Alabama Paws & Claws, Bessemer, AL, October 23-24, 1999

               Saturday                    Sunday
          Larry Paul         AB      Beth Hicks         AB
          Robin Higgins      AB      Wendy Klamm        AB
          Steven Savant      AB      Roslyn Drusch      AB
          Judy Chappetta     AB      Richard Bailey     AB
          Penny Garrett      SP      Lynne Sherer       SP
          Robby Whyte        SP      Charlotte Guthrie  SP

KITTENS                                  LP RH SS JC PG RW BH WK RD RB LS CG
Owhl Harry Houdini of Sunnkiss       SS   1  1  4  1 6L 1L  1  5     1 4L 1L
Megacoon Jonjon of Tayaway           MC   3  3  2  3 1L 2L  2  2     7 1L 6L
Chin Hills Ronan of Thomcats         BU   5  9     7 2S 5S     1     4 6S   
My Thai Chao Fah of Love Sumalee     KT      2     5 4S 2S        7  6 5S 7S
Cooncreole Chekov of Chaparral       SB         6    5L 9L  8  7  2  8 7L   
Calla's Heavens To Betsy             AS   2     3  2    1S        1    7S10S
Cooncreole Cowboy's Last Stand       MC   6     9    3L 4L        6    3L 4L
Cherokee Trails Rolling Thunder      CX            6    4S 10  6    10 2S 4S
Bruan's Xena Warrior Princess        HI   9    10  4 2L 3L        9    6L   
Sammycats Dancing In The Moonlight   PS   8  8       8L10L        4  5 2L   
Darkwater's Bacchus                  SX     10  8  9          10     9 3S 3S
Dixiecoons Warlock's Got Milk        MC         1           7     3  310L   
Supermaine Fancypants of Tipsntufts  MC   7  5              3          5L   
Chrischat's Mirror Man               ES         5  8           8       8S 9S
Toytown's Skyhawk of Blueyonder      TO   4  7       5S 3S                  
Mar-Ja Luvs Little Bit of Trouble    PS              9L     4             2L
Fanfayre's Poppy of Woodlyn          PS      4  7                           
Sartoris Aubyn of Jinjorbred         AS                              2 4S   
Memry's Sir Cruiselot of Obseshon    PS                        3          5L
Kintoi's Mark Twain                  AS      6              9               
Angelfires Cobald Blue               SX                           8       1S
Dreambabys Dreamcatcher              PS                 5L  5               
Pypurz Sympathy For The Devil        SO             10L 8L                3L
Mystywood's Mashed Potatoes N Gravy  ES                     6             5S
Rubanthom Zsa Zsa                    RB           10                      2S
Manor Black Beauty                   OS                        4       9S   
Uneedarag Zappa Lightning            RD                 7L             8L 9L
Ashpurr's Avery                      AS              1S                   8S
Mckatsfancy de'Ja' Blue              PS              4L                   7L
Miaghy Boure of A'tien               ES                           5         
Ashpurr's Bayardere                  AS                                1S   
Scheherazad's Mulan                  OL                        9            
Maniac Cristabel of Mysticoon        MC                          10         
Radiance Bohemian Rhapsody           OS  10                                 
Klazeekats Duke of Ranchcats         SI              3S                     
TLC Snow Angel of Uneedarag          RD                 6L                  
Manor Hershey Kisses                 OS                                   6S
Islandcat's Blue Ice                 MC              7L                     
Purrplantation Bonnie Blue Belle     MC                                   8L
Ezluvin Wild Patch of Cailean        PS                                9L   
Bradpurr's New Destiny               HI                                  10L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     49 48 49 48 29 30 55 54 55 55 29 29
                     Shorthair Count                 19 19             24 25

