TICats, Giubiasco/Bellinzona, Switzerland, November 16-17, 2002

             Saturday                     Sunday                                               
        Kay Devilbiss     SP        Kay Devilbiss     AB
        Connie Webb       AB        Connie Webb       AB
        Steven Savant     AB        Steven Savant     AB
        Nancy Parkinson   AB        Nancy Parkinson   AB
        Don Caruthers     AB        Don Caruthers     SP
        Bobbie Tullo      AB        Bobbie Tullo      AB
        Philippe Noel[1]  SP        Philippe Noel[2]  SP

[1] Substitute judges: LH/SH Kittens By KD/BT, LH/SH Cats By SS/NP, LH/SH Alters By DC/CW)
[2] Substitute judges: LH/SH Kittens By BT/SS, LH/SH Cats By KD/CW, LH/SH Alters By NP/DC)

KITTENS                                 KDV CW SS NP DC BT PNKDV CW SS NP DC BT PN
Newark Trademark                     PS  1L  1     1  1  1 1L  2  1     1 2L  1   
Des Entrechats Tiyi                  AB  2S     4  4  5  4 3S  3     2  4 1S  4 2S
Wistariantale May Queen              MC      6  6  3       5L  8  4  4  3 5L  6 3L
Belfry Robin Skinud Vecchiomulino    SX      2     7  9  3 2S     2  7  6 3S  3   
Smokeycoon's Thunderbird Tuscaloosa  MC  2L     1     2  5 2L  1     3        5 1L
Catzanova Tiziano                    SO  6L        8  7  6 3L  7 10 10  8 8L 10 4L
Newark Tally Surprise                PS      8  3  6  4  9 7L  6  6     7 3L      
Minusdetails Texana of Vitus         CY      9  5     3  7        5  5    1L  7 5L
Vitus Jersey                         ES  1S        2     2 1S  4        2     2   
Newexoticat's Tiger                  ES      4  2     8           9  1    2S    1S
Tao del Miao Felissa of Goblin       DR  5S  5  9          5S     7  9          4S
Ragmagic's Easy Magic                RD  4L  7     9       4L  5  8               
Modany's Groovy                      BS  3S 10       10       10          5S    5S
Mt Meadow Yaqui                      MC         8     6    6L             4L      
Spice Garlic                         BG      3                    3    10         
Exoticrose Charnushka of Spice       BG                  8 4S                 8   
Vitus J F K                          PS  3L                    9                2L
Wistariantale Marco Polo             MC            5                    5         
Wildwood Lily Marleen                SX                              6          3S
Ragmagic's Silver Lining             RD                 10           8            
Modany's Hope and Glory              BS           10                    9         
Ragmagic's Que Sera Sera             RD  7L     7                                 
Elsihayas Sweet Dream                PS  8L                               6L      
Vitus Mozart                         ES                                       9   
Vitus Haiti                          ES        10                                 
Cheetahhsden Mandalay                BG  4S                                       
Spice Romeo                          BG                                   4S      
Marquis du Saulnois Tomahawk         MC  5L                                       
Ahwannacoon's Merlin of Witchcraft   MC                                   7L      
Gaelicurls Black Magic               AL  9L                                       
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     24 44 44 42 45 41 22 40 42 39 41 23 43 19
                     Shorthair Count     20                20             17    18

