Calgary Cat Fanciers, Calgary, Alberta, July 19-20, 2003 Saturday Sunday John Burch AB Sue Becknell AB Debbie Lopeman SP Melissa Parsley SP Rene Copeland AB Robby Whyte AB Fate Mays SP Pascale Portelas SP Alice Rhea AB Al Walbrum AB Lorre Smith SP Marylou Anderson SP Pascale Portelas AB Fate Mays AB KITTENS JB DL RC FM AR LS PP SB MP RW PP AW MA FM Odesseycatz Cher TO 10 3S 7 5S 3 7S 9 8 9S 4 3S 7 3S 4 Chinookwinds Blitzen All The Way PS 9 1 1L 5 1L 2 1 1L 3 2L 1 Kokopellirex Lucky Monkey CR 6 1S 4 6S 1 3S 4 6 2S 8S 9 Woodpile Sophisticat MC 7 5L 5 4 2L 6 4L 2 1L 10 Spellbound Guinness of Smokeycoons ES 4 8S 2 8S 1 5S 1S 6 5S 7 Balimoor Tatum BA 1 1L 2 2L 9 6 3L 5L 5 Sunstone Kilimanjaro of Samphire OC 3 7S 1S 1S 3 7S 1S 2 Kabukiamuro's Vesuvius DR 6S 6 9S 8 3S 4S 1 2S Felinesxpress Sunny SG 4S 9 2S 10 2S 1S 7S 6 Kenkat Jellybean of Wallycats PS 3L 3L 3L 7 1L 7 2L Balimoor Powdered Ice of Bashar OS 2 5S 4S 6S 5 9S 8 Elquairo's Sandstorm EM 10 4S 5 8S 7S Balimoor Snow Princess OL 2L 3L 3 3L Bluegrass Mikado of Chantandolls RD 8 5 5L 10 Marvonack's Tequila ES 3S 2 3 Whispernwoods Night Myst SI 2S 7 10 6S Summit Mews Arohanui SI 8 5S 10 4S Angeleyes Ashley BI 4L 5L 7 4L Crystalcoon Blue Purrsuasion MC 1 2L 8 Daisen's Slim Shady AS 8 8S 4S 5S Summit Mews White Hether OS 6 9 9 Animatrax Pending BG 5 9S 9S 9S Dreamscape Serendipity Sand N Spots AS 7S 6S 4 Angeleyes Angelica BI 5L 5 Summit Mews Slim Shady SI 3 8S Bluegrass Taro of Chatandolls RD 5L 8 Giggles Lava Lue DR 9 6S Ragalong Rainforest Mist RD 4L 4L Tekkatz Fancy N Free BG 2 Anjeau Katka My Angel OS 3 Ragalong Rainforest Rhapsody RD 4 Shortstuff's Smoke Dancer MK 2S Casa de Amor's Artic Wind BI 10 Anislla Valentin of Taja SB 4L Allbreed/Longhair Count 39 15 39 15 39 15 38 39 15 39 15 39 15 39 Shorthair Count 24 24 24 24 24 24 CATS JB DL RC FM AR LS PP SB MP RW PP AW MA FM Ankhamun Cartouche of Medabu SX 2 4S 7 8 3 4 5 2S 2 5S 10 Kokopellirex Casey CR 6 1S 3 2 2S 5 8 4S 4 9S Animatrax Renaissance BG 3 9S 5 1S 7 7 8S 7 6S 1 Susitna Ladys Licks A Lot HB 2S 2 6S 10 7 1S 3S 9 3S 7 Ragmar's Kiko San of Chatandolls RD 4 6L 6L 6 6L 9 1 8 1L Cumaras Braveheart BS 8 3S 4 10 8S 6 7S 6 6 Cedarvalley Evening Shade PS 7 2 5 4L 2 1L 5L 9 Blackice Ruby Tuesday of Arrowlakes MC 2L 4 3 3L 8 3L 4L 3 Pinecoon's Eddie Bauer MC 1 4L 1 2L 3L 1 8 Rowanridge Spiritbear of Purryderoc MC 5 5 2L 4 3 2L 2L Crown E Java Gold AS 2S 1 10 4 1S 4S 4 Balimoor Jezebel BA 10 1L 2L 1L 3 1L 4L Rexarecats Cindy DR 8S 4S 1S 2S 10 5S 1S Catkins Baja Luna SI 3S 9 7S 7S 6S 10 2S Mymains Tsunami MC 3L 1 4L 5L 3L Catillak's Danny Boy of Catfantazia PS 6 5L 5 Cumaras William Wallace of Bigben BS 8S 3S 8 8S Nightwind's Rabid Wombat MC 5L 3L 3 Tekkatz Rockette Girl BG 9S 4S 2 Okonor Mystra of Whispernwoods OS 7S 6 9 Daisen's Pink Floyd AS 9 5S 5S Antarcin Sunshower of Raincoast MC 1L 2 Antarcin Mariposa of Mymains