Florida Sun Cats, Green Cove Springs, FL, October 26-27, 2002 Saturday Sunday Lindajean Grillo AB Pat Smith AB Robin Higgins AB Sue Becknell AB Penny Garrett AB Paul Lahey AB Kay Devilbiss AB Fate Mays AB Paul Lahey SP Al Walbrun SP Fate Mays SP Lorre Smith SP KITTENS LG RH PG KD PL FM PS SB PL FM AW LS Karissimakat Isabella of Caligula HI 2 2 2 1 1L 1 1 4 1 1L 2L Love Sumalee Blu Lady KT 4 4 7 4S 3S 4 9 9 9 1S 5S Hattkatts Mektig NF 1 1 1 2 8L 4L 5 4L 3L Murexwave Excalibur CR 3 9 6 3S 3 2 3S 2S Celticpride Faelin of Mainesqueeze MC 4 3 3 4 3L 6 6 Miribu's Silver Meteor of Ginfree AS 6 5S 1S 2 3 5S Beauchador Knight In Shining Armor AS 9 8 5 2S 10 4 Plaidpus Fergie BS 8 5 3 5S 7 4S Owhl's Rosebud SS 9 7L 2L 9 5 5L 6L Pairodocs Konya TV 7 7 1L 5 8 8L Minusdetails Northern Exposure CY 8 3 2 2L 1L Shirespointe Toe Tap MC 7 5L 2 7 Rhetoric Ricky-Ticky-Tu CY 8 8 3L 9L 6L Monster Cat King Kong BL 2L 7 5 5L Monster Cat Dewey Weber BB 1S 4 1 Raggledazzle's Jazzi RD 5 10 10 8L Pzazz Celine of Pengar SI 3 8 3S Jupitermoon O'Maddy of Wiskerkreek AB 10 6 1S Brendalane Jackpot ES 5 2S 4S Bordeaux's Risky Bizness RD 9 6L 7L Dbarekatz Cleocatra SX 6 4S Onisia Arneri RB 10 2S Aluren Royal Ringo BG 6 6S Furthatpurrs Chloe of Mysticpixies PB 8 6S Ramblinroses Tiggertoo RD 4L 8L Advent Hill Harrison of Nancoon MC 5L 7L Voo Doo Jewels In The Snow MX 6 Mysticoon Castaway of Pirateslair MC 7 Angelcoon Solo Tango MC 3L Goldspurr Lucaya of Adventurebeach BG 10 Hapi Day Tripper BG 10 Angelcoon Shirazad of Mysticoon MC 10 Bordeaux Bodacious Fire N Ice RD 4L Mysticoon McClintock MC 6L Jaban's Killashandra SB 7L Allbreed/Longhair Count 44 44 44 44 23 24 44 41 43 44 23 23 Shorthair Count 20 20 21 21 CATS LG RH PG KD PL FM PS SB PL FM AW LS Glor-Ee Once In A Blue Moon OS 3 4 1 10 1S 1S 1 2 1 1S 1S Tanstaafl Beauregard MC 5 3 6 1L 3 2 1L 7L Whose Firestorm of Chrischat PS 7 3 7 8L 6L 4 4 4L 2L Nilemauser Demeter EM 6 3 4S 6 3 3 4S 4S Beachador Closer ES 4 5 4 5S 9 6 8 5S Mysticoon Mogollon Rider MC 9 3L 4L 9 5 6 1L Millwood Wild Thang of Jungala BG 7 5 3S 4S 6 9 9 Soulmates Silhouette On The Shade RD 8 2 2L 8 3 3L Raggledazzle's Roxie RD 10 1 3L 4 3L 6L McKatsfancy's Dream Star PS 6 4 1L 7 4 Pairodocs Odysses TV 1 2L 5L 5 7L 9L Lapurrfect Cocoa Puff SL 6 8 9 10 6L 5L Pawdedeux Rose SI 8 2S 1 2S 2S Pawdedeux Blossom SI 2 5S 2S 7 7 Sazikatz Faith Enough of Blueyonder TO 10 9 9 3S 2 Hedgewood's Breyen of Sartoris AS 1 7 5 5S Willowplace Adam of Juliehill MC 2 1 2 Coontara I B Blazin of Pirateslair MC 7 6L 7L 2L Mar-Low's Ears To Hue BA 4L10L 8 10L Kaperkats Almond Roca PL 5L 5L 8L Ritzyrags Morning Glory RD 7L 10 9L Pirateslair Thanksgiving