Foaming Frenzies, Pleasanton, CA, November 26-28, 1999

           Friday                  Saturday                  Sunday        
    Karen McInchak     AB    Edith-Mary Smith   AB    Pascale Portelas   AB
    Lindajean Grillo   AB    Vicki Jo Harrison  AB    Juliana Slater     AB
    Adriana Kajon      AB    Lindajean Grillo   AB    D'Ann Kovic        AB
    Pamela Barrett     AB    Fate Mays          AB    Mary Lemp          AB
                             Pamela Barrett     AB    Fate Mays          AB
                             Laura Cunningham   SP    Kitti Ruttan       SP
                             Adriana Kajon      SP    Vicki Jo Harrison  SP

KITTENS                                  KM LG AK PB ES VH LG FM PB LC AK PP JS DK ML FM KR VH
Calla's Heavens To Betsy             AS   1  1  5     2  1  1  8    1S 5S     2  3  9  6 2S 1S
Chrischat's Mirror Image             ES  10  5  6  1  8  8  5  7  1    4S     5  1     8 1S 4S
Wegiekatt Thunder                    NF   8  3     8  1     3  1  8 1L 6L        4     1    4L
Avantgarde Lee                       NF      2  1           2  6    5L 1L  2  3     8  5    8L
Tassam Spellbound of Pawsdlite       OS   9     7        4     3       7S  7        4  3 4S 3S
Mainely Hill Riku of Lachance        MC   4        2  5        4  2 3L                 4    9L
Capaqua's Lightning                  TA   7  7     3        8     3 7L 9L 10        7         
Lunarcoons Ganymede                  MC      8              9       4L 5L  1        3    5L 5L
Miisty Ridge Precious of Pawsitive   PS            7  3           9 2L 8L     7          6L10L
Memry's Lady Katrina                 PS   2           6  3                       2       4L 1L
Mistyridge Nitensatin of Purrkats    PS            4              4 6L     5  1     1         
Abyla's Shaur-A of Equistice         AB                  2          2S     4        2    7S 2S
Quakencats Ah Shes Impy Skimpy       SX                  7  4          1S  9     5          5S
Coonyham Joaquin of Ahwannacoon      MC            6  7                7L     8  6          6L
Tbycatacres Ogilvie                  AW                     6       3S     8  6  7          9S
Chittagong's Washington              BI   6                         8L10L           6  9 3L   
Tassam Le Lacet A Pois of McInkats   OS                        2  6          10        2 5S   
Ktwo's Mt. Everest of Pkays          HI      6              7       9L          10       9L 7L
Rinkurl Rosamunde of Marirose        SX   5     3                      3S             1010S   
Coonyham Travis of Williamina        MC         2        6             2L                   3L
Beachbengals Chimera of Animatrax    BG                           7 8S 9S        9       3S   
Elvessa's Festus of Narmada          TO      9        4                8S                6S10S
Serenitie's Foldliticie Owl-B-Cute   SF              10  9         10S     6                6S
Mistyridge Nquizitve of Furrdreams   PS      4     5       10     5                           
Legendary Yoyo of Stageone           PB        10  9                4S              5         
Cloud Mist Jungle Jaguar             BG                       10      10S     4          8S   
Riverpurrls Ricochet                 PS     10                 5                       7      
Toytown's Skyhawk of Blueyonder      TO         4                   7S 6S                     
Brenlar's Snow Angel                 NF               9            10L                   2L   
Serenitie's Lady Lams A Lot          SR                                2S  3                  
Evenstar Wishful Thinking            BI                  5                                  2L
Forestmist Maverick of Pandomainea   NF         8                      4L                     
Chatandolls Samadhi of Indiadolls    RD         9                      3L                     
Janipurr's Itazura                   JB                             5S                      7S
Pawsitive Koala Behr                 HI                        9              9               
Vanboots Cassieopia of Colleesdolls  RD                                          8 10         
Laforet's Sweet Josie of Winteridge  NF   3                                                   
Forestmist Rocky Mountain High       NF                                                  1L   
Bengalica Cabernet                   BG                             6S                        
Capaqua's Mist On The Lake           TA                                                  7L   
Goldenmagi Cameo                     BG                          10                           
Holdermaines Coonvet                 MC                 10                                    
Belfry's Arnold Schwarskinegger      SX           10                                          
Dollhouse Sabrina of Furreal         RD                                                  8L   
Tigertribe Odysseus                  BG                                                     8S
Astralkats Austin Rex of Permarex    DR                             9S                        
Tassam's Phuket of Degoonacoon       OS                                                  9S   
Argo's Discovery                     MC                                                 10L   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     58 57 59 58 65 65 65 66 66 37 37 58 53 57 56 57 33 37
                     Shorthair Count                                29 29                25 25

