Cats And The City, Vancouver, British Columbia, May 4-5, 2002 Saturday Sunday Yvonne Patrick AB John Burch AB Pam Barrett AB Nancy Parkinson AB Lindajean Grillo AB Rene Copeland AB Nancy Parkinson SP Edith Mary Smith SP John Burch SP Ellen Crockett SP Linda Kay Ashley SP Lynn Judge SP KITTENS YP PB LG NP JB LA JB NP RC ES EC LJ Anjeau Lavender Lace BA 10 2 5L 1L 1L 2 7 1L 3L Anjeau Trieste SI 3 1 3 1S 2S 1 5 Ragalong Blue Buccaneer RD 2L 3L 3 4 4 1L 5L Casani Roxanne OS 5 5S 6 2 1S 5S 3S Syriam Skye of Foxall Charlemagne BS 2 5 8 10 8 4S 1S Legendtales Hawks Last Hurrah PB 6 6 2S 4S 5 9 4S Purrsia Once And Again SI 1 1S 1 3S 2S 1S Stegra Im Someone Special OS 5 4 4S 1S 6 5S Animatrax Firefly BG 7 8 3S 4 3S 2S Expressivepixie Maverick PL 1L 3L 5L 9 2 1L Whozz Purrsia of Smith Avenue PS 1 10 6 3L 5L 4L Bluegate Miaghy Ai JB 9 7 5S 7 10 2S Martessa's Kahili MC 10 2L 9 7 3L 5L Dandenong Say It Again Sam RD 2 4 4L 2L 4L Pinecoon's Obsidian of Coonpanion MC 8 3 6 4L 2L Bluegate Izangi JB 2S 5S 3 6S 4S Luvpaws Buffy The Waterdish Slayer MC 4L 4L 2L 8 2L Ragmuff's Chicita of Dandenong RD 4 10 5L 3L Vertigo's Wascally Watusi SN 9 4S 8 Animatrax Ty Wiesner BG 7 5S 7S Purrsia Hott Spots of Purrzz OS 1 6S Expressivepixie Sweet Pea PB 3S 5 Casani Maxmillian OS 3 Radiencebengals Shimmer of Catsmeow BG 3S Purrsia Blackberry Sundae of Purrzz OS 9 Legendtales Takes A Worried Man PB 6S Heritage Borealis PB 7S Allbreed/Longhair Count 31 31 31 11 11 11 32 32 32 10 10 10 Shorthair Count 20 20 20 22 21 22 CATS YP PB LG NP JB LA JB NP RC ES EC LJ Kenkat Flashdance of Cedarvalley PS 2 2 1 1L 1 5 3L 3L 1L Balimoor Southern Belle BA 7 6 1L 4L 9 1 1 5L 1L 3L Ragalong Magic Blue Genes RD 6 9 6 4L 3L 3 3 2L 4L Balimoor Lillian SI 5 5 5S 9S 4S 9 10 7S 1S 2S Judge's Choice Patcho Trouble CR 9 4 2S 1S 1S 2 4 4S Daisen's Last of The Mohicians AS 5 2S 5S 6 8 3S 8S 8S Angeleyes Yazminh of Katzpur BI 3 3 9 5L 6 Glenneyre's Braveheart ES 8 8 4S 5S 2S 5S Smokeycoon's Alejandro MC 1 10 3L 5 4L Expressivepixie Jethro Tull PB 10 7 4S 8S 10 3S Animatrax Pheromone BG 4 3S 3S 8 4S Chittagong's Yoshi BI 3L 8 1L 5L 2L Giggles Hans Solow of Rexarecats DR 3S 5 9 8S 3S Animatrax Rebel BG 2 2 5S 5S Heirloom Outlaw of Antarcin MC 2L 2L 3 7 Kaperkats Catt Dillon PL 8 7 4 4L Legendtales Meant To Be PB 7 4 6S 8S 9S Elan Paris BG 3 6S 2S 1S Elan's Kilimanjaro of Bejuled BG 10 1S 2 Marvonack's Sundowner