The New Culture Club, Portland, OR, August 23-24, 2003

              Saturday                     Sunday       
        Karen McInchak    AB        Fate Mays         AB
        Ellen Crockett    AB        Dewane Barnes     AB
        Laura Cunningham  AB        Pascale Portelas  AB
        Linda Kay Ashley  AB        Lindajean Grillo  AB
        Yvonne Patrick    AB        Alice Rhea        AB
        Monika Dany       SP        Kitty Ruttan      SP

KITTENS                                  KM EC LCLKA YP MD FM DB PP LG AR KR
Excalibur Bimbi Bonbon               BS   2  2  6     3     2  6  3 10  2 1S
Kokopellirex Lucky Monkey            CR   1     3  1    2S     8 10  9  1 3S
Sunstone Kilimanjaro of Samphire     OC      3  1  8  5 3S  1     6  2    9S
Tassam Klip-Purr                     BA   4  4    10  1        5     7  4 1L
Daisen's Slim Shady                  AS   5  7       10 9S  8  7  4       2S
Kenkat Jellybean of Wallycats        PS      1          4L  6     2  3    8L
Spellbound Guinness of Smokeycoons   ES         4           4     1  5  3   
Bareangels Sophia of Shammicats      SX      6     6    7S    10        9 7S
Pkay's Paparazzi of Pawsitive        HI   6        2  9                 8 7L
Kaperkats King Oscar                 PL  10     2  4    3L                  
Dollhouse Belladaball of Kitnsmith   RD      9          2L        9     5   
Karissimakat's Dahlia of Woodlyn     HI                10L  7  1          2L
Lofoten Morpheus                     SI      8          1S           8    5S
Anjeau Oliver                        OS         8  5  6                     
Exoticrose Bodacious of Animatrax    BG            7        9           6   
Antarcin Hot Dam                     MC               8           7       3L
Bijoubengals Iron Chef of Bejuled    BG   3           2                     
Shirespointe Piggy Bank              MC      5        4                     
Windwalker Batman                    MC                     3             4L
Furreal Cruz Roja                    RD         7     7                     
Pinecoon's Pandemonium               MC   8                             7   
Snopride Pending                     BG                 5S     4            
Coonpanion D Dougal McKeller McKie   MC                              1    9L
Lunarcoons Copernicus                MC         9       1L                  
Pouncing Paws Tia Lue Crystal        PS                    10     8         
Marvonack's The Legend Lives On      ES                              4    6S
Sfexclusive's Channel                RD   7                               5L
Tassam K-Purr                        SI             3                    10S
Purfur's Nimbus 2003                 HB                        9          4S
Woodpile Amazing Grace of Pinecoon   MC     10          5L                  
Pixiepaw's Jothee                    PL                 6L                6L
Anjeau Opalene                       OS                        2            
Hapi K Murphy's Law                  MC                        3            
Legendtales Obsession                PB                 6S                8S
Furreal Reina Maria                  RD                     5               
Lunarcoons Ophelia                   MC                           5         
Lunarcoons Sky of Whatatrill         MC         5                           
Crystalskyes Good Golly Miss Molly   SX                              6      
Victorian's Sean                     RD                 7L               10L
Shastacoons Kiya                     MC             9                       
Sugar Hill Tarzan And Janes Boy      OS   9                                 
Legendtales Fresh Paint              PB                                10   
Faerietail  Fairway Flirt            MX        10                           
Classicalcats Peacemakr of Ankhamun  SX                 4S                  
Lownerrock Jacaranda of              RD                 8L                  
G Bar G Ranch Sundance Kid           PB                 8S                  
Mymains Rogue                        MC                 9L                  
Dennigan's BC Ciminin of Shoalwater  LP                10S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     69 67 68 70 68 38 72 70 71 71 70 38
                     Shorthair Count                    31                34

CATS                                     KM EC LCLKA YP MD FM DB PP LG AR KR
Excalibur Minbari                    BS   1  2  4     6     2  4  3  1  8 7S
Divas Suit Yourself of Lightdancers  AB   5  6     1  2 2S     2  7  2  6 1S
Kokopellirex Casey                   CR   2  9  9  3 10        5  8  7  2 4S
Ankhamun Cartouche of Medabu         SX   6  1     4  3 9S  6     2  8  5   
Cedarvalley Evening Shade            PS   4  5  7           4  9  1  4  7   
Exoticrose Divine Lady               BG   3     2     1 6S        4  3      
WHF Sweet Curl of Berrycurl          SL     10  6 10    2L  7 10          5L
Tassam Samantha of St Valentine      BA      7  3  5  4                   8L
Animatrax Renaissance                BG                 8S  1  7        3 6S
Pinecoon's Eddie Bauer               MC               5 1L     1        1   
Purfur's Jamaicame Purr Softly       HB                        6  9  6    2S
Hoffnpaws Ichi-Fujin                 JB      3  5      10S  5               
Tassam Ceilidh of Bangles            BA                 4L     3    10    2L
Kaperkats Bixby                      PL            7        9     6       4L
Windwalker Mercedes of Holdermaines  MC      4  1      10L                7L
Moikoshki Virlana of Birchgrove      SB            8                 5  4   
Talismaine Ice Cream Coon            MC            2    6L                3L
Lofoten Muriel                       SI               7 3S              9   
Daisen's Pink Floyd                  AS   9        9                      3S
Gentlegift's Taa Praw of Shoalwater  KT                 5S     8 10         
Catlana's Sara Lee Ginger Bread      RD        10       3L                6L
Balimoor Snow Angel of Spiritlake    OS                 7S  3               
Hillstblues Kao of Faroahsilvergem   AB         8                    9      
Antarcin Mariposa of Mymains         MC                    10             1L
Zzpaws Zap                           BI                 5L  8               
Catillak Danny Boy of Cat Fantazia   PS               8 7L                  
Areangels Thrill Seeker              SX                 4S                5S
Bangles Edmund Hillary               BG                 1S               10S
Antarcin Talise of Talismaine        MC                           5         
Excalibur Mazimilian                 BS            6                        
Mymains Tsunami                      MC   7                                 
Taiyo's Masako                       JB   8                                 
Bejuled's Cosa Nostra                BG      8                              
Kitti Kat's Lambchop of Britarex     SR                9                    
Susitna Ladys Licks A Lot            HB                                10   
Sugar Hill's Kona Mocha              SI  10                                 
Exoticrose Tiny Dancer               BG                                   8S
Victoriain's Purr T. Woman           RD                 8L                  
Odesseycatz Sheegwa of Priceless     TO                                   9S
Starberian Luka of Alderbrook        SB                 9L                  
Taiyos Michiko                       JL                                   9L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     53 52 53 52 53 25 54 55 53 53 54 24
                     Shorthair Count                    28                28