CATS                                    KDV CW SS NP DC BT PNKDV CW SS NP DC BT PN
Vitus France                         ES  1S  7  4  1  1  3 2S  1  3  2  1 3S  3 2S
Moulin Crecy Temujin                 MC  7L  8  3  5  9  2 1L        3  4 5L  1 7L
Abykatzen Alegria of Marsmellow      AB  2S     9  8  6  5 3S  5     4  8 2S  5 3S
Whozz Sweet Rozee Ogrady             PS  3L        4  2  4     2  2     3 4L  4 3L
Exoticrose Poppy Seed of Spice       BG  4S  3     2     1     6  1     5     2   
Satya Saqqarah's                     PS  1L  5           9     7        9 1L  8 1L
Eleo Gregorio                        SB 10L  1     9  8           9     6 6L 10 9L
Acadiapark's Sherman                 MC  2L        3     7     4        2     7 2L
Calla's Cloud Dancer                 AS  5S     1       10 6S 10     1    7S  9   
Vecchiomulino Grezky                 SX      4     6       1S     5 10  7       5S
Catzanova Samoa                      SO  4L       10 10    8L  8  7       3L    5L
Pzazz Faramir of Dreamhunter         OS  3S           3  6     3          1S  6   
Cattycats Ko Man Wichai              OS      2           8        4       6S    1S
Alina's Olympic Star                 ES  6S     5     5              6    5S      
Cattycats Lijang Rose                MC         8     4    3L             2L      
Vilmar's Latif                       TA     10     7      10L          10 8L      
Bengaltone Surprise of Batiloleues   BG               7              8    4S    4S
Big Blue's Delilah of Cyberex        DR      6             9S    10       9S    7S
Ragmagic's Miss Moxie                RD  5L                4L  9                4L
Llandar Cannelle of Spice            BG         2          7S        5            
Wildwood Mr Red de Van               SX  9S    10                    7    8S      
Pucara Charmeur                      PS         6          2L             7L      
Play Boy de Lumtourie                SS      9             7L     8               
Britanya's Moonlight Madness/Goblin  DR  8S     7                               6S
Tuscaloosa's Prum Queen              MC                           6      10L      
Cathycoons Wladimir                  MC  6L                                     6L
Vitus Gentleman                      PS                    5L                   8L
Ankaraperl Napster                   RD  8L                               9L      
Mt Meadow Top Gun                    MC                              9            
Jamu of Golden Coast                 BG                    4S                     
Cattycats Koijki                     OS                    5S                     
Cattycats Lady Hillingdon            MC                    6L                     
Cattycats Kamala                     OS  7S                                       
Tassam Sunflare of Cattycats         OS                    8S                     
Olibo's de Lumtourie                 SF                                         8S
Leonora Jamesova Gregory's           SB                    9L                     
Soleil de la Perle d'Orient          SS  9L                                       
Feline de Lumtourie                  SS                                        10L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     25 56 56 56 56 57 30 52 52 48 52 28 51 25
                     Shorthair Count     24                24             24    23

ALTERS                                  KDV CW SS NP DC BT PNKDV CW SS NP DC BT PN
Vitus Jackson                        ES  1S  2  1  1  5  1 1S  1  2  2  1 2S  1 2S
Stellarhart's Mr Magic of Ragmagic   RD  1L  1  4  5  3  3 5L  2  1  4    5L  3 4L
Angie Di Kenfthis of Vitus           PS  3L  6  6     1  4 1L  3  3  1    2L  4   
Virgin Island Charly Coon            MC         3     6  2 4L  5  4  5    1L  2 5L
Salome von Spindeleben A of Vitus    HI  2L  4     3  4  5 3L           2 3L    1L
Ynis Witrin Brutus Cadarn            MC      3     2       2L           3 4L    2L
Algonquin Whisper of Cyberex         DR  3S     5        7 2S     5  3    3S    4S
Cooncreole Tickeri Doo               SB      5        7  6              4       3L
Vitus Angelo of Duca Bianco          ES  4S  7             4S             1S  5 1S
Culany Enrico                        SG  2S        6       3S           5 4S    3S
Goblin's Illiput                     DR  5S     7  4       5S             5S    5S
Vilmar's Kensho                      TA  4L     2                                 
Willowplace Sharaya of Duckfield     MC  5L           2                           
Fogforest Farley Mowatt              PL                        4                  
Vestfjorden's Folkvang               NF            7                              
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     17 22 22 22 22 22 14 18 18 18 18 13 18 13
                     Shorthair Count      5                 5              5     5
This report was prepared by Pascal Rémy (pascal-remy@wanadoo.fr).