Invincible Cat Lovers, Gimbsheim, Germany, December 7-8, 2002 Saturday Sunday Geneviève Basquine AB Geneviève Basquine AB Lisette Baudoux SP Lisette Baudoux AB Louise van de Water AB Louise van de Water SP Robin Higgins AB Robin Higgins AB Trudy Vermaas SP Trudy Vermaas AB Massimo Picardello AB Massimo Picardello SP KITTENS GB LBLVW RH TV MP GB LBLVW RH TV MP Newark Trademark PS 3 3L 5 1L 6 4 8 3L 1 1L Catzanova Tiziano SO 2 1L 1 7 3 2 1 2L 7 2L Desentrechats Tiyi AB 1 3 2 2 1 3 1S 3 6 2S Seriouscats Kassandra BS 5 4S 10 6 3S 8 9 3S 4 5S Belfry Robin Skinud Vecchiomulino SX 6 7 1 4S 1 7 2 8 1S Ahwannacoons Merlin of Witchcraft MC 4 5 3L 8 3 5 2 6L Dr Zivagho of The Catwalk MC 4L 2 4 5 2 1L 8 5L Del Tao Del Miao Felissa of Goblin DR 9 1S 9 9 4 2S 3S Seeneekats Amity of Tyuda RB 10 2S 6 5 4S 4S Aghtamars Meroujan-van TV 7 7L 8 10 4L Ragmagics Stars And Stripes RD 8 8L 10 10 9L Wistariantale May Queen MC 5L 7 5L 7 Enchantica Vision Jabel OS 5S 1S 5S 3 Insiders Anton SL 4 4 7L 5 Debonair Nofretete of Maranello PS 6L 3 2L 1 Anderwelt Fadlan Il Kalam TA 9L 7L 910L Pirates Lair Bluebeards of Bonfires MC 8L 6 8L Mikos Klim Bim PS 9L 5 7L Monpti Pacheera MC 6L 4 Agthamars Nazeli-van TV 1010L 10L 10 Exoticrose Charnushka of Spice BG 9 2S Modanys Groovy BS 3S 5S Ub-2b Im The Future of Maranello PS 10L 6L Mtmeadow Yaqui MC 9L 9 8L Sunwaters Inipi MC 6 Cattycats Moongarden MC 2L Beaverscove Peaches MC 8 6 Robbie v. D. Roedel PS 7 3L Red Sister v. D. Roedel PS 4L Blackmoons Beethofen MC 10 4L Happy Hippo Batida de Coco PS 5L Modanys Hope And Glory BS 9 Allbreed/Longhair Count 51 39 50 51 38 49 41 42 32 42 41 32 Shorthair Count 10 10 10 10 CATS GB LBLVW RH TV MP GB LBLVW RH TV MP Satya Saqqarahs PS 4 1L 6 7 5L 4 1 1L 3 3L Cathycoons Wladimir MC 3 4L 1 3L 3 4 3L 2 8L Abykatzen Alegria of Marsmellow AB 6 2S 3 5 3S 6 6 3 1S 2 4S Catzanova Samoa SO 1 3L 7 5 2 5 4L 2L Exoticrose Poppy Seed of Spice BG 2 4 1 2 Ritzyrags Tiara Blue of Angelrags RD 7L 4 7 910L 3 10 4L Wistariantale Magnifico MC 2L 3 6L 8 6 5L Fullmoons Couer de La Meer HI 9L 2 6 2L 7L Brettonpark Pole Position PS 6L 2 3 4 5 1L Smokeycoons Thunderbird MC 8 5L 1L 10 1 Cattycats Kojiki OS 5 7S 4 5 1S Tchina Rose Taille de La Fontaine BU 10 1S 1S 9 7 Chayat Tiane of Tyuda RB 8S 6S 8 7 Beckycats Taormina of Sunwaters MC 9 10L 8L 9 Pzazz Faramir of Dreamhunter OS 5 1 10 10 2S Gaelicurls Neuroenchen AL 8L 10 7L 10L Cattycats Kamala OS 2S 9 6S 6 Callas Cloud Dancer AS 10 4S 3S 8 Alikas Olympic Star ES 9 3S 5S Vecchiomulino Grezky SX 5S 2 5S 3S Gardenofeden Fletcher MC 1 9L 1 Nobilitys Weik-Ling SI 9 2S Mtmeadow Top Gun MC 8 5L Llandar Cannelle of Spice BG 8 5S 7 Dearcats Fury BS 7 7S Galileo v. Hirschbach RB 4S 4S Cattycats Lijang Rose MC 10L 9 Bonfires Shakyrah MC 4 Modanys Vienna Calling BS 6 Mikos Too Good To Be True PS 9L 5 9L Tuscaloosas Prom Queen MC 7 Tuscaloosas Galaxy Quest MC 8 Lovelyness Twinkle Star of Bonfires MC 2L Lemental Panegyric of Noahsarche BA 10 8 Penogacats Scarlett Shakary MC 4L Acadiapark Tigerli of Wistariantale MC 6L 6L Thundercats Fairfax MC 7L Gabriel of The Cinnamons Classic BS 6S Moon vom Sandefjord NF 8L Allbreed/Longhair Count 61 41 63 65 41 61 59 59 38 57 59 38 Shorthair Count 23 22 21 18 ALTERS GB LBLVW RH TV MP GB LBLVW RH TV MP Stellarharts Mr Magic of Ragmagic RD 4 2L 3 2 2L 1 3 1 5L 3 4 1L Sutherlands Daydreamer MC 3L 5 4L 4 4 1L 3 4L Nobilitys Wei-King SI 3 2S 3S 2 2 3 2S 2S Silky Squib Mr. Lover Lover PS 1 1L 2 4 1L 2 Fogforest Farley Mowatt PL 4L 1 4 5 2L 5L Culany Enico SG 1S 4 5 1S 1S 1S Darling Cazting Spellz of Noahs Ark BA 5 5L 1 1 3L Miro PS 5 2 2 Penogacats Jackson Daniel MC 2 3 3L 4 Agthamars Kohar-van TV 3 1 4L 2L Vitus Angelo of Duca Bianco ES 4S 4S 4S 5 4S Penogacats McCancy MC 3L 1 Gaulois of Goblin DR 3S 2S 5 3S 5 3S Joy de Baer vom Orlas SF 5S 5S 5S 5S Penogacats Darkman MC 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 15 10 15 15 10 15 16 16 11 16 16 11 Shorthair Count 5 5 5 5 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS GB LBLVW RH TV MP GB LBLVW RH TV MP Beauty 1 1S 1 2 1S 1 1 1 1S 1 2 1S Sara N Dippity 2 1L 2 1 1L 2 2 2 1L 2 1 1L Allbreed/Longhair Count 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 Shorthair Count 1 1 1 1 HOUSEHOLD PETS GB LBLVW RH TV MP GB LBLVW RH TV MP Shiva 2 1S 2 2 1S 1 1 2 2S 2 2 2S O Meley 1 2S 1 1 2S 2 3 3 3S 3 3 3S Flori 2 1 1S 1 1 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 Shorthair Count 2 2 3 3 -- This report was prepared by Ralf Wienkemeier (