Cats and Tulips, Vlaardingen, Netherlands, November 1-2, 2003

              Saturday                    Sunday
        Kay DeVilbiss      AB      Kay DeVilbiss      AB
        Bobbie Tullo       AB      Bobbie Tullo       AB
        Edith Mary Smith   AB      Edith Mary Smith   AB
        Kurt Vlach         AB      Kurt Vlach         AB
        Thomas Andersen    SP      Thomas Andersen    SP

KITTENS                                 KDV BTEMS KV TAKDV BTEMS KV TA   
Elsihaya Counterstrike               PS   4  1  5  2 2L  2  1  7  5 4L   
Wildlove Kid Rock                    BG   1  2  3  1     1  2  3  1 4S   
Utah des Sianous Calins              SI      3  9  7 2S 10  7 10  6 2S   
Lunarcoons Peanut                    MC      6  2  9     4     4  7 5L   
Suntana Have Love Will Travel        RD   9  7     3     7  8     2      
Desentrechats Utopie                 AB         1    3S  9 10  1    1S   
Catzanova Upsilon                    SO   5     4 10     5     6    9L   
Urphe de Koyasan                     BI  10  4       5L     5     9 7L   
Newexoticats Un'Amour                ES   3 10     5 1S  6               
Batifoleurs Rasheed                  BG   7     7    4S        8    5S   
Vitus Lisa                           ES      5     4        6       3S   
Vitus Mona                           PS            8 1L           4 1L   
Coonbitzky Betty Boop                MC   2              8  9       2L   
Zonja Aniek Olympiakos               BS                  3  3     8      
Ara's Bora                           BS   6    10  6 5S                  
Aghtamar's Oujov Van                 TV         8              9    8L   
Koenincoons Danae                    MC                        2    3L   
Mainewalk Flaco                      MC      8                   1010L   
Biggi von Aurachgrund                SR                           3      
Chesapeake's Josephine Jelyna        MC                     4            
Lizzy from the Power of Gamsa        BS                        5         
Beaverscove Woodstock                MC         6                        
Vitus Chocolate Steven               PS   8                              
Mainewalk Frodo                      MC              3L                  
Wilddiamond Unoset                   BG      9                           
Broceliande Uggly of Blackmoons      MC              4L                  
Selia's Nuada                        RD                             6L   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     34 34 34 34 20 45 45 45 45 28   
                     Shorthair Count                 13             16   

CATS                                    KDV BTEMS KV TAKDV BTEMS KV TA   
Vitus Bruno                          ES   9  1  1  1 2S  8  1  3  2 1S   
Budmars Joe Cool of Whozz            PS      2  2  4 1L     2  2  1 1L   
Whozz Justa Klassic of Elsihaya      PS   7     6    4L     7  4 10 7L   
Vitus Daisy                          PS   1  5     3 2L  1        4 2L   
Catzanova Tiziano                    SO   6  6  3        2  8  1         
Minusdetails Texana of Vitus         CY         4  2 5L        6  5 3L   
The Catwalk Dr. Zivagho              MC   2     9           4  7         
Acadiapark Sedgwick of Annvalentine  MC      9    10 3L  3        6 5L   
Emberhearth Mystra of Selia          RD   5     8  9     7    10         
Royalmainly's Pranay Dancer          MC   4     5    7L        5    9L   
Nasdoii Kaya Kira                    HB                     5     3 4S   
Artdeco Tumulte                      BG      7 10           3       2S   
Desentrechats Totaly Spice           AB      3  7        9     8    3S   
Alnakeed Opium of Taj Mahal          SX      8     7 4S     9            
Willowplace Bangor of Pajocoons      MC            6 6L           8 6L   
Gabriel of the Cinnamons Classic     BS                    10     7      
Bonfires Tichawanna                  MC      4              6            
Sherahi Markets de Carabbas          OS   3          1S                  
Traum von FF Seherezade              SI     10     5              9      
Bengaltone Surprise of Batifoleurs   BG   8              6               
Ayla Uit Het Land van Bartje         BS  10              4               
Sandy Beaches A Touch of Percy       MC                  5          4L   
Uriel de Koyasan                     BI              8L             8L   
Soulmates Blue Lucky Boay            RD             10L            10L   
Vitus Snowball                       HI            8                     
Flair Naomi v d Scharreltjes         BS                        9         
Rainbow Warriors Mr Fortuyn Cookie   SX                 10               
Brockenmoor Galilee of Wilddiamond   BG              3S                  
Rainbow Warriors Mr Joshua S Mitten  SX                             5S   
Ajantas Chalid Chandra               BG              5S                  
Pablo of Dragheeda                   AL              9L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     46 47 46 47 33 54 56 56 55 38   
                     Shorthair Count                 14             18   

ALTERS                                  KDV BTEMS KV TAKDV BTEMS KV TA   
Vitus France                         ES   1  2  1  1 1S  1  1  1  1 1S   
Hunterdonhall Synster Gust           BG   4  3  5  4     5  2  4  2 3S   
Penogacats McCancy                   MC   2     4  3 3L  3     2  4 4L   
Vitus Austria                        ES      4       3S  4  3     5 2S   
Heavenly Shadow                      OS      1  2  5 2S                  
Penogacats Jackson Daniel            MC   3          1L  2          2L   
Loussirane de Kapoutan Lidj          TV         3    4L        5    3L   
Sargons Shadow Dancer                HI      5       2L     4       5L   
Patchwork's Buick                    MC                     5     3 1L   
Al Saffraan                          SI            2 4S                  
Sweet Railto's Gareth                MC                        3         
Dragheeda's Udimaro van't Elzenhof   AL   5                              
Helkenberg Feingold                  MC              5L                  
Casa Delano Please Me                OS              5S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     12 12 12 12  6 11 11 12 11  9   
                     Shorthair Count                  6              3   

Kylan                                     1  1  1  1 1S                  
Redmar                                               1L                  
Poes                                                 2S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1  1  1  1                  
                     Shorthair Count                  2                  

Sara N Dippity                            1  1  1  1 1L  1  1  3  1 1L   
Minidou van de Randweg                    2  2  3  2 1S  2  2  4  2 3S   
Shiva                                     3  3  4  3 3S  4  3  5  3 2S   
O Meley                                   4  4  2  4 2S  5  5  1  5 4S   
Sophie van Nijnatten                                     3  4  2  4 1S   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      4  4  4  4  1  5  5  5  5  1   
                     Shorthair Count                  3              4   
This report was prepared by Kurt Vlach (