Westchester Feline Club, White Plains, NY, November 22-23, 2003

              Saturday                     Sunday       
        Solveig Pflueger  AB        Debbie Brown      AB
        Barbara Ray       AB        Pat Harding       AB
        Frances Yow       AB        Ann Hoehn         AB
        John Creech       SP        Marylou Anderson  SP
        Elektra Hammond   SP        Harley Devilbiss  SP
        Michael Hammond   SP        Nancy Parkinson   SP

KITTENS                                  SP BR FY JC EH MH DB PH AH MAHDV NP
Minusdetails Hardtobehumble          CY   2  5    5L 7L 6L  7     310L    3L
Barmont's Tapestry                   CR      9    7S 2S     2  2  910S 9S 6S
Anfisa Blue Charm of Laziblues       BS   8  4  9 6S           9    4S 1S 1S
Pizzacata April Shower of Kabobkats  PS      1  4    2L 1L          3L 2L 2L
Marzacknoll's Ariel of Abyroad       AB   6  3  2 8S              4 1S    8S
Codycat's Madeline of Mainetales     MC   4  2       1L 5L          1L    8L
Procurlharem Thefoodthebard&thecurly AL  10      10L 3L        5    4L 6L 4L
Birmnsrus Hard Actofollow            BI           1L 5L     6  8    9L 7L 6L
Anouchka van Gogh                    ES         6    6S10S  9  1    9S    5S
Anouchka Dali                        PS   1          6L 3L  3             1L
Mythmakers Iman                      SX         1 1S           7    7S    4S
Ransdell Lulu                        RD      8    6L        5       8L 9L 7L
Longview Ultraviolet                 CX           3S    2S        1 6S 4S   
Marvel's Peturnia                    TO           5S 4S 4S          3S 5S10S
Duman Raphael                        TA                 2L        7 2L 5L   
Coonyham Solarus of Terracoon        MC      7    9L           6       4L   
Provinmountain Daktari               BG          10S    5S        2 2S      
Longview Utah Trail                  AS      6          9S       10       3S
Lightdancers Arcticdream of Abyroad  AB         7       3S          5S 8S   
Cherryhill OJ                        RD   5       3L10L                     
Codycat's Dumbledore of Mainetales   MC                     1     5         
Mistys Josie Posie                   SN              3S             8S 6S 9S
Cupecoy's I Am What I Am             AS              8S     8          2S   
Ransdells Beaublu of Irishcottage    RD                       10    5L    9L
Broadsway Elwood                     MC         3                         5L
Bengaland Turbo Snosation            BG         8       1S                  
Purrsession Snowbelle                PS        10                 8         
Cat Nappers Vincenzo Da Vinci        TA   9          4L                     
Speakeasy Ebony And Ivory            BG                     4             7S
Jungletrax Glitterati                BG   3         10S                     
Medoz Razor's Edge                   BG           2S                   3S   
Naturskat Sebastian Rex              NF   7          8L                     
Alvdansen Talvi Kuu                  NF           7L                   1L   
Epona's Talon                        NF                    10       7L      
Katselkamolot's Sylvear Tigress      SF           4S    7S                  
Castlegates Dream Queen              PS                        3            
Red Chief                            MK                 6S             7S   
Thomwren's Mad Max of Touchgold      BG                        4            
Naturskat's Max                      NF                 7L             8L   
Medoz Rumble In The Jungle           BG         5                           
Plaid Plus Jasper Joy                BS           9S 5S                     
Ransdells Lady Blue                  RD           8L    9L                  
Mistys Jessie Bessie                 SN                           6         
Majorus Luck of The Draw             SO              9L10L                  
Qcastlegate's Aladdin                PS           2L                        
Jungletrax Glamazon                  BG              1S                     
Paxton Plush Leopard                 BS     10                              
Millwood Red Rose                    BG                                   2S
Ransdells Juliet Jr                  RD                                3L   
Cat Nappers Briar Rose               TA           4L                        
Adorabledolls Pumpkin Spice Rainbow  RD                 4L                  
Lacocoon Shiloh                      MC                             6L      
Meadowmere's 'Ears Alvin             SF              7S                     
Fogcity Smoke N Mirrors              MC                 8L                  
Cukkla China Doll                    BG                 8S                  
Skatts Pixie                         OS              9S                     
Fogcity Smog Alert                   MC                                  10L
Codycats Hendrickson of Dracoonfly   MC                               10L   
Provinmountain Penny Lane            BG                               10S   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     77 78 81 46 46 41 69 73 71 42 41 42
                     Shorthair Count              34 33 36          31 30 30