MC 4L 1 Osumi-Su's Rocky Raccoon of Bashar OS 8 9S 7S Dreamscape Cayenne AS 10 7S 8S Angeleyes Zephyr of Katzpur BI 5L 7 Honeygraham's Cindy SG 9 6S Bengal Exotic FX Okinwan Isshyn-Ryu BG 5S 6S Tekkatz Ice Age BG 5S 9S Casa de Amors Zeffrey Vic Wiz BI 5 Antarcin Talise of Talismaine MC 6 Talismaine's Ice Cream Coon MC 9 Suncoast Amber of Moonbeam BU 3S Moonbeam's Candy BU 4S Vistabella's Zodiac Lisette BI 5L Li'l Minx Tinuviel KT 6S Allbreed/Longhair Count 44 21 44 21 44 21 44 43 19 42 19 43 19 43 Shorthair Count 24 24 23 24 24 24 ALTERS JB DL RC FM AR LS PP SB MP RW PP AW MA FM Myrlyn Fancybluwrapper of Samphire SI 1 4 1S 1S 7 1 5S 8 3 1S 2 Voracious Prince PJ CR 4 2S 6 6 2S 3 3S 6 1S 7 Ankhamun Vin Diesel of Utopia SX 2 1S 2 1 8 1 2S 5 3S Dbcats Sand Pebbles AL 7 3L 7 5L 4 1L 2 5L 5 Antarcin Nevada Blue MC 1L 3 2L 1 3L 3L 2 6 Kaperkats Cleocatra PB 9 10 5S 10 5S 10 6 1S 4 Holdermaines Lil Pink Thing MC 7 1L 5 3L 2L 4 1 Dreamscape Sages Regal Tamarind AS 8 8 3 2S 10 1 2S Balimoor Bernadette BA 5L 9 5 2L 6 5 2L Cedarvalley Triple B of Vanceland PS 7 4L 9 6 1L 3 Antarcin Dakotah of Carolscats MC 6 2 2 2L 1L Talismaine's Bella Nikita MC 3 5 2 7 5L Dreamscape Polar Magic Milo AS 5S 2S 9 4S 10 4 Purrsia's Totally Austin SI 3S 4S 3S 4S 5S 7 Ciara's Quite A Sunburn of Samphire OS 5 3S 4S 3 Animatrax Mojo BG 4S 5 10 3 Antarcin Rylee MC 3L 1 4L 5L Anjeau Anjolina My Loves Song BA 2L 5L 9 Capilano's Ripley of Prairiedawn DR 8 3S 5S Animatrax Pheromone BG 4 8 Antarcin Simba Arusha Kahn MC 4 4L Woodpile Tarragon MC 1L 8 Casa Decano's Tiasha My Angel SI 9 9 Ragalong Blue Jewel RD 10 8 Antarcin Kathleen Suntana MC 3L 10 Antarcin Tommy Rosselli MC 9 4L Mymains Max A Million MC 4L 4L Summit Mews Gandalf SI 4S Allbreed/Longhair Count 31 17 32 18 31 17 31 33 19 32 19 33 19 35 Shorthair Count 14 14 14 14 14 14 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS JB DL RC FM AR LS PP SB MP RW PP AW MA FM I Am Diamond Lil of Alleycats 1 1L 2 1L 1 1L 1 1 1L 1 1L 1 1L 3 Speedy Gonzales of Alleykatz 3 2S 3 1S 2 2S 2 2 1S 2 2S 3 1S 1 Just Razzie of Odesseycatz 2 1S 1 2S 3 1S 3 3 2S 3 1S 2 2S 2 Allbreed/Longhair Count 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 Shorthair Count 2 2 2 2 2 2 HOUSEHOLD PETS JB DL RC FM AR LS PP SB MP RW PP AW MA FM Higgins 4 3L 2L 1 2L 1 1 5L 1 2L 3 3L 2 Prince 4S 1S 3 2S 2 4 3S 2S 2S 1 Juma Bakari of Alleykatz 1 1L 1L 2 3L 3 4L 4 3L 2 2L Mr Morris 5 5S 5 4S 4S 5 5 3S 5 Darma of Entrechaton 2 1S 3 2S 5 5S 5S 1S Miss Koko 4 3S 4S 3 4 3S 4 King Cloudius Skye 3S 1S 4 1S 1S 5 5S Topazz Too of Entrechaton 1 5S 5S 2S 2 3 Majestik Merlin 4 3S 2 4S 1 4S Alvis 2L 2 3L 1L 3 2L 1L Robert 3 5L 5L 4L 3L 5L 1L Donovan 2S 5 Katoki 1L 4L 4L Suisse Mocha 4L 4L 5L 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 14 6 14 6 14 6 14 Shorthair Count 11 11 11 9 8 8 -- This report was prepared by Christine Barger (