Cat Fanciers of British Columbia, Langley, BC, Canada, August 11-12, 2001 Saturday Sunday John Burch AB Maureen Nottingham AB Yvonne Patrick AB Lindajean Grillo AB Alex Graham AB Juliana Slater AB Alice Rhea AB Ellen Crockett AB Pamela Barrett AB Pascale Portelas AB Lynn Judge SP Rene Copeland SP Amanda Bright SP Laura Cunningham SP KITTENS JB YP AG AR PB LJ AB MN LG JS EC PP RC LC Tassam Blue Rhapsody of StValentine BA 5 4 3 6L 2L 4 5 1 1L 2L Aritzia's Beyond Rapture PS 1 8 2 5L 2 6 2 1 10 Abykatzen's Ruby of Hillstblues AB 1 5 5 6S 1 7 4 6S 5S Balimoor Queen of the Night OS 4 7 6 1S 5 6 3S 3S Furreal Olivia RD 5 3L 3 3 3 2 1L Holdermaines Lil Dude Coon MC 2 1 5L 1L 4 1 7L Truebrit Firefly of Ravenswing BS 6 4 9 8 5 3 Silversprings Ricky PB 8 10 3 6 4S 10 McInkats California Dreamin SI 9 8 7 2S 7 4S Chittagong's YiChang BI 7 2L 9L 8 7 6L 8L Purfur's Macho Chako HB 5 4 9S10S 7 1S Ronecare's Blue Purrs SI 7 6 5S 9 8 9S Capilano's Harelessone Ford SX 3S 2S 10 5 3 Animatrax Aphrodite BG 9 2 3 4S 7S Capilano's Wild Thing DR 2 1 1S 8 Rexappeal's Kuchi Hige of Kelty CR 9 5S 10 2 7S Bluegate Kita JL 4L 7L 8 6 5L Smokeycoons Caprice MC 6 3L 5 4L Casani Cleo OS 2 8S 3S 1S Elan Avalon BG 3 4 7S 9S Coonpanion Laramee of Antarcin MC 1 4 2L Longfellow Sweet Sicily RD 9 10 5L 3L Elan Vivid BG 2 2S 2S Elan Princess Anna Bella BG 6 6 6S Mightycats Brutus MC 3 10L 4L Excalibur Flamadiddle Diddle BS 9 4S 8S Willowplace Tecumseh of Rowanridge MC 7 3L Kaperkats Roxie PB 910S10S Mightycats Portia MC 4 9L Daisen's Karma Karmeleon AS 8 6S Skinsational Anastasia Bare E Nuff SX 10 5S Capilano's Ripley of Prairiedawn DR 9S 8 Jasmintea Smile Biscuit SS 8L 9 Nightmist's Mojave Sunseeker AB 1 Smokeycoons Drifter MC 4L 6L Ritzyrags Harley RD 10L 6L Catfantazia Iky the Fantasy ES 7 Kaperkats Tootie PB 10S 8S Quasarcats Space Odyssey MC 1L NWLegends' Annabelle PL 9 Ragalong Talk of the Town RD 10 Ciara's Quite A Sunburn OS 10 Elan's Kilimanjaro of Bejuled BG 10 Leejo's Yuki of Pixiemagic PB 7S Roncare's Tails of Temtation SI 8S NWLegends' Dancing Heart PL 7L Couronne Koshka of Catfantazia PS 7L Dandenong's Jumping Jackson RD 8L Ragalong Silk N Satin RD 8L Ragetty Joy Huneysuckle Rose RD 9L Allbreed/Longhair Count 58 57 58 58 57 25 26 60 61 62 62 59 23 24 Shorthair Count 32 32 36 36 CATS JB YP AG AR PB LJ AB MN LG JS EC PP RC LC Balimoor The Littlest Angel BA 2 5 3 1L 1L 10 8 7 5L 5L Animatrax Eros BG 3 4 2 5 2S 3S 5 10S Surprise Valley Zeus BG 2 3 1 1 1 1S Viran's Autumn Blaze of Arrow Lakes PS 1 3 1 4 4 6L 7L Kelty's Nikkoo of Rebels CR 4 7 1S 9 3 4 Smokeycoons Malibu of Wyndabbey MC 9 2L 4 5 2 2L Elquairo's Temple Sand EM 3 10S 5S 6 3 5S 4S Catalystisc Lancelot of Mightycats MC 5 1 4 8L 1 8L Earlywinters Temple Barr PS 6 3L 3 4 8 9L Stegra Iron Maiden OS 8 7 6S 2S 10 4S Daisen's Pink Floyd AS 6 2 9S 2 2S Dollhouse Raiden of Chatandolls RD 9 4L 4L 10 4L 1L Chittagong's Xixi BI 9 8 2L10L 2L 3L Ragalong Rascal RD 8 9L 7 2 10L 8L Lunarcoons Orion MC 6 7 10 3L 6L Nightmist's Orion of Hillstblues AB 4 5 2 7S Rexarecats Vickie DR 2 1 9S 2S Expresivepixie Heart Breaker PB 10 10 9 910S Starstruck's Xica of Kokopellirex CR 10 1S 3S 1S Ankhamun Jet City Girl SX 7 9 4S 6S Summitmews Ka Pai SI 6 8S 5 8S Capilano's Serendipity DR 5 3S 6 Purfur's Kitkat of Alain HB 6 9 7 Balimoor Lilibet BA 8 7L 8L 1L Rinkurl Kiss This of Vysataria SX 4S 8 3 Ragmuffs Fonzie RD 10 6 7 Rinkurl En Vogue of Skinsational SX 9 4 8S Animatrax Mako BG 1 8S 6S Kaperkats Cleocatra PB 1 6 Heycat