Magicos Cat Club, Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 9, 2001

             AM Show                   PM Show      
        Alberto Leal    AB        Alberto Leal    AB
        Carlos Arrieta  AB        Carlos Arrieta  AB
        Carlos López    SP        Carlos López    SP

KITTENS                                  AL CA CL AL CA CL
BigShot Quimes Malone                ES   1  1 1S  1  1 1S
Lofoten Juan Perón                   BA   2  2 1L  2  2 1L
Cedarcliff Sumali Padmanab           BG   3  3 2S  3  3 2S
Jatulmejubad Iracema                 MC   5  4 2L  5  4 2L
Lofoten Cristobal                    BA      5 3L     5 3L
VonWagner Martina Navratilova        BS   4    3S  4      
VonWagner Guga Kuerten               BS        4S         
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      7  7  3  7  7  3
                     Shorthair Count            4        2

CATS                                     AL CA CL AL CA CL
JamYroc Joan Miro                    PS   1  2 1L  1  2 1L
Amon-Ra Man in Black                 CR   2  5 2S  2  5 2S
Lofoten Desiree                      SI   6  1 4S  6  1 4S
Shonstar Zen of El Aren              OS   4  6 3S  3  7 3S
Jatulmejubad Birdie                  MC   3    2L  4 10 2L
Flecha Indian Spirit                 BI   9  8 4L  9  9 4L
CoventGarden Juan                    ES      3 1S     3 1S
Syarte Kaiser Midnight               PS   7  9 3L  7    3L
Pampa Evergreen of Malvinas          BS   8  4     8  4   
Blue Regard Deux Afrodita            RD   5        5  6   
Moonlight Night's Satin Ribbons      SI     10        8 5S
Maneki Neko's Sunshine of Gatopardo  BG  10       10      
JamYroc Paul Cezanne                 PS        5L       5L
First Class Tristy                   PS      7            
Bellenana Twist and Shouts           OS        5S         
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     30 25  9 30 28  9
                     Shorthair Count           20       18

ALTERS                                   AL CA CL AL CA CL
Pyepurr Katie                        BS   1  2 1S  1  2 1S
Shuhai Sinh Hiroshima/Jatulmejubad   BI   2  1 1L  2  1 1L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      2  2  1  2  2  1
                     Shorthair Count            1        1

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           AL CA CL AL CA CL
Dahna                                     2  2 2S  2  2 2S
Vampiresa                                 1  1 3L  1  1 3L
Catalina                                  3  3 1L  3  3 1L
Baldomero                                 5  4 4S  5  4 4S
Iván                                      4    1S  4    1S
Ut-Chernaia                                  5 3S     5 3S
Zeus                                           5S       5S
Muschili                                       2L       2L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      9  9  3  9  9  3
                     Shorthair Count            6        6
This report was prepared by Prof. Carlos López (