Blue Danube Cat Club, Mauerbach, Austria, June 14-15, 2003 Saturday Sunday Vicki Jo Harrison AB Vicki Jo Harrison AB Toni Jones SP Toni Jones SP Lisa Dickie SP Lisa Dickie SP Alexey Shchukin AB Alexey Shchukin SP Genevieve Basquine SP Genevieve Basquine AB Lisette Baudoux AB Lisette Baudoux SP KITTENS VJH TJ LD AS GB LBVJH TJ LD AS GB LB Cattycats Michelle Kwan OS 1 1S 2S 1 1S 1 3 1S 1S 1S 1 1S Vitus Chocolate Hero HI 5 3L 3 2L 3 2L 1L 4 2L Annvalentine's Ivanhoe MC 6 2 4 4 3L 2L 6 1L Spice Timo BG 2 4S 5S 4 4S 5 2 2S 4S 4S 4S St.Laszloi Napoleon MC 8 2L 8 5L 1L 5L 3 Honeymoon of Hogwarths Pride RD 4L 5L 4L 5 2L 4L 5L Vitus Snowflake HI 9 2L 1L 6 3L 2 Vitus Silvester ES 2S 1S 5 5S 8 3S 2S 2S 5S Alwaro Tom Cruise of Macconner MC 3 3L 3L 1 4L Funny Girl von der Lobau ES 5S 3S 3S 6 5S 5S 5S 3S Kimang's Magelove PS 4 1L 7 9 Cattycats Karma MC 1L 6 1L 3L Vitus Captain Von Trapp ES 3S 4S 2S 4S 3S 3S 2S Vitus Snowball HI 2 4L Moos Ranch Scarlett RD 7 5 Megacoon Grabovsky MC 5L 3L Moos Ranch Sir Percival RD 9 5L Moonrakers Mozart MC 7 Moonrakers Mission Impossible MC 4L Wistariantale Nafanua MC 4L Gullweig's B4Sunryz of Tyuda MC 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 24 19 19 24 19 24 21 16 16 16 21 16 Shorthair Count 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 CATS VJH TJ LD AS GB LBVJH TJ LD AS GB LB DesEntrechats Totaly Spice AB 1 2S 3S 6 2S 2 3 1S 1S 4S 2 2S Britanya's Moonlight Madness DR 5 4S 2 3S 1 2S 1S 6 4S Cosmiccoons Freaking Out MC 3 2L 1 1L 5 1L 4 4L Tuscaloosa's Moonshadow MC 7 3L 6L 4L 6 8 2L 2L 2L Positively Navigator of Courtlycats BS 4S 4 4S 3 10 2S 1 1S Csakscoon A Black Boy MC 10 4L 10L 2 7L 4L 4L 9 5L Vitus Daisy PS 5L 5L 5L 4L 3L 5L 8 7L Galileo von Hirschbach RB 5S 5S 8 7 4S 5 3S Vitus Brigitte .B ES 4 3 6 3S 3S Megacoon Sueti MC 9L 4 6L 7 1L Ritzyrags Camillea of Selia RD 8 6L 7L 1L 7L Icingsugar's Fingal BI 8L 8L 10L10L 7L 1010L Dynastithai Silver Zeddy SG 7 5S 5S 5S 5S Narragansett Mia RD 2L 7L 5L 3 Exoticrose Curry of Spice BG 9 4 4S 3S Tuscaloosa's No Angel MC 5 6L 9 3L Minusdetails Texana of Vitus CY 7L 9L 6L 8L 2L Cezar Blue Kiwis Eulalie RD 9L 3L 8L 10L 3L Babuschka's 13 Moon of Kimang PS 3L 9 1 Arricchito Britisch Velvet BS 6 1S 5 Pzazz Faramir of Dreamhunter OS 2 3S 2S Macconner Prince Luxor MC 1L 3L 8L Acadiapark Sedgwick of Annvalentine MC 7 1L Vitus Bruno ES 1S 8 Lacocoon Silver Ghost MC 2L 8L Gardenofeden Fletcher MC 10L 9 Wistariantale May Queen MC 4L 9L Alexander Nord Wick SB 10L 8L Lacocoon Luciano Pavarotti MC 1L Ynys Witrin Breena Lucifera MC 9L 9L Styria's Valpolicella ES 1S Modany's Turandot BS 2S Cattycats Laem Din OS 10 Kittycats Aaron Carter RD 10 Tuscaloosa's Topaze of Heartbreaker MC 5L Contrast Pippilotta SG 5S Emberhearth Taliesin of Selia RD 6L Macconner Sarah MC 6L Selia's Leda RD 9L Allbreed/Longhair Count 54 35 35 49 35 51 41 29 28 28 42 29 Shorthair Count 19 19 19 13 13 13 13 ALTERS VJH TJ LD AS GB LBVJH TJ LD AS GB LB Vitus Austria ES 2 2S 2S 1 1S 4 3 2S 2S 1S 1 3S Modany's Garbo BS 1 1S 1S 3 2S 1 2 1S 1S 2S 1S Ynys Witrin Brigantia Divinitas MC 3 2L 5L 5 3L 4 1L 4L 5L 2 4L Zarenka Zoe Irisa RB 4S 4S 4S 3 1 3S 3S 3S 3 2S Witchcats Blue Dreamer MC 1L 2 1L 2 5L 3L 1L 3L Ynys Witrin Brutus Cardarn MC 3L 3L 4 5 2L 1L 3L 2L Noahsarche Yippie Hazel Memmory MC 1L 2L 5L 3L 2L 2L 5 1L Hunterdonhall Synster Gust BG 5 5S 3S 3S 5S 4 5S Diavolo's Fra Diavolo BS 3S 5S 5S 5 4S 4S 4S 4S Alegro Valinarhani BI 4 5L 4L 2L Heartbreaker's Beauty MC 4L 4L 4L 5L Gardenofeden Effendi MC 4L 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 11 6 7 11 6 11 11 6 6 6 11 6 Shorthair Count 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 HOUSEHOLD PETS VJH TJ LD AS GB LBVJH TJ LD AS GB LB Mozart der Zweite 1 1S 2S 1 3S 2 2 1S 1S 1S 2 3S Othello 2 2S 1S 3 2S 1 3 4S 2S 3S 3 1S Jeannine 3 3S 3S 2 1S 3 5 2S 3S 2S 1 2S Kimiko 1 3S 4S 4S 5 4S Muffin 4 1L 1L 1L 4 1L Allbreed/Longhair Count 3 0 0 3 0 3 5 1 1 1 5 1 Shorthair Count 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 -- This report was prepared by Kurt Vlach (