ArgenTICAts, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 5-6, 2002

             Saturday                   Sunday      
        Yvonne Patrick  AB        Yvonne Patrick  AB
        Carlos Arrieta  AB        Carlos Arrieta  AB
        James Reardon   SP        Carlos López    SP
        Yvonne Patrick  SP/SH     Yvonne Patrick  SP/LH
        Carlos Arrieta  SP/LH     Carlos Arrieta  SP/SH
        James Reardon   SP/LH     Carlos LóPez    SP/SH

KITTENS                                  YP CA JR YP CA JR YP CA CL YP CA CL
Amon-Ra Chester                      CR   5  2 4S           5  4 1S    5S 1S
VonWagner Fergie Duchess of York     BS   1  3 2S 1S        1  2       2S   
Lofoten Hellen                       SI   3  4 1S 3S           3 4S    3S 4S
Lofoten Star                         SI      1    4S        2  1 3S    1S 2S
Malvinas Salem                       BS   2       2S        3  5       4S   
Holyname Angel Face                  HI        1L       1L  4    1L 1L      
Kalfumalen Eros                      HI   4    3L    3L 2L       4L 2L      
Bruma's Cordelia                     PS      5 4L    1L 3L       2L 4L      
Gatopardo Tango Argentino            BG        5S 5S             5S       5S
Grimper Galileo                      HI        2L    2L 4L       3L 3L      
Hanabi of Gatopardo                  BG                          2S       3S
VonWagner William Duke of Orange     BS        3S                           
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     17 17  4     4  4 15 15  4  4      
                     Shorthair Count           13  8             11    11 11

CATS                                     YP CA JR YP CA JR YP CA CL YP CA CL
Coventgarden Juan                    ES   2  3    1S        1  2 2S    1S 1S
Parnassus Orion                      BS   5  2 7S 3S        7  4 4S    2S 4S
Timeless Friends Amadeus             PS   1  8 1L    4L 2L  2  9 3L 1L      
Magie Noire Ana Sweet                HI   9  4 3L    2L 4L  5  5 2L 3L      
Sir Percival Camelot Tresure         RD      1 2L    1L 1L  6  1 1L 4L      
Moonligth Nigth's Satin Ribbons      SI   6    2S 4S       10    8S    8S 9S
Coventgarden Yemal Ali               ES   7       5S        8    9S    7S 8S
Jatulmejubad Birdie                  MC      6       5L     9  8 4L         
Kojiki's Kinyobi of Katzelein        JB                        6 1S    5S 2S
Lovespell Samantha                   CR   8 10    7S          10      10S   
Parnassus Zeus                       BS   3       2S        3               
Lofoten Gandalph                     SI      5                 3       3S   
Jamyroc Camilo                       PS      7       3L        7            
Belle Nana Malen                     SI          10S             3S    9S 3S
Chatelarab Pathfinder                ES        8S 8S             5S       5S
Gatopardo Sandokan                   BG      9    6S                   4S   
Lovespell Stephen                    CR        6S                6S       7S
Coventgarden Ann Taylor              PS                     4       2L      
Michel Beaumont Lulu                 PS   4                         5L      
Ourhope Anastasia                    OS                          7S       6S
Munhakita Giorgio                    BI        5L                5L         
Alakush Kam Si Chai                  SI        1S                           
Mistwood Midnigth Mist of Amon-Ra    CR        3S                           
Beyondlimits Magic Boy               ES        4S                           
Catay Agata                          BG  10                                 
Myingyan Gems Leonella               BI                 3L                  
Alakush Tolkeyen                     OS        5S                           
Kalfumalen Ulises                    PS        4L                           
Pampa Waterloo                       BS                                6S   
Jamyroc Guido                        PS                 5L                  
Parnassus Grace Jones                BS        9S                           
Donna Lee Theo                       SI           9S                        
Ourhope Lancelot                     SI                                  10S
Gatopardo Gelsomina                  BG       10S                           
El Cid Campeador Mireya              OS                         10S         
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     49 49 16    16 14 46 45 14 13      
                     Shorthair Count           34 32             34    34 34

ALTERS                                   YP CA JR YP CA JR YP CA CL YP CA CL
Bruma's Gardelito                    CR   3  3 1S 2S        2  4 3S    2S 3S
Coventgarden Caido del Cielo         ES   1  5    1S        1  2 2S    1S 2S
Lofoten Cristobal                    BA   4  4 2L    2L 2L  3  3 1L       1L
Munhakita Lola                       BI   2  1 1L    1L 1L     1 2L       2L
Moonligth Nith Lady Godiva           SI        4S 3S        5  5 4S    4S 4S
Belle Nana Que Sorpresa              OS        3S           4    1S    3S 1S
Alakush Tolhuin                      OS   5  2 2S                           
Wonwagner Honey Dew of Utskuts       AB        5S 5S             5S    5S 5S
Moonligth Molly Brown                SI           4S                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     10 10  2     2  2  8  8  2        2
                     Shorthair Count            6  6              6     6  6

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           YP CA JR YP CA JR YP CA CL YP CA CL
Ojos Verdes                               1  3 2S 1S        1  1 5S    2S   
Ludmila                                      4 1S 3S        5  4 2S    3S 3S
Vampiresa                                 4  2 2L    1L 1L  4  3 1L 1L      
Morenita                                     1 3S              2 3S    1S 2S
Iavn                                      3    4S 4S        3    1S       1S
Alfa                                      2       2S        2          4S   
Baldomero                                    5    5S           5       5S   
Kuibisheyv Marystadt                           1L    2L 2L       2L 2L      
Sikvitiar                                      5S                         4S
Ulises                                                           4S       5S
Salem                                     5                                 
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     12 12  2     2  2 11 11  2  2      
                     Shorthair Count           10  9              9     9  9
This report was prepared by Prof. Carlos López (