Tradition MC 8L 2 Livinglegend Geronimew PB 8 8 Kravchenko Smokey Gegant of Jaban SB 9L 10 8L Zephyros Nokomis of Coloratura BG 3S 3S Gogees Nova Nouveau of Etche BG 5 Luckypaws Artemesia MC 5 Amajen Carcass of Hadakat SX 10 Tripars Black Majik PS 4L Moonmajik Excalibur SX 10 Kravchenko Kukla SB 9L Taja's Salem of Jaban SB 10L Allbreed/Longhair Count 44 44 43 42 24 27 40 41 40 40 25 25 Shorthair Count 15 16 16 15 ALTERS LG RH PG KD PL FM PS SB PL FM AW LS Toytown's Lash Larue of Elvessa TO 1 1 3 1 2S 1S 2 2 2 1 2S 1S Love Sumalee Song Sung Blu KT 2 5 1 2 5S 3S 3 4 1S Megacoon Grizzley Adams of Mtncats MC 2 2 1L 2L 1 4 4 2L Flambeau Fabio of Belgatto PS 5 4L 1L 1 2 3L 1L Rustling's Positively Tweedles BS 3 4 2S 5 3 2S Ginfree Chunk Yeager AS 3 4S 4S 4 3S 5S Pairodocs Tony Montana TV 4 4 3L 5L 5 Coonoquan Checkered Flag MC 3L 3 5 1L 3L Alchemy Cinnabon SI 1S 1 5S 4S Linanci's Ensign Tam Ear A SF 3S 3 4S 3S Azima's Sir Lancelot TA 3 5L 5L 4L Bordeaux's Blue Suede Shoes RD 5 5 4L Villaroyal Emmy of Raggledazzle RD 2L 4L 2L Beauchador Blue Beary AS 4 5 Awesome Oci Beau OC 5S Shirespointe Native Dancer MC 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 19 19 19 19 9 10 18 18 18 18 9 9 Shorthair Count 9 9 9 9 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS LG RH PG KD PL FM PS SB PL FM AW LS Twist of Fate 1 8 7 2 1S 1S 7 5 1 1 2S 4S Stardust 4 1 9 10 3S 2S 1 10 8 2 3S 8S Monkey 10 5 4 2S 5S 10 1 5 9 1S 3S Salem 6 7 1L 1L 4 8 3 3 5L 3L Willow 7 2 4 4L 3L 2 2 7 6L 4L Heavens To Betsy 3 7 1 9 9S 4S 3 6 8S 9S Little Forest 9 4 3 8 4S 9S 2 5S 1S DC Kat Ringo Starr 2 3 2L 5L 4 6 8 4L 1L Lady Liberty 5 6 6S 3S 7 9 5 9S 2S Marilyn's Some Like It Hot 8 10 5 10S 6S 3 10 4S 5S Peachy 6 9 8 3L 2L 9 4 1L 5L Chisium of Chateaumere 2 5 8S 7S 8 4 6S 7S Stevie Rae's Pride And Joy 3 1 6L 4L 6 3L 2L DC Kat Diamond Rio 10 5L 6L 5 9 7 2L 6L Pale Rider 6 5S 8S 10 7S 6S Spaz 7S10S 6 10S Allbreed/Longhair Count 16 16 16 15 6 6 16 16 16 16 6 6 Shorthair Count 10 10 9 10 HOUSEHOLD PETS LG RH PG KD PL FM PS SB PL FM AW LS Lone Ranger 2 2 1 1 1S 1S 1 1 1 1 4S 1S Maggie 1 1 4 2 3S 2S 2 5 2 2S 4S Orleans 3 4S 3S 3 3 5 1S 5S Colored Pearls 4 5L 4L 5 4 4 3L 5L Sweet William 5 5 4 3L 2 2L 4L HRH Princess Lizzie 3 3 5 1L 1L Cinnamon And Brown Sugar 4S 4 2 5S 3S Maggie Mae Its Thyme To Play 4 3 3S Solisue 4L 3L 5 5L 1L Makin Biscuits 2L 3 4L 3L Joie de Vivie Aka Jodie 2L 5L 1L 2L Bessies Sweet Home Alabama 2 5S Sweet Memories 5 2S SC Jordon of Chateaumere 5S 2S Worth The Wait 3 Nemo 4 Allbreed/Longhair Count 17 17 17 17 6 6 16 15 16 16 5 5 Shorthair Count 11 11 11 11 -- This report was prepared by Sue Hansen (sue.hansen@corbel.com).