Toe Tufts And Tails, Seattle, WA, December 6-7, 2003 Saturday Sunday Karen McInchak AB Lynn Judge AB Pamela Barrett AB Steve Savant AB Lynn Judge AB Alice Rhea AB Linda Kay Ashley AB Rene Copeland AB Steve Savant SP Ann Ritzinger SP KITTENS KM PB LJLKA SS LJ SS AR RC AR Tassam Klip-Purr BA 1 5 3 2 1L 2 1 2 2L Prairiepixie Maple Mist PB 3 5 1S 7 7 9 3 5S Pinecoon's Captain Jack Sparrow MC 4 1 2L 2 4 1 Pinecoon's Rolling Thunder MC 10 4 5 3L 4 3 6L Tassam Kouger OS 2 4 2S 6 1 1S Elan Isabel BG 8 1 8 3S 5 10S Exoticrose Bodacious of Animatrax BG 10 1 3 5 6 Rextc Legacy of Capilano DR 9 6 6 6S 5 7S Ravenswing Positively Enchantress BS 3 5S 9 3 3S Chittagong's Akunamatata BI 2 5L 1 4 Chatandolls Benjiro of AlleyKatz RD 6 10 8 7L 8 Smokeycoons Flamenco MC 4L 10 4 1L Elquairo Sand Drift of Alleykatz EM 3 8 9 9S Snopride Iam Wurthette BG 4 10 2S Stegra AC/DC OS 5 7S 5 Lightdancers Arcticstar AB 10 9 10 Cumaras Sunrise an Nannie Peak BS 2 8 Cleomar Dream A Little Dream CY 7 8L 5L Ragalong Starlight RD 7 6 Stegra Quiet Riot OS 7 6 Chittagong's Ananda BI 8 4L Balimoor Softsungblues BA 6L 7 Alain Sandy HB 9 9S Pinecoon Faramir of Mymains MC 2 Snopride Sassy Sangria BG 6 Alain Ashley HB 7 Judge's Choice PointN Out CR 7 Goldspurr Gobie BG 8 Flyingcats Wrinkurl Kummenup SX 9 Chittagong's Asantesana BI 9 Raindancers Phoenix Rising BG 4S Puppycats Sierra Teigra of Ridgerags RD 3L Pinecoon Flash Fire of CarolsCats MC 10 Shortstuff's Belita of Alleykatz MK 4S Purrzz Backstreet Betty OS 6S Jaggedrock Cayenne PB 8S Cedarmuse Aziza Zahra SO 7L Stegra Van Halen SI 8S Dixiepixie's Wild Bill PB 10S Allbreed/Longhair Count 57 57 58 56 23 47 48 49 49 22 Shorthair Count 34 28 CATS KM PB LJLKA SS LJ SS AR RC AR Diva's Suit Yourself of Lightdancers AB 3 1 10 7 6S 8 10 5 4 4S Cedarvalley Evening Shade PS 1 2 4 2L 9 2 2 1L Kokopellirex Lucky Monkey CR 4 3 1 4S 5 5 Balimoor Tatum BA 3 6 4L 3 10 2L Ravenswing Positively Ichiro BS 6 5 3 6 1S Animatrax Renaissance BG 1 2 1 3 Casani Madison OS 7 5 10 1 2S Pinecoon's Eddie Bauer MC 2 1 8 4L Judge's Choice Nuckn Darling CR 4 6 6 3S Synergy Stratfurrd of Balimoor SI 8 6 5 7 Woodpile Amazing Grace of Pinecoon MC 2 1L 1 Daisen's Slim Shady AS 8 5S 7 9 Capilano's Guinevere DR 9 4 4 Bijoubengals Iron Chef of Bejuled BG 4 1S 8 Spellbound Guinness of Smokeycoons ES 10 2S 3 Ragalong Rainforest Prince RD 2 9 5L Mikasu Zokah of Chittagong BI 6 7 3L Dreamscape Sassafras's Coriander AS 9 2 5S Woodpile Sophisticat MC 5 3L 9 Tropikoons Tia Maria of Smokeycoons MC 5 3 Purrzz Kindofblue