Showtime Cat Club, New Cumberland, PA, February 28, March 1-2, 2003

             Friday                     Saturday                    Sunday          
    Paul Lahey            AB    Dewane Barnes         AB    Marilynne Dombroskie  AB
    Beth Hicks            AB    Connie Webb           AB    Barbara Ray           AB
    Lynne Sherer          AB    Robin Higgins         AB    Louise van de Water   AB
    Judy Chappetta        AB    Frances Yow           AB    Robert Forte          AB
    Connie Webb           AB    Elektra Hammond       SP    Kay Devilbiss         AB
    Chris Unangst         SP    Mike Hammond          SP    Debbie Lopeman        SP

KITTENS                                  PL BH LS JC CW CU DB CW RH FY EH MH MD BRLvW RF KD DL
Sarajen Scoresby                     MC   3  6  3  3  5 2L  4  5       1L 2L  3     1  9  1 5L
Foxykats Touched By Grace            CX      3     9  8 2S  8     3    1S 8S  1  7    10  5 1S
Vitus Brigitte B                     ES      4  1     2 5S     2     7    9S  5  6  2     2 4S
Tassam Harry Hogwarts                BA   7       10  9 5L  3  3  8    2L 3L  4 10        3 1L
HMs Gamma Rose                       BS   9  2  2  1  7 1S     4  4  3    2S 10               
Cooncreole Michail                   SB                     6     6  2 6L 4L  9  3  7  4  7 2L
Beauchador Sinful As Chocolate       AS   1        5  1     9  1              6  4  3  1      
Cherryhill Shelby                    RD      1  5     6 3L 10  8 10    7L 9L     1          6L
Shiverden Minx of Hunterdonhall      SG   5             3S  7        1 5S 6S        9     6 3S
Owhl's Emmett                        SF   6           3 4S     9  9       4S        8  2      
Owhl's Fiona of Shannaye             SF     10  4                 1           2     6       7S
Gempaw Morocco of Velvetkist         PS         6           1  6       4L           4       4L
Rustling's Positively Sand Castle    BS                     2     7    2S        5       10 2S
JCV Rocky Balboa II                  HI  10     9       4L                1L     2        9   
Duman's Adept Rhianna Snowfire       TA        10  8 10 6L    10       3L 5L                  
Coonpulsive Texas T. of MtKittery    MC      5     4    1L           4                        
Shubacoons Lovely Rita of Tabbeyrd   MC         7                 2              8     7      
Chloes Verdigris of Witsend          BG               4        7                          4 5S
Wenlock Con Brio of Blackhorn        TO      8     2                10    3S                  
Hillstblues Persnickety of Magikaby  AB      7                                7        6    8S
Radiance Beyond Belief               OS                              9 8S 7S       10       6S
Shaynacats Ben Caesar                PS   2                          6                 8      
Catnappers Angelus                   TA   4                                         5       3L
Wildlove Great Balls of Fire         BG      9  8                             8               
Potomac's Silver Bullet              PB                                3S 1S     9            
Debryant Something Missin            CY   8                               7L           5      
Lawntonstmews Naughty By Nature      BG                           5                    3      
Duman's Adept Arabella Sunfire       TA                              8 9L                   7L
Bengaland's Divinci Crown Royal      BG                     5          6S                     
Witsend Illusionist                  BG            7                      5S                  
Condocoons White Snake of Mylancoon  MC                                5L10L                  
Raymar Red Buttons of Cazpurr        BG                              5                        
Whitetailrun Pixel                   PL                                8L 8L                  
Ritzyrags Brutus of Cherryhill       RD            6                                          
Catnappers Lorelai                   TA                                                   8   
LN Cats Fosters Bustard              SX                                9S10S                  
Kitti Kat's Just Adorable            SR                                4S                     
Coonpulsive Against The Wind         MC                                   6L                  
Bengaland's Priceless Yukon Jack     BG                                7S                     
Avicats Alessandra Benucci           MC                                                     8L
Pidepipurr Silberschatz              RD                               10L                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     41 41 42 42 41 21 50 47 49 48 25 25 47 44 47 48 47 23
                     Shorthair Count                    18             24 25                23

