Southern Alberta Cat Fanciers, Calgary, Alberta, April 19-20, 2003 Saturday Sunday Sue Becknell-Bower AB Sue Becknell-Bower SP Debbie Brown AB Debbie Brown SP John Burch SP John Burch AB Judy Chappetta AB Judy Chappetta SP Ellen Crockett SP Ellen Crockett AB Lynn Judge SP Lynn Judge AB Alice Rhea SP Alice Rhea AB Louise van de Water AB Louise van de Water SP KITTENS SB DB JB JC EC LJ AR LW SB DB JB JC EC LJ AR LW Chinookwinds Blitzen All The Way PS 2 1 4L 1 2L 5L 9 3L 2L 6 1L 2 2L Summit Mews White Heather OS 2 1S 8 5S 3S 3S 10 1S 1 3S 9 10 Purrpals Snow Angel of Kiwi Gato HI 4 1L 7 2L 4L 7 3L 2 6 4 7 Summitt Mews Slim Shady SI 8 10 3 1S 2S 6 2S 5S 1 4 3S Ragalong Rainforest Prince RD 7 9 5L 3L 2L 8 4L 9 5L 6 3 Angeleyes Zephyr of Katzpur BI 7 5 10 3L 2 1L 5L 3 5 5L Antarcin Sunshower of Raincoast MC 3 2L 4L 5L 4 4L 3 3L 8 3L Antarcin Talise of Talismaine MC 10 5L 5 1L 1L 7 2L 1 2 Cedarvalley Triple B of Vanceland PS 3L 4L 3 5 4L 7 5 6 1L Surprise Valley Minnie BG 3S 1 4S 5S 8 10 1S Giggles Cayley DR 4 9 4S 1S 3S 8 5S Talismaine Ice Cream Coon MC 1 6 3L 2L 3 4L Tekkatz Rockette Girl BG 6 8 3S 4S 1S 1 Rexarecats Cindy DR 2S 5S 5 5 9 2S Animatrax Faberge BG 5S 2S 5S 5S 2 9 Dawnfire's Sashay Down The Catwalk BG 9 2S 4S 4 7 Antardin Nevada Jeans MC 3 6 1L 1L Rexarecats Cassidy DR 4S 4S 10 2S 8 Bengalexoticfx Okinawan Isshin-Ryu BG 1S 3S 4 4S Rexarecats Trance DR 4 1S Tekkatz Frosty Zipper BG 2 4S Bacardi's Troublemaker of Josee PS 5 5L Bengalexoticfx Japanese Shotokan BG 2S Antarcin Bella Nikita MC 10 Allbreed/Longhair Count 27 28 11 27 11 11 11 28 10 11 27 11 28 28 27 11 Shorthair Count 16 16 17 17 15 17 17 15 CATS SB DB JB JC EC LJ AR LW SB DB JB JC EC LJ AR LW Balimoor Jezebel BA 5 3 2L 8 1L 2L 6L 8L 2L 5 3L 2 4 3L Cattycats Ko Man Wichai OS 4 1 1 1S 3S 5 1S 1S 1S 1 5 1S Dreamscape Tater Two AS 9 10 7 3S 6S 4S 5S 3S 5S 7 8 7 5S Rowanridge Spiritbear of Purryderoc MC 3 8L 3L 3L 4 2L 8L 8 6 4 6L Purrpals Sk8er Boi of Kiwi Gato HI 4 2 2L 5L 8L 3 7L 3L 4L 9 2L Elquairo's Temple Jewels Diamond EM 10 3S 10 1S 6S 3S 7 3 9 3S Cattycats Lijang Rose MC 2 3L 4 3L 1L 4 2L 6 Pishi Quigly Tank ES 1 1S 3 3S 2S 2 5 Ragmar's Kiko San of Chatandolls RD 5 1L 4L 9 1L 2 610L Boberan'd Midnight Special PS 6 6L 6L 1 5L 4 1L Animatrax Rebel BG 7 1 3 1 8 Tekkatz Red Hot BG 8 4S 5S 2 2S 2S Miasu Zokah of Birash BI 2 9 10 4L 1L 5L Kittystone's Hollywood Rebel HI 1L 2L 7 3 3 Osumi-Su's Rocky Raccoon of Bashar OS 5S 2S 1S 5S 5 10 Ragalong Rainforest Regent RD 9 7L 5L 6L 7L 10 5L Balimoor Southern Belle BA 6L 7L 1L 5L 1 Sancancats Lily Del PS 6 4L 9L 3L 9 Okonor Mystra of Whispernwoods OS 2S 4S 6 7 Chinookwinds Hello From Sydney PS 5L 6 2 7L Vistabella's Zinfandelle BI 8 7 4L 6L Britanya Ivan of Giggles DR 4S 4S 8 4S Animatrax Celestial Charm BG 6S 2S 5S 4S Lueslilkats