CATS                                     KM LG AK PB ES VH LG FM PB LC AK PP JS DK ML FM KR VH
Tassam Magic In-Dis-Guy Z            SI   2  1  1  5     1  1  7  4 1S 1S  3  2  5  3  6 3S 1S
Toytown's Lash Larue of Elvessa      TO   9  5  5     5  3  5  5    7S 2S  5  6  2  6  7 1S 3S
Quanmarra Bonnie Prince of Pzazz     OS      7     1  2     7  1  1 2S 8S  4  1  7  2  1 5S   
Tassam Kiante                        BA   1  3 10     1  8  3  8    8L 5L  8     6     8 6L 4L
Ahura's Boo Radley                   PS         4  7  7    10  6  3 2L 2L  6  4  8       2L 7L
Jedidiah's Hero                      NF   7  4  3     6     2  3    4L 4L  1     1     5    8L
Tassam Madam Magie Noir              OS   5     9     4  4          9S 3S    10     1       4S
Dinunzio'sdolls Evita of Dandenong   RD   4     2           6  9    6L 1L              910L 5L
Chaucer's Isabelle                   BS            4  3  7          4S     2        7    7S 7S
Millwood Ischiron of Dreamland       BG            8                8S 5S  9  3  3  9 10      
Coonyham Rough Rider                 MC         8  6                       7  5        3    2L
Argo's Bogoart of Tipstufts          MC   3              9        6    7L        4          3L
Wonder's Snow Spirit                 NF            2              2 7L              8    4L   
Shiverden Yahoo of Wildlove          BG      6              4  4       9S              4      
Ravenswing Angelica                  BS                 10    10    5S        7          9S 8S
Joykatz Markers Magic of Elan        BG            3     6        7                         6S
Junglebook Virtual Temptation        BG      2  6                      4S                   9S
LAPD Cruiser                         MC                        2  5                    2      
Jedidiah's Indiana of Pandomainea    NF                             1L 6L                9L 6L
Mar-Rob's Princess Eboli             SX      9              8          7S        9            
Minusdetails Against All Odds        CY         7                   9L 3L                   9L
Minusdetails Chuckaluck of Glen-El   CY           10              9           9          7L   
Rinkurl Cinnbad                      SX              10           8                 5         
Chittagong's William Tell            BI   6                           10L                1L   
Technicolor Spumoni of Kasperkatz    DR     10              9                            6S   
Millwood Leeloo of Alcat             BG                  2                                  2S
Tangyi Fudge Browny                  BU            9             10                     10S   
Pawsdlite Pinjarra                   OS                  5                                  5S
Cheeptrills Chia Rose of McInkats    MC               9                             4         
Coonyham Coltrane of Guardian Angel  MC      8                                              1L
Bengoria Billy The Kid               BG   8                                   8               
Rexquisite Monique of Permarex       DR                                6S 10                  
Coonsboro Rupaul of LAPD             MC                                9L                3L   
Purfur's Deheshe                     HB               8            10S                        
Tintagel's Demelza                   AL                            10L                     10L
Tassam La Rondelle of McInkats       OS                                                  2S   
Kasperkatz Milkeyway                 BG                             3S                        
Argo's J. Beam                       MC                             3L                        
Starbengal Rosetted Bandoleros       BG                                                  4S   
Argo's Bergman                       MC                             5L                        
Suzeran's Mikail Yurinovich          SB                                                  5L   
Rexnfx Bijan of Permarex             DR                             6S                        
Riverpurrls Sneak Preview            PS                                            10         
Lady Fitima of SF Exclusives         RD                                         10            
Moonlight Night Tye Dyed Satin       SI  10                                                   
Stageone Hamlet                      BG                                                  8S   
Cooniverse T-Bird Tommy of Hallamaa  MC                                8L                     
Brnyfls Rios Shadow of Marmorata     MC                                                  8L   
Belfry Claire de Nude of Zeba        SX                                                    10S
Buster Basking In The Sun            SF                               10S                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     61 61 62 62 68 67 65 70 70 33 31 69 64 64 68 68 30 31
                     Shorthair Count                                37 37                35 37