CATS                                     SP BR FY JC EH MH DB PH AH MAHDV NP
Aristo Limaz Chief Nacona            NF   5  9  2 3L 4L 4L        8    4L 6L
Wildwood Amonasro of Classicalcats   SX   7     1 1S 6S 6S  1          1S 1S
Hillstblues Leroy Brown of Foxbluff  AB   1     4 2S    4S  5       5S 4S 2S
Sugarspun Why Do Fools Fall In Love  PS           6L 2L 3L  9     4 3L 2L 4L
Glor-Ee Cecilia                      SI   4  2    6S 1S        8 1010S    9S
Cloistercoon Saint Nicholas          MC      4  7 5L 1L10L        3    6L 8L
Bella Lea of Laziblues               BS   3          4S 8S  8  4    4S 2S   
Castlegate's Silvester               PS         8 2L 6L 1L     1       8L 9L
Tabbeyrd Roll Over Beethoven         MC              9L     2  3    4L 5L 1L
Medieval Lady Sharra                 RD   9  6  5    8L             5L    3L
Aristotonks Wynonna J. Wildman       TO              5S 3S  3     6 1S      
Karissimakat Mac                     HI           7L 7L 6L 10 10    6L 7L   
Mainlysilver Revere                  MC      8       5L     7       1L 1L   
Hillstblues Circes Isle of Magikaby  AB              2S 2S        1    9S 7S
Beatrice King Sire of Laziblues      BS         6 4S10S             9S 7S10S
Nodngait Light My Fire               BG   2                    2       5S   
Earth Wind And Fire of Tapastree     BG        10 3S    5S          8S10S   
Silmarilions Mithar of Donnasdolly   RD           1L    5L          2L 3L   
Wilberspaws Charlotte of Safram      SX      1    8S              2         
Bengaland's Priceless Yukon Jack     BG         3    3S        7            
Cherryhill OJ                        RD                        5  7 8L      
Shaynacats Ben Caesar                PS           4L    7L        910L      
Bridlewood Knight In White Satin     BG      7          7S                3S
Bellesandbeaux Lacey Taylor          SN                 9S          7S 8S 4S
Pharaohsgold Hannibal                BG      5              4               
Chloe's Verdigris of Witsend         BG           5S                   3S 5S
Hillstblues Ankh Amenra of Roseglen  AB         9      10S          2S      
Starbengal Damon of Jungletrax       BG   6             1S                  
Widowswalk Diablo of Koerncoon       MC   8                    6            
Donnasdollys Alexander I             RD                 2L  6               
Diva's Out-N-About of Polaris        AB      3                      6S      
Cloistercoon Leah of Mainelyclassic  MC             10L 8L                5L
Tabbeyrd Ticket To Ride              MC                             7L    2L
Dkparagon Blue Moody's Gemini Dream  RB     10       9S                     
Abyroad's Tiny Dancer of Foxlair     AB              8S                   6S
Bridlewood The Monarch of Cascats    BG                           5         
Roseglen Nephthys Hatsheput          AB                        9            
Mainelyclassic Bodacious             MC  10                                 
Tejas Tequila Mockingbird of Paku    BG                             3S      
Cat Nappers Lorelai                  TA              3L                     
Safram Blush                         SX                                6S   
Provinmountain Gucci of Cukkla       BG              7S                     
Abyroad's Cold As Ice                AB           7S                        
Ragalong Anise of Rainbow Carousel   RD                                   7L
Medoz Sing A Purr of Jungletales     BG                                   8S
Simonsezdolls Madam Bergitta         RD                 9L                  
Almaz Ekattrina of Jasper Ridge      SB                             9L      
Ransdell Lady Adriana                RD                                9L   
Kingsmark Jazpurr of Jungletales     BG           9S                        
Ja-Ma Dream Catcher                  HI                               10L   
Safram Jaybird                       SX          10S                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     62 61 60 22 26 30 59 58 58 28 28 24
                     Shorthair Count              25 32 31          29 30 29

