Clube Gaścho do Gato, Porto Alegre, Brazil, September 28-29, 2002

                Saturday AM                       Sunday AM
        Alberto Leal       SP LH         Alberto Leal        SP SH         
        Carlos Arrieta     SP SH         Carlos Arrieta      SP LH         
        James Reardon      SP LH         Luiz Paulo Faccioli SP SH

                Saturday PM                       Sunday PM
        Alberto Leal       AB            Alberto Leal        AB
        Carlos Arrieta     AB            Carlos Arrieta      AB
        James Reardon      SP            Luiz Paulo Faccioli AB

KITTENS                                  AL CAJR  AL CAJR  AL CA LF AL CA LF
Lofoten Star                         SI     1S     1  1    1S    5S  1  1  7
Blazestar Silver Starlight           PS  1L        2  2       1L     2  3  6
Viana Bruce Willis Ii Deabaete       ES     3S     6  8 3S 2S    4S  6  5 10
Dearistogatos Gabriela               PS  3L        4  5       5L     5  4  4
Demorlanes Baby Face                 PS  5L        8  6       3L     8  6  1
Dearistogatos Scar                   PS  2L        3  3       2L     4  2   
Lofoten Helen                        SI     2S        7 1S       3S 10  7  5
Golddynasty Nefertiti                SX            9    2S 3S    1S  9     2
Holyname Angel Face                  HI  4L    4L  5    5L           3      
El Aren Pleyadiana                   SI            7  9    4S        7  8   
Demorlanes Igor                      PS               4 2L    4L        9   
Shworld Aime                         CR     4S                   2S        3
Vonrhein Latoya                      PS        1L    10 4L                  
Ulide Harmony de Gadblux             PS        5L 10    3L                  
Viana Schakira                       PS        2L       1L                  
Deosiris Mufasa                      MC        3L                          8
Chateaudeschats Baby                 PS                                10  9
Shworld Apollo                       CR                 5S 5S               
Dangelo Pietro                       SI                 4S                  
Golddynasty That-Anck-Amon           SX     5S                              
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     18    18 28 28 18    16    26 26 26
                     Shorthair Count        10          10 10    10         

CATS                                     AL CAJR  AL CAJR  AL CA LF AL CA LF
Viana Fascination                    ES     1S     1  1 2S 1S    1S  1  2  3
Sir Percival Camelot Tresure         RD  3L    1L  4  4 1L    3L     4  5  1
Magie Noire Ana Sweet                HI  1L    6L  2  3       2L     2  1  2
Lofoten Gandalph                     SI     2S     3  2    2S    2S  3  3  5
El Aren Kitira                       SI            7    4S 3S    4S  7     7
Ulide Bruce de Abaete                PS        5L     6       1L        7  4
Dkhaima Yuveraj II                   BI  8L   10L  8    3L           8     9
Francats Sther de Belovedcat         PS  7L           7       5L        8  6
Alles Luhan                          AS     5S        9          3S    10  8
Viana Mia Farrow                     PS  5L        9    6L    8L     9      
Ghattas Angel Mix Demorlanes         PS  2L    9L  5                 5      
Moonlight Night's Satin Ribbons      SI     4S       10    5S           9   
Ivyflora Royal de Athena             PS               5       4L        6   
Ulide I Am Beautiful/Chateaudeschats PS  4L        6                 6      
Kojiki's Kinyobi of Katzelein        JB                          5S     4 10
Himalayanhouse Kenia                 PS        2L       2L    6L            
Ghattas Pierre de Abaete             ES     3S        8 5S                  
Shworld Born To Be The Best          CR           10       4S       10      
Sinclayr Martyn                      PS        8L       7L    7L            
Deosiris Bastet                      MC        7L       5L                  
Deosiris Harpocrates                 SI                 1S                  
Viana Melissa                        PS        3L                           
Deabaete Thales                      SI                 3S                  
Demorlanes Ilya Kuryakyn             HI        4L                           
Alles Afrodite                       HI                 4L                  
Mahayana Papillon                    HI  6L                                 
Ulide Gayah de Chateaudeschats       PS  9L                                 
Nissekat Pandora Dearistogatos       NF 10L                                 
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     26    26 46 45 22    23    43 44 43
                     Shorthair Count        20          20 20    20         

ALTERS                                   AL CAJR  AL CAJR  AL CA LF AL CA LF
Vonrhein Cristhie Cream              PS  1L    2L  1  4 3L    1L     1  1  1
Vonrhein Sweet Tiffany de Furstencat PS  2L    1L  2  1 2L    2L     2  3  2
Demoralnes Ramses                    SX     1S     3  2 2S 1S    1S  3  2  3
Deosiris Kefren                      SI     3S     4  5 1S 2S    2S  4  4  4
Demorlanes Mikaela                   PS  4L    3L  5  3 1L    3L     5  5  5
Goldynasty Valentina                 PS  3L    4L       4L    4L            
Deosiris Miruyn Junior               SI     2S          3S 3S    3S         
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      4     4  7  7  4     4     7  7  7
                     Shorthair Count         3           3  3     3         

Latifa                                      1S     1  1 1S 1S    1S  1  1  1
             Allbreed/Longhair Count               1  1              1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count         1           1  1     1         

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           AL CAJR  AL CAJR  AL CA LF AL CA LF
Junior                                      1S     4  2 1S 2S    2S  2  2  2
Vizinha                                     2S     1  1    1S    3S  1  1  3
Look Lo                                     4S     2  4 2S 3S    1S  3  4  1
Moon Ra                                     3S     3  3 3S 4S    4S  4  3  4
             Allbreed/Longhair Count               4  4              4  4  4
                     Shorthair Count         4           3  4     4         
This report was prepared by Luiz Paulo Faccioli (