ALTERS                                   KM LG AK PB ES VH LG FM PB LC AK PP JS DK ML FM KR VH
Willowplace Domperion of Sirbentley  MC   2  8 10  4  1  1 10  1  4 2L 4L  2  9  2     1 3L 1L
Rinkurl And More                     SX   5  4  2  1  2  4  5     1 3S 2S  1  6  8  1    3S 4S
Kabobmemry Lady Contessa of Memry    PS   3  1  5  2  7  8  1     2 3L 3L  5  1  5  2       3L
Britlyn Koala Blue of Minusdetails   BS         1  3  6  3  4  4  3    1S        4     5 1S 3S
Andeer's Forever Laurie Jean         AS      2        8  2  2  2    1S        4  7  4  3    1S
QT's T.J. Hooker                     SR   6 10  4     4  9  8  8       3S  4 10        8 2S   
Omega Butterfly of Tell No Tails     CY   7     3 10           9  9 5L 1L     2  6       5L 4L
Highlite Platinum Ringmaster         PS  10        8     5  9  3              3        4 4L 2L
Lateadakats Johnny Walker            BG               5        6    4S     8  5 10  5  6 4S   
Ciara's Kotobuki of Samphire         OS   8     9  7     7     5  5        6        7  7      
Hapik Moose Cannon                   MC   1  5     9  3     6 10  7                      1L   
Tamoshan's Born To Be Wild           OS      3     5    10  3     6              1     9      
Taliesin Quintessa Bedmole           BS                                    3     3  6  2 5S 2S
Furreal Ramsey of Marmorata          RD         6                   1L 2L  7        9    2L   
Burmystic Sable Memory of Chrischat  BU   9  6              7    10 2S    10        8         
Caliope Calypso                      ES            6  9           8 5S 4S  9                  
Kikicat's Angel                      PS      7  7              7       5L                   5L
Mvable Polar Sky                     SI                  6                            10    5S
Taiyo's Yoko-San                     JB   4          10                       8               
Lananda Ali Baba                     PS                                       7  9 10         
Mar-Rob's Lord Luciano               SX         8                      5S                     
Starhaus von Karl                    BI      9                      4L                        
Legendary Billiebob of Equistice     PB                                             3         
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     28 25 28 28 29 31 29 31 30 14 13 31 31 32 30 30 13 14
                     Shorthair Count                                17 18                18 18