Cinderella AS 5 5S 9S Marvonack's Sundowner ES 7 5 Antarcin Belladaball of Talismaine MC 2 5L Smokeycoons Blue Velvet MC 3 4L Chatandolls Cye RD 6L 6L 7L Pzazz Some Kind of Wonderful Purrzz SI 8 10 Faerietail Southern Cross MX 7 7S Legendtales Newman PB 9 6S Casani Juliet OS 7S 8 Antarcin Demerara of Talismaine MC 3L 5L Missionhill Infinite Wisdom PS 10L 7L 9L Purrsia Amazing Grace OS 9S 3S Ritzyrags Domperignon of Amaznrags RD 6 Bluegate Neeneegee JB 10S 7S Purrsia Two Flavors of Ice Cream OS 8 Faerietail Fair Dinkum MX 10 Castlepurrs Awesome Blossom ES 5S Angeleyes Xotique Sierra BI 9L Pinecoon's Tranquility of Antarcin MC 10L Allbreed/Longhair Count 61 61 60 61 59 28 29 60 62 61 60 61 27 27 Shorthair Count 32 33 34 34 ALTERS JB YP AG AR PB LJ AB MN LG JS EC PP RC LC Capilano's Molly McDevon DR 1 4 6 8 2S 1S 3 1 7 2 1 1S 2S Bluegate Sanbyoushi JB 8 5 3 10 4S 2S 9 2 6 7 3S 5S Kenkat Devonshire Cream PS 6 6 2 1 2L 1L 9 4 3 4 Antarcin Dakotah of Carolscats MC 3 3 6 1 4L 4 1 2 4L Celticpride Fintan of Smith Avenue MC 4 2 4L 2L 6 8 10 1L Ciara's Kotobuki of Samphire OS 2 1 6 3S 4S 1 8 Mia Ching's Paseana of Anjeau BA 4 4 9 5L 10 10 2L 3L Rinkurl Da Bomb of Ankhamun SX 9 8 5 5 3 2S 1S Chatandolls Louie Louie of Ragmuffs RD 9 10 2 7 5 5 5L Purfur's Coco Puff of Alain HB 7 2 3S 5 7 8 5S Heycat Mushu of Daisen AS 8 10 1S 5S 10 9 9 4S Stegra Bagheera OS 5 7 5S 2 3 4 Seawillow Tybeerius BG 10 9 1 7 4S Winwillo Theodore PS 4 6 3L 1L Winwillo Mokihana PS 3L 5 4L 5L Heycat Silver Bullet AS 10 3 1 Marvonack's Roll Me Away ES 3 3 10 Cedarglen Savannah Gold PB 5 7 6 Aritzia's Remington Steele PS 7 3L 2 Smokeycoons William Shakespurr MC 4 1L 2L Animatrax Tango BG 5 8 6 Made In France Du Rio D'Erclin BS 7 8 3S Kaperkats Shadow PL 9 5L Okanagon's Harry Houdini The Great PS 8 Mistymanor's Xerox BI 9 Allbreed/Longhair Count 29 31 31 30 29 15 15 30 31 30 29 30 16 16 Shorthair Count 16 16 15 15 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS JB YP AG AR PB LJ AB MN LG JS EC PP RC LC Miss Pittypat 4 1 2 2 3 3S 1S 2 1 1 1 1 1S 1S Sgt Joe Friday of Cat's Cradle 1 2 3 3 1 5S 3S 3 3 5 2 2 4S 2S Michael Shayne of Cat's Cradle 5 3 6 4 5 4S 4S 1 4 2 5 3 2S 5S Ahyoka 6 5 5 6 2 1S 2S 4 2 4 6 4 6S 3S Honey Bear 3 4 1 1 6 6S 5S 5 6 3 4 7 5S 6S Murphy of Priceless 2 6 4 5 4 2S 6S 7 7 7 7 5 7S 7S Emma 6 5 6 3 6 3S 4S Allbreed/Longhair Count 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 Shorthair Count 6 6 7 7 HOUSEHOLD PETS JB YP AG AR PB LJ AB MN LG JS EC PP RC LC Dharma of Entrechaton 2 1 9 1 4S 2S 1 9 2 1S 1S Chela 1 2 1 8 1S 1S 6 5 6 2S 2S Bethanie 4 3 2 2 4L 5 5 4 5 2L Miss Sootie 10 4 5 8 3S 7 3 7 3 5S 5S Mictavis 5 4 7 1L 5L 5 2 3 2L 1L Arthur of Priceless 6 10 7 2S 1 8 8 9 4 Tyara 3 3 3L 10 1 7 1L Kate Scarpetta of Cat's Cradle 5 1 3 4 6 3 Midnight Blues 7 8 2 2L 6 2 5L Opie of Entrechaton 7 5 2 9 1 2 Goody Tat 9 8 9 3L 4 5L Prince 9 3 6 4 3S Greg 3 5S 10 6 4S Mary Lou Jane of Cat's Cradle 7 5 4 10 Mukluk 8 8 1 3L Augustus of Priceless 6 10 7 3S Hammerstein 1L 8 4L Kelly 10 4S 9 Mavis 4 3S Scamp 6 2L Pepsi 9 10 Loki 10 4L Charlie 5L 3L McGwire 5S 4S Suisse Mocha 6 Pixies Miloh 7 Daisy 8 Regnal Van Winston 9 Nancy 10 Big Thumper 4L Allbreed/Longhair Count 32 31 35 33 34 16 16 29 33 33 33 33 16 16 Shorthair Count 17 17 17 15 NEW BREEDS JB YP AG AR PB LJ AB MN LG JS EC PP RC LC Shortstuff's Ballou MK 1 1 1 1 1 1S 1S 1 1 1 1 1 1S 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count 1 1 1 1 -- This report was prepared by David Thomas (