CATS                                     LP RH SS JC PG RW BH WK RD RB LS CG
Chayat's Vashka                      RB   5  1  2  1    1S  4  1  1  1 5S   
Medieval Magician Merlin             AL   3  5  9  2 2L 1L        3  9 3L 4L
My Thai Indigo Girl                  KT   1  7  1    5S 3S    10  5    4S 2S
Brigantina Starsanbars of Caligula   HI         4    1L 2L     6  2  2 7L 1L
Jinjorbred's Jimmy Buffet            SX   4  2       1S 4S  2     6  5 8S   
Argo's Bogart of Tipsntufts          MC   6  8       6L 4L  3        3 1L 7L
Calla's Johnny Angel                 PS     10     5    3L        8  6 2L 2L
Minusdetails Against All Odds        CY   9       10    7L  5     4    6L 5L
Ashpurr's Kashmir                    AS              2S     1        4 1S 5S
Saroko Southern Dixie                SI   2        3 7S        3       9S   
Blueyonder's Polar Star              TO              6S 2S  8     9    7S 8S
Islandcats Flashing Blues            MC         8    4L        2  7         
Karissimakat's Sentimental Journey   PS        10    5L        4       8L 8L
Dorwill Contessa                     MC      6     7 3L        9            
Minusdetails White Lightnin          MX      9       3S    10          3S   
Mycoon Skal Vi Danse Kopjekaat       NF  10     7  6                        
Cooncreole Svetlana                  SB                          10  7 5L   
Daribelle Chantilly Lace of Calla    PS         5       6L                6L
Talshipp Northern Light              MC      4  6                           
Darkwater's Hermes                   SX   8             7S                7S
Glitterwood Davy Clawkett            BG                        5       2S   
Bengaland's Pandora Divinci Power    BG   7                 7               
Pengar's Bradley                     OS                        7          1S
Medox Catsanova of Glitterwood       BG                     9         10S 9S
Pawdedeux Tony Toni Tone             SI                 6S           8      
Fistowne Marlin of Islandcats        MC                     6          9L   
Wildsafari's Glacier of Liveoak      BG                             10 6S   
Bengaland's Monet Power Surge        BG              4S 5S                  
Tipsntufts Hunter                    MC                                4L 9L
Bengaland's Monet Karma Power        BG      3                              
Tipsntufts Lacey of Mainastasia      MC         3                           
Bengaland's Starlight Divinci        BG            4                        
Ekaterina Analostan Laskoviy Zver    SB                        8            
Karissimakat's Just My Style         HI            8                        
Darkwater's Hera                     SX            9                        
Alchemy Cinnabon                     SI                                   3S
Islandcats Pretty Boy                MC                                   3L
King Cobra of Bamboo                 BG                                   4S
Coquille's Bayou Blue                MC                 5L                  
Brerbits Caller I.D. of Voo Doo      MX                                   6S
Kopjekaat Amanda Skogpus             NF              7L                     
Calla's Total Eclipse of Sartoris    AS                                  10S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     44 44 44 44 22 22 50 51 50 49 24 24
                     Shorthair Count                 22 22             26 26

ALTERS                                   LP RH SS JC PG RW BH WK RD RB LS CG
Windwalker Ziggy Stardust of Mtnest  MC   4  2  1  2 2L 2L  3  5  5  5 1L   
Stoneisland's Brian Boru             PB   2  1  3  3 1S 2S        1  6 2S   
Chayat's Smoroki                     RB   5  7          1S  6  1  2  2    5S
Linmar's Lil Man of Memry            PS   7     2       3L  8  2     1 2L 1L
Whozz Kickstart My Heart             PS   1  6  8  4 1L 1L        3       5L
Alchemy Bela Lugosi                  SI      8     8 2S     5  4  6  4    1S
Capilano's La Sorciere               DR   6  3  4  6 4S 5S                  
Minusdetails I'M 2 Sexy 4 My Tail    CY                     4  3  7  7 3L   
Burmystic Sable Memory of Chrischat  BU   3  4  7    3S 3S                  
Croshka Cameron of Careycats         PS         5  5 5L 4L  2               
Jorbee J.J.                          AS            7           8     8 4S 4S
Darkwater's Orpheus                  SX            1 5S 4S                2S
Angelfire Grayson Got Milk           SX   8  5                         3S 3S
Angelfire Mini Tails                 SX                     7  6  4         
Kopjekaat Halvor Roghatsson          NF         6    4L        7            
Sanctimonie's Wolfgang               AB                     1          1S   
Mckatsfancy Gregg                    PS                           8       4L
Islandcats Opal of Prispurr          MC              3L                4L   
Kimsdolls Silver of Uneedarag        RD                 5L             5L   
Homerun The Angel Raphael            HI                              3      
Memry's Ashley Wilkes                PS                                   2L
Memry's Hunter of Mountaincats       PS                                   3L
Pengar's Maid Marian                 SI                                5S   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     23 23 23 23 13 12 23 23 23 23 13 13
                     Shorthair Count                 10 11             10 10

