coquille GNPWDR Gertie Pirate Queen  MC      2                              
Ramshead Double Dipper of Kattopia   MC           9L                  10L   
Greystoke Marble Madness             AS                                   2S
Transsiberian Lunar Gateway          SB              4L                     
Racin' Rags Blynx of Catbirdandco    RD                                4L   
Ranchcats Beau Thai                  OS                                   3S
Ranchcats Miss Cheyenne of Whatacat  MC                                5L   
Tabbytown's Ring O Fire of Coonopry  MC                             5L      
Prattmandu Simply Marbleous          BG                                   4S
Mykat Paul Bunyon                    MC              7L                     
Mykat Pecos Bill                     MC                 7L                  
Attitude Acres Canna Grace           BB                                7L   
Tabbytown Willie Nelson of Royal Rex MC          10L                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     52 52 51 34 34 34 52 52 52 33 33 31
                     Shorthair Count              17 17 18          18 19 12

CATS                                     AH JC DK JC LS CH JE DB DR DL MA EH
Ranchcats Silver Bullet of Kattopia  MC   4  4  2 3L 4L 1L  4  1    1L 3L   
Shonstar Southern Belle              OS      2    1S 2S 4S  7  3  2 2S 5S   
Sarcenet Silver Dime                 AL   8  8    2L 3L     1     9 3L 6L   
Royal Rex Blue Velvet                CR         7 2S 1S 5S        7 4S 7S 1S
R-C Cheri                            HI  10  7 10       2L 10  8  5         
Inkblotz Twinkle Toes                BS                     2  2  1 1S 2S   
Laceys Gunner                        SX     10  1       2S     6    6S 1S   
Mericat Little Black Sambo           AS      1  5    8S     8     6         
Regnbuekatts Galaxy of Ouijakatz     NF      5  4 5L              4 6L      
Cooncreole Camilla Moroz Mur         SB                     5  5    5L 1L 3L
Birmnsrus Helen Adelaide             BI      6       5L 5L  3 10            
Sazikatz Beach Barbie                TO           3S 7S     6     8    3S   
Catalons Hummvy of Vivalafeline      BB         8 4L    3L       10       4L
Suite All That Jazz                  BG      3       6S 6S          3S    7S
Marleevo's Divine Inspiration        ES              5S 1S     9    5S      
Lagallerie Rama                      BG              4S     9          6S 3S
Royalflush Little Mirage Shadow      ES   6       7S 3S 9S                  
Birmnsrus Gayzee of Starghatts       BI   5       1L                2L      
Sholine's Miss Understood Betsy      BA      9  6                         1L
Birmnsrus Heir Apparent of Tzarkhan  BI                        4       2L 5L
Klazeekats Wild Man of Ranchcats     OS   1          9S                   6S
Greystoke Blue Purrs                 AS   7             8S                4S
Whatacat Flash                       MC   2                    7            
Bluebonnet Hershey Kiss              MK           6S    3S             4S   
Balimoor Hesno Angel of Sholine      OS   9     3                           
Sazikatz Pepperjack                  TO                 7S          7S    2S
Masquerag Rebecca                    RD              1L                4L   
Vivalafeline Lexx Luthorr            BB                             4L 5L   
Koonary's Chantilly Lace             MC                                7L 2L
Whatacat Dixie Belle                 MC                           3         
Cedarcliff Tis The Season            HI   3                                 
Kernel's Imogene                     PS              2L                     
Kattitude Meyao Ming                 BG         9                           
Akhira Akashi of Prattmandu          BG           4S                        
Koshechka Dabrianna Katarainaovna    SB                 4L                  
Pewterpaws Blu Skiddles of Strayinc  KT           5S                        
Semipurrs Wisteria                   MK                                   5S
Ohmy Artic Rider of Lagallerie       BG           8S                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     42 43 44 20 20 20 42 44 44 21 22 20
                     Shorthair Count              23 24 24          22 22 22

