Kat Knappers Cat Club, Irvine, CA, July 26-27, 2003 Saturday Sunday Karen McInchak AB Robert Thompson AB Fate Mays AB Maureen Nottingham AB Kay Devilbiss AB Mary Arnold AB Anne Ritzinger AB Pascale Portelas AB Juliana Slater SP Laura Cunningham AB Laurie Schiff SP Fate Mays SP KITTENS KM FMKDV AR JS LS RT MN MA PP LC FM Rhamjoge Go Vangogh of Misty Ridge PS 2 2 4 9 3L 2L 1 2 2 2 1L Taiyo's Masako JB 6 6 5 8 1S 2S 8 8 7S Lacey's Kool Klad Kaleb SX 3 4 4 3S 5S 9 5 2S Hillstblues Tinkerbell AB 1 1 4 3 3 1S Sazikatz Flash Gordon TO 7 3 7S 8 10 7 3S Pkay's Paparazzi HI 7 2 4L 6 6 4 Chisholmtrail Ciar Cloud OC 8 6 10S 4 4 8S Lunarcoons Sky of Whatatrill MC 2 3L 7 6 5 Karissimakat's Dahlia of Woodlyn HI 5 1L 4 8 3L Zzpaws A Nuff Already BI 3 7 3 10 Windwalker Jeri Rice MC 5 3 6 2L Taiyo's Michiko JL 7 4L 9 9 4L Seasidebobies Lonsum Dove PB 10 2S 10 1 Ahura Ups A Daisy PS 1L 5 1 Degoonacoons Wachusett Bay MC 7 3 6 Mainstreet Special Effects BG 1 4S 7 Mme Butterflys Tahoe of Katsnjazz BU 10 8S 9S 6 Kitten Two OS 8 10 9 Kutabays Pat Benatar BG 10 9S 6S 9S Hillstblues A Song Sung Blue AB 9 6S 8 Exoticrose Golden Amber BG 4 5 Iamcats Charisma of Abycadabra AB 5 7 Enchantedtails Rousseau BG 1 5S Kutabays Bonnie Raitt BG 10S 2 Dreamland Goliath BG 9 4S Windwalker Batman MC 2L 5L Calcutta Kahlua of Koppiekatz BG 1 Kutabays Susan Tedeschi BG 1 Camelotaspots Flaming Torch BG 2 Koppiekatz Tequila Sunrise BG 3 Taiyo's Kobe of Priceless JB 5 Kitten One OS 1S Zzpaws Zap BI 8 Bridlepath Misbehavin of Dulcedolls RD 9 Belara Jordan of Silveredrose BG 3S Muttonchops Atta Tude PB 9 Degoonacoons Mozambique MC 10 Camelottaspots Castleguard BG 4S Specialagent Trinity PB 10 Summermist Diplomat BG 5S G Bar G Ranch Sundance Kid PB 6S Pawsdlite Jerrabomberra OS 7S Snugglebug Kaylynn PS 5L Aledo Fusun of Saray TV 5L Wildvision Jean Harlow BG 8S Kalanikats Monte Carlo BG 10S Allbreed/Longhair Count 59 59 58 57 18 17 55 54 53 51 54 17 Shorthair Count 40 41 38 CATS KM FMKDV AR JS LS RT MN MA PP LC FM HMS Montgomery of Chaucer BS 5 5 3 3 7S 2S 1 2 2 4 2S Finerpoints Mystic Moon HI 3 4 8 1 1L 3L 7 4 3 2 3L Purrkeys Fats Domino PS 1 8 7 7 2L 3 7 7 6 Sazikatz Cha Cha TO 1 2 2S 5S 9 6 3 1S Mosaicsx Jordan SX 5 5 1S 8 1 5S Dreamland Revelation of Marblerose BG 4 2 2 3 4 TNT Purrfect Picasso of Misty Ridge PS 2 5L 1L 2 6 1L Exoticrose Porcelain Doll BG 2 6 4S 1 4S LAPD Pistol Pete MC 3 4 3L 4 2L Jadecat's Shiloh of Hillstblues AB 8 7 10S 9 3S Degoonacoons Delorean MC 6 5L 3 8 Bewitched Nikolai SB 10 2L 6 5 Diegojungle JFK of Ranchosantafe AS 6 5 9 7S Exoticrose Divine Lady BG 9 5S 9S 1 Kojiki's Naishinno Aiko of Taiyo JB 6 8 8S 10 Windwalker Medianoche MC 1 4 4L Karrklan Rionach of Chisholmtrail OC 9S 7S 8 9 Jadecat's Lil Toot of Hillstblues AB 5 10 7 Deals Golden Slipper of Katsnjazz BU 6S 10 810S Germanbrits Conqueror of Wickedbrit BS 1S 5 6S Kariba Tiki Stow KT 7 5 9S Fin Bheara's Banshee of Velpaws SI 6S 6 8S