CATS                                     PL BH LS JC CW CU DB CW RH FY EH MH MD BRLvW RF KD DL
Azima's Manet of Duman               TA   5  2  6  3  3 4L 10  1  3  2 1L 5L  2  1  2  1  3 3L
Budmar's Bijan of Kabobkats          PS   4 10  5  4  2 2L  4  2  7  5 2L 3L  3  2  3  2  2 1L
Columbleau's Ragin Cajin             CX   1  3  4  1 10 3S        2    1S 2S  4  4  1  9  4 2S
Vitus France                         ES   7  1  1     4 5S     3  1      10S  1  8  4  5  1 7S
Classicalcats Persephone             SX   9        7  7 1S  8     8  1 8S     7     5         
Rustling's Positively Harris Plaid   BS  10                 3    10       1S  5  6 10  7  9   
Glor-Ee Once In A Blue Moon          OS   8             9S  6  5             10  3     6  5 4S
JCV Jimmy Dean                       HI         9  2  9 1L  9     6  7           5            
Owhl's Puss Ewhippt                  SS      7        5     2  6  4                           
Wildlove Meteorite                   BG                     1        4 4S     8           6   
Miribus Silver Meteor of Ginfree     AS                 4S  5        610S 6S        7         
Silmarilions Manwe Benvolio          RD   6     8     1              9           9            
Owhl's Belladonna of Shannye         SS      4  2  6    3L                                  5L
Pirateslair Buccaneer                MC               6 5L     7     3    2L                  
Storybookat's Baloo of Intowishin    NF      6        8        8              6             2L
Woodland Dvinci Velvet of Bengaland  BG   3             2S        5 10 6S                     
Nodngait Polishd Jade of Junglemist  BG      8     9                             7     4    5S
Berryhille's Sealia                  HI                        4       3L           8  8    4L
Mainlysilver Sgt Pepper of Tabbeyrd  MC      9  3           7                          3      
Beauchador Yukidaruma                AS   2             8S                            10  710S
Love Sumalee Blu Lady                KT                           9  8 3S                   3S
Nilemauser Demeter                   EM        10       6S                9S        9       6S
Sazikatz Faith Enough of Blueyonder  TO                                5S 7S  9             1S
Mistys Briar Rose of Bellesandbeaux  SN            8   10S             7S                10   
Springcreek's Ridge Walker           PL           10                   5L 4L                  
Epona's Harleigh                     NF            5                      1L                  
Vindouro's Wicked Sensation          BU                        9       2S                     
Bengaland's Kamari Divinci           BG         7       7S                                    
Wildwood Slick Chick                 SX                       10                            9S
Vindouro's She Sells Sanctuary       BU                                9S 4S                  
Cloistercoon RM Anirul of Blueblaze  MC      5                                                
Jumanji Raja of Jungletales          BG                                             6         
Whitetailrun's Princess Leia         BB                                                   8   
Vindouro's Blue Murder of Euroburm   BU                                   3S                  
Hedgewood's Breyen of Sartoris       AS                                         10            
Chriscats Attar                      BG                                   5S                  
Ritzyrags Brutus of Cherryhill       RD                                4L                     
Cazpurr's Alexisditi of Leopardhill  BG                                   8S                  
Witsend Heartofgold                  BG                                                     8S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     43 40 42 42 42 16 50 49 48 48 17 16 45 46 46 46 45 17
                     Shorthair Count                    28             30 30                28

