Golden Domes, Moscow, Russia, February 24-25, 2001 Saturday Sunday Alexi Shchukin AB Alexi Shchukin AB Massimo Picardello AB Massimo Picardello AB KITTENS AS MP AS MP Catty Cats Hamal OS 2 2 1 1 Cooncreole Cajun Lullaby MC 1 4 2 2 Lionel Larsen Kimball Dream BS 3 3 3 Golden State Richard Lion's Heart PS 4 5 5 Antoni RD 1 4 Kovcheg Angel Ovidii SF 3 4 Lionella RD 5 Avrora Blue Fantasy BS 5 Allbreed/Longhair Count 12 11 9 9 Shorthair Count CATS AS MP AS MP Tassam Quasar of Catty Ca OS 3 1 3 2 Tuscaloosa's Gisele of Cattycats MC 1 3 2 5 Augustina Janual SF 2 6 3 Blue Light Charlie BS 6 4 8 Golden State Glory PS 8 8 6 Golden State Star's Dream Catcher PS 1 1 Charles RB 8 9 9 Kamelia Elsinor CR 7 10 10 Blue Light Chelsy BS 5 4 Golden State Star's Rafaella PS 4 6 Cooncreole Cheyenne MC 7 5 Moscowstars Romeo MC 9 7 Rachele Master BS 10 7 Dinara SF 2 Diamond's Dulsinea Moon Cat BS 4 Britches Seminole Chief MC 5 C.P.Island Bugi Vugi SF 9 Alan Galanthus BS 10 Allbreed/Longhair Count 27 28 28 25 Shorthair Count ALTERS AS Little Hamster BS 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 Shorthair Count -- This report was prepared by Deborah Reed (