ALTERS                                   KM EC LCLKA YP MD FM DB PP LG AR KR
Cedarvalley Triple B of Vanceland    PS   2  3  4  1  2 1L  2  2  1  1  5 3L
Starstruck Gully of Kokopellirex     CR   5  5  6  6 10 4S  6  1  4  4  3 1S
Myrlyn Fancybluwrapper of Samphire   SI      2  3  7  1 1S  4     7  2  1 5S
Ankhamun Vin Diesel of Utopia        SX      1  1  4  3 3S     3  2  5  8 4S
Winteridge Sundance of Bewitched     NF   4     5  3    4L  3     5     4 1L
Minusdetails Bear Market             MX   3    10 10  6        4 10     7 3S
Holdermaines Lil Pink Thing          MC   1           4     1  5        2 4L
Balimoor Bernadette                  BA      6        8     8  9        6   
Jemcats Jest Dawg                    LP      8  9       5L 10     6         
Pinecoon's Roll With The Punches     MC      4  7     9           3         
Furreal Midas Suns                   RD   7             3L           3 10   
Arpeggio's Whywalkwhenyoucanfly      AB   9        9                10  9   
Ciara's Quite A Sunburn of Samphire  OS     10     2        5               
Bangles Mystique                     BG               5        6          2S
Kaperkats Cleocatra                  PB         2       5S        8         
Taiyo's Stuart Little                JB   6        8           7            
Woodpile's Tarragon                  MC      7                       6    2L
Purrsia's Totally Austin             SI  10             2S  7               
Mia Ching's Jazz                     OL                       10  9  7      
Cumara's Brave The Storm             BS               7              9      
Seawillow White Shadow               BG         8                    8      
Antarcin Rylee                       MC                 2L                5L
Mymains Max-A-Million                MC            5                        
Woodpiles That's Wizard's Chess      MC   8                                 
Tassam Kashan                        SI                        8            
Holdermaines Figaro                  MC                     9               
Janipurr's Pikachu of QT             JB      9                              
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     32 32 32 31 32 15 32 32 32 31 31 15
                     Shorthair Count                    16                16

Burkley                                   3  3  7  4  1 6S  4  1  1  2  3 1S
Jax                                       2  9  1  6  2 3L  1     2  1  1 1L
What About Bob                            6  1     7  6 7S  8  9     6  8 2S
Drifter                                   4     5  3    5L  2  3  3     7 7L
I Am Diamond Lil of Alleykatz            10  4  2  9  4 2L           5  5 2L
Sunny Side Up                             9        2  5 2S 10  7  7  7    3S
Reba                                            6  5  7 1L  5  2     4    4L
Pooh Bear of Alleykatz                    7    10     3 8L     8  4     4 5L
Roger                                        5  4     8 1S     4  5       8S
Boston Creme of Alleykatz                 1          10 7L  3        3  6 6L
Duncan                                       8  8  8    5S  9     8  9    5S
Victorian's Liam                                   1    6L     5     8  2 8L
Jeremiah                                     6          4S  6       10  9 4S
Lit'l Paws                                   2          9L  7 10          3L
Margarita                                    7  3       4L             10 9L
Cadfael of Priceless                      8                    6 10       6S
Ohs George Truffehunter of Rock             10  9     9 3S                  
Kodiak of Cat's Cradle                    5       10    9S               10S
Kloshe Ruetic                                           8S        6       7S
Wynsocki of Priceless                                  10S        9       9S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     20 20 19 20 20  9 19 19 19 19 19  9
                     Shorthair Count                    11                10

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           KM EC LCLKA YP MD FM DB PP LG AR KR
The Cisco Kid                             2  3  1  2  1 7L  1  5  1  3  1 3L
Rude                                      1  1     3    4S     3  5  1  3 2S
Yudachi Storm                                2  2  1    3S  5  2  2     4   
Salvia Rae of Supurrstition               5        4  4 1S  2        2    5S
Goody Tat                                    4        5 6L     4  4       1L
Jojo                                         5  5                    5  2 4S
Juma Bakari of Alleykatz                        4  5    3L              5 5L
Marshall Matt Dillon of Cat's Cradle      3           3     4             1S
Whisper of Tbear                                        4L  3     3       4L
Cori                                                  2 1L     1            
Princess Di of Pixiemagic                 4             2L                2L
Senior Rainee of Evergreen                      3       5L                  
Lobster Bob of Cat's Cradle                                          4    3S
Ginger                                                  2S                  
Bree                                                    5S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     15 15 13 15 16  7 12 13 12 13 13  7
                     Shorthair Count                     8                 6
This report was prepared by Kathryn Amann (