Blue Danube Cat Club, Frohnleiten, Austria, April 20-21, 2002 Saturday Sunday Motoko Oizumi SP Motoko Oizumi AB Yukimasa Hattori AB Yukimasa Hattori SP Massimo Picardello AB Massimo Picardello AB Linda Kay Ashley AB Linda Kay Ashley AB Richard Bailey SP Richard Bailey AB Lisette Baudoux AB Lisette Baudoux AB KITTENS MO YH MP LA RB LB MO YH MP LA RB LB Cattycats Ko Man Wichai OS 4 1 3 2S 1 2S 2 1 1 1 Vitus Gentlemen PS 2L 3 5 2 2L 1 1L 2 4 4 Selia's Leda RD 4L 4 6 5L 2L 3 5 3 Styria's Dirty Diana ES 5S 5 3S 6 3S 5 2 5 Cattycats Kamala OS 3S 2 2 5S 3 1S 1 Vita-Nova's Rasputin of Styria ES 4S 6 4 2 4S 4 Tuscaloosa's No Angel MC 3L 1 3 1 Djambo vom Baumwollschloesschen BS 1S 5 1S 2 Oceanside Indian Summer MC 4 4L 5 2 Mainstreet Chamuna of Ajanta BG 2S 5 5S 3 St.Laszloi Imperial MC 1L 4L 4 3L Csak'scoon Blue Boy MC 6 4 St.Garlino de Sol Carlos/St.Laszloi MC 3L 3 Amazonka Tummy Z Larku MC 3 Modany's Chardonnay BS 5 Tyrol's Charly Brown MC 1L Exoticrose Chili of Spice BG 4S Adelka Kasima Z Larku MC 5L Tyrol's Dixieland MC 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 11 21 21 21 11 21 20 11 20 20 19 20 Shorthair Count 10 10 8 CATS MO YH MP LA RB LB MO YH MP LA RB LB Soubida The Cats Love BO 5S 6 5 7 1S 2 4 3S 3 2 3 4 Rapsodie In Lilac de Chatterley BI 6L 2 3 9 2L 4 6 2L 4 10 2 2 Vitus France ES 3S 1 5 3S 3 5S 1 6 4 3 Catzanova Roocky Red Fox SO 9L 1 2 1L 1 1L 2 1 1 Cathycoons Wladimir MC 1L 3 7 10 2 3L 7 5 5 Cattycats Hamal OS 4S 8 4 3 2S 1 4S 5 5 Vitus Daisy PS 5L 10 10 1 6L 6 6L 1 8 8 Blue Kalimero v. Wernerwald BS 2S 4 6 4S 5 1S 8 6 Vitus Cunzi HI 4L 7 2 9 4L 3 7 Emberhearth Taliesin of Selia RD 7L 6 3L 10 9L 6 9 Styria's Crazy Lady PS 3L 9L 8 710L Kresant Noble Legacy BS 8 5S 8 10 Tuscaloosa's Matrix MC 10L 8L 6 9 Acadiapark Sedgwick of Annvalentine MC 10L 9 5L 5L Gardenofeden Fletcher MC 8 9 7 Styria's Coco Chanel ES 8 10 7 Bengaltone Surprise of Batifoleurs BG 1S 3 Acadiapark's Shamrock of Tuscaloosa MC 4 9 Prometheus Qui Gon Jinn BS 5 2S Annvalentine's Gaius MC 9 8L 7L Oceanside Cheyenne MC 2L 9 Tuscaloosa's No Angel MC 4 Modany's Avalon BS 5 Coonyham Casanova of Wistariantale MC 7 Williamina Eric The Red MC 4L Spice Cayenne BG 10 Serentie Willow of Kresant SR 10 Twilightzone's Pan MC 7L Royalmainly's Indulala Dancer MC 8L Allbreed/Longhair Count 26 41 41 41 26 41 41 25 41 41 41 41 Shorthair Count 15 15 15 ALTERS MO YH MP LA RB LB MO YH MP LA RB LB Balam San Antonio of Dreamhunter SI 1S 2 1 1 1S 1 1 2S 1 1 1 3 Vitus Angelo ES 4S 3 2 2 2S 3 3 3S 4 3 3 2 Mr.Beans Gerald Isstasiua of Melle BS 2S 5 3S 2 2 1S 2 4 2 1 Vitus Boris PS 1L 1 4 2L 4 1L 5 2 4 4 Witchcats Blue Dreamer MC 1L 4 5 2L 5 5 Tyrol's Beauty Queen MC 3L 5 5 3 3L Ragmagic's Midsummer Nights Dream RD 4L 3 5L 3L 3 Eternalflame's Alberto BS 5S 4 4S 5 Twilightzone's Kimba MC 5L 4L 4L 5 Modany's Big Easy BS 3S 4S Courtlycats Bells A Ringing BS 4 Coonmora's Dubonnet of Tuscaloosa MC 2L Hunterdonhall Synster Gust BG 5S Kresant Tybalt BS 5S Stormchaser Beloved Garfield MC 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 7 16 16 16 7 16 13 6 13 13 14 14 Shorthair Count 9 9 7 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS MO YH MP LA RB LB MO YH MP LA RB LB Jeannine 1S 1 1 1 1S 1 1 1S 1 1 1 1 Kiara 1L 2 1L Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count 1 1 1 HOUSEHOLD PETS MO YH MP LA RB LB MO YH MP LA RB LB Othello 1S 1 1 3 2S 2 2 1S 3 1 1 1 Ines 1L 2 2 2 1L 1 1 1L 1 3 2 2 Mozart der Zweite 2S 3 3 1 1S 3 3 2S 2 2 3 3 Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 Shorthair Count 2 2 2 -- This report was prepared by Kurt Vlach (