ALTERS                                   AH JC DK JC LS CH JE DB DR DL MA EH
Heartbeeps Jose Cuervo               RB   2  5  2 1S 1S 5S  4  8  7 2S 3S 1S
Prancenpaws Sugar Flakes             HI   1  3  5    2L 1L  6  5  6 2L 5L 4L
Ouijakatz Skylar                     NF   7       4L 1L 2L  3  1  2 4L 1L 1L
Catbirdandco Lovable Lola            RD      4  3 2L 4L 5L     7  3 3L 2L 3L
Ladar Candle In The Wind             PS   3  2  1 3L    4L  2  3          2L
Kim-Con's Camelot                    ES   5  1       2S     9  6  4    1S 2S
Tabbytown's Witchy Woman             MC   6          5L 3L  8  4  8    4L 5L
Birmnsrus Hidden Agenda of Tzarkhan  BI                     1  2  5 1L 3L   
Sazikatz Bud Lite of Mixologies      TO                 2S  5       3S 2S 5S
Linanci's Daiquiri of Mixologies     SF      6    4S 5S             4S      
Calla's Cloudy Day                   AS   4          3S     7               
Jorbee Silver Bulit                  AS         4       3S          5S      
Sazikatz Louisiana Louie             TO         6 5S 4S                     
Sazikatz Gimlet of Mixologies        TO           3S           9       4S   
Tejas Tiger Butter                   BG                 4S             5S 3S
Marleevo Dark Image                  PS              3L           9 5L      
Hosein Hazir Luigi                   ES                 1S          1S      
Redriverbobis Duchess Fergie         BB      7    1L                        
Kinukatz Hayden                      TO                           1         
Love Sumalee Kudzu of Strayinc       KT           2S                        
Jorbee J J                           AS                                   4S
Enchantacoon El Dorado               MC           5L                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     22 22 21  8  9  8 24 24 24 10 10 10
                     Shorthair Count              13 13 13          14 14 14

Bubba Andy                                   1  1 2S 2S 1S  1  1  1 2S 1S 2S
Fifi                                      4  7  3 1S 3S 4S  4  5  4 1S 2S 1S
Shane of C-Gemz                           1  4  8 5S 1S 3S  2  4  6 4S 4S 3S
Indulgence                                5  3  7 3S 5S 5S  5  2  5 3S 3S 4S
Chemin Charlotte of Bayoukrew             8  8  6 3L 2L 2L  3  3  3 1L 2L 1L
BMW Dreamin of Txnkats                    2  6  4 1L 3L 1L     6  2 2L 1L 2L
Whiskers                                  6  2  2 2L 1L 3L                  
The Black Knight                          3  5  5       2S                  
Stubby of Koonary                         7  9  9 4S 4S 6S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      9  9  9  3  3  3  6  6  6  2  2  2
                     Shorthair Count               5  5  6           4  4  4

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           AH JC DK JC LS CH JE DB DR DL MA EH
Twist O Fate                                 1  3 2S 2S 1S  1  3  1 1S 1S 1S
Nathanael Nutkin                             4       1S 2S  3  4  3 4S 4S 3S
Festus                                    3  2  2 2L 2L 1L  2  1    2L 1L 2L
Patches                                   4     1 1S 3S 3S          3S 2S 4S
Get The Scoop of Careycats                5  3  4 1L 1L 2L        2 1L 2L 1L
Tazbuster Brown                           1  5  5 5S    4S        4    3S   
Sideswiped of Kaos                                   4S        5    2S    5S
Whatsonemore of Kaos                                    5S  4             2S
Ity Bity of Koonary                               3S                5S 5S   
No Fear of Kaos                                                2  5         
Ash                                       2          5S                     
Cricketz Chocolat Kiss of Careycats                         5               
Knight Rider                                      4S                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     13 13 13  2  2  2 13 13 12  2  2  2
                     Shorthair Count              10 11 11          11 11 11

Afrikhan Italy                       SV   1  1  1 1S 1S 1S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1  1         
                     Shorthair Count               1  1  1
This report was prepared by Jan Chambers (jattican@aol.com).