ES 4 4S 2S Marisa's Bittersweet Symphony RD 1 5L 10 Excalibur Flamadiddle Diddle BS 7 1S 6S Ruru's Miss America of Purrsia OS 8S 7S 6S 7S Earlywinters Temple Barr PS 2L 1L Wyndabbey's Ripley of Luvpaws MC 5L 5L Suncoast Cinnamon BU 7S 7S My Abytude Anastasia AB 9S 6S Antarcin Liberty of Talismaine MC 6 Missionhill Charisma of Cozycats PS 2L Pinecoon Luna of Smokeycoons MC 4L Pkpixies Chipata PB 6S Daisen's Madonna AS 7S Lithadora's Scarlett Grace Foxall BS 9S Animatrax Celetial Charm BG 9S Leejo's Distinctively Shoshone PB 10S Allbreed/Longhair Count 44 44 44 20 20 20 44 45 45 20 20 19 Shorthair Count 24 24 24 24 25 23 ALTERS YP PB LG NP JB LA JB NP RC ES EC LJ Viran's Autumn Blaze of Arrowlakes PS 1 1 1 3L 1L 1L 1 7 5L 1L Cedarvalley's Masquerade PS 5 5 3L 2 1 2L 3L 2L Pynestone's Rum Bailey of Antarcin MC 4 5 4 3L 5 7 2L 5L Evenstar Tasha SO 3 8 5L 2L 5L 3 3L 5L 3L Basketkatx Nubian Princess Lyra SX 3 3S 2S 4 4 2 4S Ciara's Quite A Sunburn of Samphire OS 2 4S 3S 1S 5 4 3S Ritzyrags Don Juan RD 6 6 1L 5L 2L 4L 4L 1L Excalibur Muffin Man of Silvrahdo BS 7 1S 2 6 2S 5S Purfur's Coco Puff HB 6 3 4S 3S 2S Silversprings Tia PB 7 2 2S 1 Azorez Manwe Sulimo Uv Arda SI 8 4S 3S 7 5S Bluegate Inari JB 7 1S 3 3S Marvonack's Roll Me Away ES 5S 2S 1S 4S Wyndabbey's Lancelot MC 2L 4L 4L 1L Purrsia Two Flavors of Ice Cream OS 4 6 5S Heycat Mushu of Daisen AS 5S 4S 1S Elan Avalon BG 3 1S Azorez Melyanna My Love SI 2 2S Shurewin Celerina Fidelita PB 6 5 Winwillo Theodore PS 4L 4L Silversprings Angel PB 5S Allbreed/Longhair Count 22 23 23 9 9 8 22 22 22 9 9 9 Shorthair Count 14 14 14 14 14 14 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS YP PB LG NP JB LA JB NP RC ES EC LJ Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 1 1 1 1L 1L 1L 1 1 1 1L 1L 1L Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count HOUSEHOLD PETS YP PB LG NP JB LA JB NP RC ES EC LJ Miss Pittypat 1 1 1S 3S 2S 2 5 3 5S 1S 1S Chandler 1 2 2S 2S 3S 2 1 1S 3S 2S Goody Tat 4 5 2L 1L 1L 3 1 5L 1L 1L Ambernlace 3 4S 1S 4 4 2 2S 2S Goldberri 3 4L 5 3 5 2L 2L 3L Jadzia Naughty Spotty 3 4 3S 5S 4S 4S 5S Water Baby Muffin 2 4 5S 1S 3S 4S Mukluk 3L 4L 1 4 1L 5L Charlie 5 3L 2L 5L 3L 5L 4L Scamp 2 1L 5L 3L 4L 3L Willy 5 4S 5S 4S 5S 3S Suisse Mocha 5L 4L 2L 4L 2L Allbreed/Longhair Count 13 13 13 6 6 6 13 13 13 6 6 6 Shorthair Count 7 7 7 7 7 7 -- This report was prepared by Robin L. Sessler (