Baloo                                     3  5  9  1  3  2  4  3  1 2S 2S  1  4  2  3  3 1S 2S
Pretty Penny                             10  1  7  9  9  1  1  6  8 1S 4S  8  6 10  4  6 6S 1S
Winston                                   4  9  3  3  1  3  9  1  4 2L 2L        3  9  2 5L 1L
Bonnie                                    2  8  8     2  5  5  2 10 5S 8S 10     1  1  110S 3S
Jennifer Hart                             7     5  6  4  4     7  5 4S 7S  5  8  8  8  4 7S 5S
Parnelli                                  8  7  6  4  5  9  7  8    6S 5S  4  3  4  7    9S 4S
Kahlua                                    1     1  5     7 10     6 1L 1L  7  2  5    10 2L 3L
Ariann                                       2  2 10  7  6  2       9S 3S  6  1  6       4S 9S
Redd Fredd Snow of Cat's Cradle              6     2  6     6  9  2 3L 4L     5  9  6  8 1L 4L
Pete                                      6 10  4  7 10           3 3S 1S  3           9 2S10S
Muy Chiquita                                 4     8        3  4  7 4L 3L  9     7     5 4L 2L
Johnny Dollar                             9    10                   7S 9S  2  7     5    3S 6S
Chi Thai Tria                                         8 10  8  5  9   10S    10        7 8S 7S
Thomasena                                 5              8          8S 6S     9    10    5S 8S
Bit Te Butz                                                   10    5L 5L           2    3L 5L
Vanna                                        3                                                
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     15 15 15 15 13 15 15 16 15  5  5 15 15 15 15 15  5  5
                     Shorthair Count                                 9 10                10 10

Pippin                                    1     1  2  1  3     1  2 1S 1S  3  2  1  3  1 3S 4S
Logan                                     4     2  4  5  4     4  3 2L 1L     5          3L 1L
Seaside Sadie of Cat's Cradle             3  1     1     2  1     1 4S           5     6    2S
Coco Chanel of Cat's Cradle                  2        4     2  7    5L 2L  5  1        4 5L 4L
Mystik                                    5        3           3    1L 4L        2  4  5 4L 2L
Arthur of Priceless                          5        2  7  6     5        2     3          3S
Punkin Head                               2  3     5     1  5                       5       1S
Bubblin Brown Sugar                                   7     7  6    2S     1  3          1S   
Yumyum                                                         2    3S     4  6     1  3      
Lady Tiffany                                          6             3L 3L           6       5L
Theodore Linaus Kyser                                 3           4    2S                4S   
Santa Rosa Sam                                  3                          6     4     2      
Peggy Sue                                                6  3                 4          2S   
Flip Wilson                                  4              4                       2    5S   
Annabel                                         5        5             5S                   5S
Fuzzfyre Phoenix                                                    4L 5L        6       2L   
Taa Ling                                        4                      4S                     
Louie                                                             6    3S                     
McDuff                                                                                   1L 3L
Dartanyon                                                      5                              
Nutrageous                                                          5S                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     19 19 19 19 22 22 22 22 21  6  7 21 21 21 21 21  7  8
                     Shorthair Count                                15 15                14 14

Excalibur's Louis Wain of Chaucer    BL   1  3  1     1  2  5  1    1L 1L  1  1  1  1  1 1L 2L
Evenstar Allie McBeal                SO   3  2  2  3  4  1  4  2  3 4L 2L  4     2     5 5L 1L
Catalons Heartbreaker                BB   5  5     2  5  4        1 5L 4L     4  4     4    5L
Kresant Sir Walter Scott             BS               2     2     4 2S 4S  2  5  3     2 2S 2S
Excalibur Greystoke of Kasperkatz    BL                        3    2L 5L  5  2  5     3 3L 4L
Excalibur Londo                      BS               3  3  1       4S 1S     3     3    1S 1S
Arpeggio's Concerto                  AB      1  4  1        3     2 1S 2S                3S 3S
Catalons Earth Angel                 BH   4  4  5  5     5          3S 3S           5    4S 4S
Excalibur Seti of Capaqua            BL   2     3              5       3L  3        4    4L 3L
Excalibur Donna                      BL                             3L              2    2L   
Catalons Oh My Delilah               BB            4           4  5                           
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      8  8  8  8 11 11 11 11 11  7  7 11 11 11 11 11  7  7
                     Shorthair Count                                 4  4                 4  4
This report was prepared by Deborah Reed (