Gimme Shelter of Catsanhata               2  1  1  2 2S 1S  4  4  2  7 7S 2S
Cleo of Uneedarag                         8  5  2  6 1S 7S  2  7  1  5 5S 4S
Haley's Comet                             3  3  4  8 5S 8S  7  2  4  1 2S 7S
Fidette                                   4  8  5  4 3S 5S  1  6  7  4 3S10S
Chaize of Mountaincats                    1  2  3  1 9S 2S  3     8  9 1S 1S
Cinderella Rose                           5  9  7  3 4S 3S 10  1  3    4S 8S
Baileys Irish Cream of Starfleet          6     8  7 6S 9S  6  5  6  3 8S 5S
Wendy of Magnoliaspots                    9 10     5 8S 4S  5  3  5  8 9S 3S
Scooby                                    7  6 10  9 7S 6S     9     6 6S 6S
Georgia Sings The Blues                      4  9    1L 2L  8  8  9  2 2L 1L
Mr. Furby of Liveoak                     10  7    10 2L 1L  9 10       1L 2L
Junior of Careycats                             6   10S10S       10 1010S 9S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     12 12 12 12  2  2 12 12 12 12  2  2
                     Shorthair Count                 10 10             10 10

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           LP RH SS JC PG RW BH WK RD RB LS CG
Gypsy Doll                                1     1    1S 2S  4  5     1 3S 5S
Clover                                       2  4  1 2S 3S  2          1S 1S
Bubblin Brown Sugar                       2             1S  1     4  2 4S 4S
Mignight                                     3  3  4    3L        1  3 3L   
Tootsie of Mountaincats                   3  1  2    3S           3    2S   
Samson                                    5        2    5S     3  2  4      
Sassy                                     4        5 2L 1L  3  4            
Blue Boy of Liveoak                                  1L 2L     2       4L 1L
Kimmie of Chateaumere                        5       4S           5  5      
Rhonda's Sweet December Monet                   5    3L 4L             1L 3L
Heathern Ii Kytle                                    4L 5L  5          5L 2L
Jezabel                                            3           1          3S
Simon                                        4       5S 4S                  
Sluggo                                                                 2L 5L
Oneeye Jack of Liveoak                               5L                   4L
Max of Magnoliaspots                                                      2S
Dominoes                                                               5S   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     19 20 19 19  8  8 18 18 19 19  8  8
                     Shorthair Count                 12 12             11 11

Tejas Blue Nothern of Liveoak        BG   2  2  2  1 2S 1S  2  2  2  2 1S 1S
Kountrypurr's Getback Jojo           MK   3  1  1  4 3S 2S  4  3  3  3 3S   
Kountrypurr's Rainbo Ryder           MK   1  3  4  2 1S 3S  3  4  4  4 2S   
Kountrypurr's Brickyard Blues        MK   4  4  3  3 4S 4S  5  5  5  5 4S   
Cooncreole Oblieo                    SB                     1  1  1  1 1L 1L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      4  4  4  4        5  5  5  5  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                  4  4              4  1
This report was prepared by Sue Hansen (