SI 8 7 Jaggedrock Tumbleweed PB 3S 7 Cleomar Chewbacca CY 10 7 Katzenburg's Maylee of Emeraldblues RB 10 9 Cedarmuse Jumoke SO 10 5L Lonerock Jacarranda of Dandenong RD 4 Smokeycoons Angelique MC 6 Heycat Cinderella AS 8 Ankhamun Cartouche of Medabu SX 8 Legendtales Newman PB 9 Allbreed/Longhair Count 41 41 40 41 19 37 38 37 35 18 Shorthair Count 21 20 ALTERS KM PB LJLKA SS LJ SS AR RC AR Myrlyn Fancybluwrapper of Samphire SI 6 6 2 5S 2 6 4 3 Cortine's Voracious Prince PJ CR 10 5 1 6 1 2 1S Ankhamun Encore Encore SX 4 9 10 9 2 4 5S Cedarvalley Triple B of Vanceland PS 1 3 5 1 1L Wyndabbey's Oliver Dulce Leon MC 2 2 3 9 5 Casa Decano Buckler Boy OS 6 3 4 7 9 Dreamscape Polar Magic Milo AS 4 4S 8 3 7 Balimoor Bernadette BA 8 5L 4 6 10 Starstruck Gully of Kokopellirex CR 3 7 6 5 Stegra Bagheera OS 9 1S 1 2S Animatrax Valentino BG 7 7 8 5 Arpeggio's Mini Maestro AB 9 10 7 1 Fabuls Charlie Parker PS 3L 8 10 3L Elan Avalon BG 10 7 5 Mia Ching's Jazz OL 4 4L 8 Cumara's Brave The Storm BS 8 3S 6 Victorian's Sean RD 10 9 1L Chittagong's Zakariyah BI 9 8 5L Ankhamun Divalicious SX 1 2S Woodpile Tarragon MC 2L 2 Heycat Silver Bullet AS 2 3S Kaperkats Cleocatra PB 1 4S Pinecoon's Pandemonium MC 3 2L DistinctivelyNW Thunderhawk PB 5 7 Anjeau Cabochon Sapphire BA 5 4L Anjeau Anjolina My Loves Song BA 3 Chattacoon Jake Robroy Ludlow MC 4 Expresivepixie Sonny PB 8 Seawillow White Shadow BG 10 Allbreed/Longhair Count 33 30 34 33 13 31 31 32 32 14 Shorthair Count 19 18 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS KM PB LJLKA SS LJ SS AR RC AR What About Bob 1 1 1 5 7S 2 3 4 5 2S Sunny Side Up 2 4 9 2 1S 5 5 1 1S Rufus Bear of Alleykatz 8 3 2 4 6S 3 9 6 5S Pebbles 10 1 2L 1 2 1 7 1L Bear Lee Bear 10 7 6 8 1L 6 4 4 4L Oliver 3 6 5 9 4S 10 10 6 3S JP Patches 7 8 3 7 4L 4 8 8 3L SeeMe 4 5 8 9 7 8 10 6S Boston Creme of Alleykatz 6 2 3 3L 7 2 2L Lucky Chuck 9 7 3S 1 3 3 8S Wally Mart 4 10 5S 8 2 9 4S Flash 5 9 2S 7 6 10 7S Paisley 10 6 5L 5 9 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 13 13 13 13 5 13 13 13 13 5 Shorthair Count 7 8 HOUSEHOLD PETS KM PB LJLKA SS LJ SS AR RC AR Baloo 1 2 1 1 3S 1 1 3 2S Cassiopeia 3 3 5 5S 2 3 4 1S Neelix 5 2 4 2L 5 1 Rogue 4 2 4L 2 2 5 Scamp 4 4 1L 4 3 3L Alec 3 3 4S 3 1 3S Buttons 5 3L 5 2 4L Goody Tat 1 5 1L Sugarjoy 2 5 5L Majestik Merlin 2S 4 4S Suisse Mocha 4 2L Lenny Brisco 1S Riley Clementine 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 15 15 14 15 8 12 12 12 12 8 Shorthair Count 6 4 -- This report was prepared by David Thomas (