ALTERS                                   PL BH LS JC CW CU DB CW RH FY EH MH MD BRLvW RF KD DL
Dreambabys Dreammaker                PS   2  9  1     3 2L  1  1  1  9 2L     1     1  2  2   
Naturskat's Jacobs Ladder of Norja   NF      2     1  1 3L  3  2  9    1L 2L  6  9  6       1L
Columbleu's Silver Charm             CX   5  8     3  6     9  9  4 10    3S     5     9  4   
Love Sumalee Song Sung Blu           KT                     6  5  6  1        2  7  8  1  3 2S
Owhl's Spring A Ling A Ding Dong     SF   6  3  3  2  2 4S  7  4 10           9               
Shagcats Rockin Robin                MC                     5  8  3  5           4  4  4  1   
Bassetti's Koji Yohji                JB   1     5       1S           3 3S     4     2     6   
Ginfree Chunk Yeager                 AS   3  4     8              2  7       10  8    10  9   
Timeheart's Celebration              HB              10     4        2 4S 2S  3  6  7         
Vindouro's Fyrebyrd                  BU  10  1  9  4  5        7       2S           5         
Clarion's D Artagnan of Kinglee      AB   9     7     8     2        8        8        5      
Wenlock Cedez of Blackhorn           TO   7  6  4     9 3S                    7        6      
Coonpulsive Austin of MtKittery      MC      5  2  5  4 1L        5                           
Nytwing's Oddie                      OS      7  6 10    2S                1S           7    4S
Minusdetails This Kiss               CY                        6     4           1  3  3      
Minusdetails Classy                  CY            7  7 5L             3L 1L           8    3L
Lloyal Yardlly                       BI   8     8  9                   4L        3          5L
Shimasu's For The Moment of Lee      SI        10       5S           6          10        5   
Beauchador Blue Beary                AS            6       10     8       6S       10         
Stageone Hamlet of Chriscats         BG     10                         5S 5S        9       5S
Synergy Mylar                        OS                       10       1S     5           8   
Sazikatz Sand Dollar of Blueyonder   TO                                          2          1S
Medoz Majik Paw Prince               BG   4                                              10   
Rustling's Positively Tweedles       BS                     8             4S                  
Dreambabys Dreambeam                 PS                 4L                                7   
Kabobkats Cinnamon Swirl             PS                                   3L                2L
Soulmates American Dream             RD                                   4L                4L
Annarose                             SI                        3                              
Chriscats Skada of Threadancer       BG                           7                           
Kitti Kat Kaliodoscope               SR                                                     3S
Nenuphar's Eglantine of Desertmoon   SO                                5L                     
Amkat's Icedragon                    MC                                   5L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     26 27 28 28 25  9 33 34 34 34 12 10 32 33 34 32 34  9
                     Shorthair Count                    18             20 21                20

Sherman                                   1  4  4  5  1 2S  6  1  6  1 2S 1S  1  2  1  6  1 1S
PJ                                        2  1  1  1  2 3S  4  2  2  5 1S 2S  3  3  6  5  2 2S
T Pea                                     4  2  2  3  3 1S  1  3  5  2 4S 4S  2  4  4  4  3 3S
Taxi                                      3  5  3  2  4 1L  3  6  4  3 1L 1L  4  1  3  3  5 1L
Mabel                                     5  3  5  4  5 4S  2  4  3  4 3S 5S  6  5  2  1  6 5S
Trooper Tommy of Shardon                                    5  5  1  6 5S 3S  5  6  5  2  4 4S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      5  5  5  5  5  1  6  6  6  6  1  1  6  6  6  6  6  1
                     Shorthair Count                     4              5  5                 5

Speedy                                    2  3  2       4L  4  5  3  2 4L 2L  1     2       2L
Remy of Broadsway                            1  1  3  3 1S     1  1    3S     4  2            
LWC Lucy                                  1        4  1 2S     3     4    5S     1     1  1   
Scottie of Azizacats                         5     1    2L        4  5 2L 1L     5        2 1L
Caleb of Kingsransom                      3        2  2        2              5           3 1S
Zierra of Mysticpurrz                              5    5S     4  5                 3     5 3S
Shaddy                                          3       3L             5L 3L     4     4    5L
Worth The Wait                                  5                    1 1S        3     6      
Lady Bug                                  4  4              2        3    3S                  
Dorita                                    5           5 1L             1L                 4 4L
Chiai of Kingsransom                            4     4                   1S        5       2S
Savanna of Mysticpurrz                       2                         2S     3        2      
Phantom Stranger of Vindouro                                3          4S 2S           3      
The Grand Illusion of Desertmoon                        4S     6                    1       5S
Miro of Kingransom                                                     5S           4  5      
Roberta                                                 3S  5             4S                  
Smokey                                                                 3L     2             3L
Stardust                                                          2                         4S
Cisco                                                       1             4L                  
Taxi                                                                      5L                  
Smokey Blue Country                                     5L                                    
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     18 17 18 15 15  5 20 21 20 20  7  7 19 20 20 21 20  7
                     Shorthair Count                    13             13 11                12
This report was prepared by Richard Ketz (