Stageone Bobyonder PB 10 10S 10 Minusdetails Call Be Special CY 10 7 DBcats Lady Madona AC 10 3S Earthangels Heavenly Treasure RD 1 Catalons Uno BB 4 Whozz Autumn Breeze of Snugglebug PS 8 Mainstreet's Spartigus BG 9 Twinkletoe's Bagheera PL 9 Wildvision Buckshot BG 3S Wildvision Komet BG 9 Middlebrook Silver Boxster KT 9 Degoonacoon Wequakit Bay MC 10 Exoticrose Tiny Dancer BG 4S Sarajen Bocara of Lostcoast MC 4L Coonquest Coon Victoria MC 4L ZZpaws Zap BI 5L Odesseycatz Sheegwa of Priceless TO 8S Allbreed/Longhair Count 52 54 55 54 19 18 51 53 53 52 53 20 Shorthair Count 36 33 33 ALTERS KM FMKDV AR JS LS RT MN MA PP LC FM Pzazz Australian Koala OS 5 4 2 1S 1S 2 2 2 1S Dbcats Sand Pebbles AL 2 5 1 1L 1 1 3 4L Kariba's Charanya KT 3 3 4S 5S 1 5 1 4S Cedarvalley Triple B of Vanceland PS 3 5 1L 1 4 2L Tassam Cody of Pawsabilities BA 3 2 2 5 5 Winteridge Sundance of Bewitched NF 4 2 4L 2L 4 3L Holdermaines Lil Pink Thing MC 1 1 2L 3 1L Elvessa Betty Rubble TO 4 4 4 2S Tassam Kashan SI 2S 2S 3 3S LAPD Beretta MC 1 5 3L 5L Pagoda Novarese of Kazzakatz BI 5L 4L 5 2 Merkaba Clouded Jag of Kalanikats BG 4 5S 3S Taiyo's Stuart Little JB 4S 3 Ritz-O-Cats Threedotcom ES 3 5S Janipurr's Pikachu of QT JB 3S 6 Foxbluff's Bentley of Janaby SO 5 5L Chamois Full Monty SX 4 Dushara Punta Rotja of Sunfox SO 3L Allbreed/Longhair Count 20 20 20 20 9 9 20 21 20 20 20 9 Shorthair Count 10 11 12 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS KM FMKDV AR JS LS RT MN MA PP LC FM Jax 2 1 1 2 2L 1L 3 2 1 1 1 1L Roger 6 6 2 5 3S 1S 1 7 2 5 2 6S Isley 8 2 6 7 6S 4S 2 1 3 7 8 1S Gisele 1 9 5 1 8S 3S 5 4 6 6 7 3S Desmond Jones 3 7 7 3 4S 5S 10 5 8 2 5 5S Drifter 4 3 3 4 1L 2L 7 9 7 3 3 2L Kodiak of Cats Cradle 10 4 4 6 5S 6S 8 6 9 8 9 2S Colleen 9 10 10 10 2S 2S 4 10 5 10 6 7S Wyndsocki of Priceless 7 9 8 7S10S 9 8 4 4 4 8S Cadfael of Priceless 5 5 1S 8S 6 3 10 9 10 4S Zig Zag Aka Ziegfried 8 9 9S 7S Madison Lee 8 10S 9S 9S Perry Mason of Cats Cradle 10S Allbreed/Longhair Count 11 11 13 13 2 2 11 11 12 11 11 2 Shorthair Count 10 11 10 HOUSEHOLD PETS KM FMKDV AR JS LS RT MN MA PP LC FM Full of Malarkey 7 10 4L 2L 3 3 7 7 10 4L Ms Mocha Topaz 2 7 4 5 3S 9 9 8 1S The Cisco Kid 1 6 9 2L 2 4 1 1L Marshall Matt Dillon of Cats Cradle 5 3 3S 9 1 4 6 3S Trixie 3 10 3 3L 1L 10 6 5 Hiawatha Frosty Heels 7 3 1S 7 1 2 4S Boomer 2 2 1L 2 10 6 2L Billy Budd of Gatoamarosa 1 1S 1 5 3 3 Salome 4 1 4S 2S 6 2 Cori 5 4 4 5 3L Tortalina of Gatoamarosa 8 5 6 2 2S Mom Cat 2 5L 5L 10 10 5L Bonny Blue Belle 6 7 4L 9 4 Buster Cleveland 5S 8 8 5 5S Tuscany 6 10 7 9 Al of Perisan 9 6 3 Jojo 10 8 1 Beavis 8 9 8 Patty Cakes of Gatoamarosa 4 2S Tootsie Roll 4 8 Blackjack N Spades 5 8 Tucker Junior 9 5S Sir Isaac Newton of Northavenue 1 Yoda 7 Princess Di of Pixie Magic 3L Simba 4S Allbreed/Longhair Count 27 27 27 27 10 10 27 27 27 27 27 10 Shorthair Count 17 17 17 -- This report was prepared by Jeane Camarena (chaucer@webekatz.com).