ALTERS                                   SP BR FY JC EH MH DB PH AH MAHDV NP
Myshadows Princess Myra              PS   1  1  7 1L 1L 3L  1  1  4    1L   
Yofranlin's Fudge Brownie            HB   5  7       2S 1S  5  8  3 1S 1S 1S
Minusdetails Classy                  CY   2  4  4       2L  8 10  1 1L      
Coonpulsive Texas T. of MtKittery    MC   9  8  1 4L    5L     6    2L 2L 3L
Naturskat's Jacobs Ladder of Norja   NF   3  9       2L 1L  4  2    3L    4L
Procurlharem General Curlin Powell   AL   7  6  8 2L 5L     3          3L 1L
Bengaland's Divinci Tae Bo           BG      3  2 1S 1S 2S     4    3S 2S 2S
Howlyn's Amelie                      MC   4          4L 4L  2     2 5L 4L   
Walnuthollow's Betty Davis Eyes      AS  10  2  5 2S 4S          10 2S 3S 5S
T.renn's Fire N Ice                  HI   6     6              3       5L 2L
Walnuthollow's Angel of Longview     AS           3S 3S 3S     5    4S 4S 4S
Glensragdolls Korbel Intrique        RD           3L       10  7  9       5L
Whitesox Very Heady Teddy Bear       BI     10  3           7  9            
Anouchka Camelia                     ES           5S 5S           6    5S 3S
Snowlace Tasha of Lloyal             BI              3L     9     8         
Foxbluff's Ariel Scaredy Cat         SO           5L              5         
Troika Mishka Zaharovich             SB   8                         4L      
Witsend Benny                        BG           4S    5S          5S      
Belmainshacoon's Stormy B            MC      5                              
Coonalleys Butterscotch Sundae       MC                     6               
Kabobkats Cinnamon Swirl             PS                           7         
Cooncreole Mezhzvezdnoje Murlykane   SB         9                           
Barclay                              ES                 4S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     26 25 24 19 17 19 25 25 25 19 19 19
                     Shorthair Count               6  6  7           6  6  6

Mysterio Ohio                             2  6  5 6S 2S 1S  2  1  1 5S 2S 2S
Bubba Andy                                1  1  1 2S 3S 2S  4  7    1S 1S 1S
Bebes Got Blue Eyes                       3  2  6 4S 1S 3S  6  3  7 3S 5S 5S
Jetta Woods                               8  3  4 1S 4S 5S  5  2  6 4S 3S 3S
Beyonce                                   5  7  3 3S    6S  1  4  2 2S 4S 4S
Angel                                     6  5  8 5S 5S 4S  8  8  4 6S 6S 6S
Jeffrey                                   9  8  7 1L 1L 1L  7  5  5    2L 3L
Terracotta                                4  9  2 3L 4L 4L  9  9  9       1L
Howard                                   10  4  9 2L 2L 2L 10 10  8    3L 4L
Leroy                                     7          3L 3L  3  6  3 1L 1L 2L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     10  9  9  3  4  4 10 10  9  1  3  4
                     Shorthair Count               6  5  6           6  6  6

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           SP BR FY JC EH MH DB PH AH MAHDV NP
E.t.c.h.                                  9  1  1 4L 1L 4L     1  1 1L 1L 1L
Echo Heart                                6  5  4 4S 1S     3  5  2 1S 5S 2S
Dulce de Leche                            3  8  8 5L 2L 1L     3  3 3L 2L 2L
Rum Tum Tugger                               2    2S 2S 2S  1     5 5S 2S 1S
Sherman                                   5     2    4S 1S  5  2  4       3S
Camry of Syracuse New York                4       3S    4S  4  4  6 2S 4S   
Taxi                                            5 1L 5L 2L  2       5L 3L 4L
Sasha                                           6 5S                3S 1S 4S
Marshmallow                                     3 3L    3L             5L 5L
Alkamyst of Paku                             7    1S 5S                3S 5S
Shaddy                                       3       3L             4L 4L   
Chipmonk                                        7    3S             4S      
Fatty                                     1  4                              
Cindy Lou Who                                9                      2L    3L
Aszrell The Trouble With Tribbles         8          4L 5L                  
Virgil                                       6          5S                  
Holly                                     2                                 
Cry of The Banshee                        7                                 
Terracotta                                        2L                        
Angel                                                   3S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     24 24 23 11 11 10 20 19 21  9  9  9
                     Shorthair Count              13 14 12          12  9 12

Eeyaa War Whoop                      TG   1     1 1S 1S 1S  1       1S 1S 1S
Junker Murkla Hvosttruboy            PX                        1  1         
Eeyaa Fireside Chat of Jungletrax    TG      1                              
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      3  3  3           3  3  3         
                     Shorthair Count               3  3  3           3  3  3
This report was prepared by Donna L. Gonyea (oriental@maine.rr.com).