Heather Cream ML 5L 8L 10 10 Rowanridge Shiloh of Katzpur MC 10L 9L 9 4L Antarcin William Robert MC 5 9L 4L Mikasu Zolivia BI 9L 9L 8L 9L Tekkatz Ice Age BG 6 2S Balimoor Dancing Queen OS 7L 7L 8L Abundadots Nutmeg of Dawnfire BG 5S 8 Stachys Shannelle of Prairiecat HI 8L 6L Antarcin Drummer Girl of Heirloom MC 9L 7L Tekkatz Butterscotch Ripple BG 2S Chittagong's Wind Wizard of Casa de Amor BI 10L 10L Suncoast's Cinnamon BU 3S Casa de Amor Zasha of Birash BI 4L Purrsia Hot Smudge Sundae of Purrzz OS 4S Li'l Minx Tinuviel KO 6S Abundadots Casanova of Dawnfire BG 6S Allbreed/Longhair Count 47 47 25 47 25 24 25 47 24 24 47 23 47 46 47 25 Shorthair Count 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 21 ALTERS SB DB JB JC EC LJ AR LW SB DB JB JC EC LJ AR LW Viran's Autumn Blaze of Arrow Lakes PS 2 1 1L 6 1L 4L 4 1L 1L 1 5L 1 6 1L Voracious Prince PJ CR 1 2 3S 5 3S 1S 3S 3 1S 1S 6 3S 4 2 3S Faerietail Super Trooper CY 7 5 5L 3L 3L 2L 1 4L 4 1L 6 5 3 2L Dreamscape Sages Regal Tamarind AS 4 7 1S 3 1S 2S 2S 3S 5 2S 5 5 Anjeau Anjolina My Loves Song BA 4 4 1L 1L 3L 3L 4L 1 1 Azorez Melyann My Love SI 6 6 2S 4S 3S 5S 4S 2S 1S 6 Elan Avalon BG 2S 2S 4S 6 3S 4S 3 3 2S Antarcin Dakotah of Carolscats MC 3 4L 2L 2L 2 5L Antarcin Tommy Rosselli MC 1 4L 2 5L 2L 4L Heirloom Outlaw of Antarcin MC 2L 5L 5L 3L 3 4 Animatrax Tango BG 4S 5S 4S 1S 5S 4S 2 5S Dreamscape Polar Magic Milo AS 5S 5S 5 5S 7 1S Martessa's Ipo MC 2 2L 3L 4 Cupid's Romeow RD 5 7 5L 5L Azorez Manwe Sulimo Uv Arda SI 7 5S 2 4S Antarcin Frankee Costello MC 3 4L Antarcin Rylee MC 2L 3L Kiwigato's Sunny Boy HI 3L Lueslilkatz Blaze ML 4L Allbreed/Longhair Count 22 22 14 22 14 14 14 22 13 13 21 13 21 22 21 13 Shorthair Count 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS SB DB JB JC EC LJ AR LW SB DB JB JC EC LJ AR LW Tweety 1 1 1S 1 3S 1S 2S 1 1S 1S 3 1S 2 2 3 1S L.T. 2 2 2S 2 2S 2S 1S 3 2S 3S 2 2S 1 1 2 2S Smeagol 3 3 3S 3 1S 3S 3S 2 3S 2S 1 3S 3 3 1 3S Allbreed/Longhair Count 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Shorthair Count 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 HOUSEHOLD PETS SB DB JB JC EC LJ AR LW SB DB JB JC EC LJ AR LW Dharma of Entrechaton 4 1 4S 2S 1S 1S 2 5S 1S 1 4S 2 1 4 1S Simba 1 4 2L 5 2L 2L 1L 4 1L 3L 2 4L 5 5 1L Higgins 5 5S 1L 5L 1 2L 2L 4 3L 3 1 2L Miss Koko 2 5 1S 1S 2S 5S 1S 3S 3S 4 2 5S Alvis 2 4L 4 1L 3L 2L 3L 1L 2L 1 4 3L Mr. Morris 3 3S 4S 3S 2S 2S 5 3 King Cloudius Skye 2S 5S 4S 3S 4S 3 5 2 Lacey Lu 3 1 3 4S 2S 1S 2S Misty 3 3L 5L 3L 4L 5L 1L 5L Topazz Too of Entrechaton 2 3S 5S 3S 5S 2S Romeo 5L 5L 4L 5L 5L 4L Aristotle 4S 3 4S Hammerstein 3L 4L 4L 4L Flora 5 5S Lady Elizabeth 3S Allbreed/Longhair Count 15 14 6 15 6 6 6 15 6 6 15 6 15 15 15 6 Shorthair Count 9 9 9 9 8 8 9 8 -- This report was prepared by Robin L. Sessler (