Wisconsin-Illinois Cat Fanciers, Waukesha, WI, April 15-16, 2000

               Saturday                  Sunday
          Richard Bailey     SP      Richard Bailey     AB
          Patti Andrews      SP      Patti Andrews      AB
          Adriana Kajon      SP      Adriana Kajon      AB
          Joe Edwards        SP      Odette Lamoureux   AB
          Lisa Bressler      SP      Dewane Barnes      AB
          Lynne Sherer       AB      Connie Webb        AB

KITTENS                                  RB PA AK JE LB LS RB PA AK OL DB CW
Karissimakat's Leader of The Pack    HI  1L 2L 3L 1L 3L  5  1  3     1  2  3
Arkady Renko                         RB  2S 2S 1S 3S 1S     3  4  2  4  3  2
Kavekats Crusader                    MC  2L    2L 3L 2L     4        2  4  5
Monarch's Patch Adams                CR  1S 1S 2S 1S 3S     2  2  3        
Ja-Koi's Tosshin of Dreamstar        JL  4L 1L    4L 1L  1     1           
Hollyfarms Pepsi Bandit              RD        1L 5L     2        5  5     
Kito                                 BG                     5     1  3  1  
Hunterdonhall Ares                   BG  3S 5S 3S 4S 2S                    1
Lonerock Peach Dumpling              RD     3L    2L           5           4
Velvetjewels Gold Prospector         MC  5L 4L 5L        3                 
Leotie's Tiamat                      AB  5S 4S 5S 2S     4                 
Kurisumasu Kemuski of Catstery       JL        4L                       5  
Wildlove Moonlight Magic             BG     3S 4S    4S                    
Caareing Cats Dr. Spock              SX  4S       5S 5S                    
Coonyck Jasmina                      MC                           4        
Mikyttens Mocha of Supurr Ragdolls   RD  3L                                
Lacocoon Stella of Velvetjewels      MC              4L                    
Rockincat's Twilight Time            MC              5L                    
Kauffman Dulcie's Sweet Pea          RD     5L                             
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     14 13 14 14 15 20 19 18 19 19 19 19
                     Shorthair Count      6  6  6  6  6                    

CATS                                     RB PA AK JE LB LS RB PA AK OL DB CW
Lilla B Leilani of Ohanaskye         SI  4S 1S 4S 5S 1S     4  1  6     1  1
Purafections Cinnabar of Monarch     CR  1S 6S 5S 2S     7  2  5  4     6  3
Mikyttens Skipadoo of Kauffman       RD  4L 4L 3L 3L 3L  6     3 10     4  7
Cherokee Trails Rolling Thunder      CX  2S 8S 6S 4S     1 10     9  5  2 10
Kabelkim Christopher Lake            CY  5L 1L    5L 2L  3  5  4        3  8
Leopardhaven Chieftain               PB  8S 7S 8S 1S 8S  4  6  9           2
Junglebook Virtual Temptation        BG  6S 2S 7S           9  2     4 10  4
Wunderkatz Leonardo Di Catrio        TO     3S 2S    5S  8     8  5     9  
Dreambabys Dreamcatcher              PS  1L 5L    2L        3        1     5
Dreambabys One Dream At A Time       PS        1L    4L           2  3  5  
Hoosiercoon Cherieamor Or Rockincat  MC     2L    4L 5L  9     6           6
Argo's Bogart of Tipsntufts          MC                  2  1  7  1        
Shiverden Yahoo of Wildlove          BG     4S 1S 7S 3S           3        
Leotie's Rubaiyat                    AB  5S       6S 2S 10           8     
Mystywood's Mashed Potatoes N Gravyh ES  7S    9S 9S                 6  8  
Myapogee Wish Upon A Star            BI     3L    1L          10           9
Pommeraye Paprikhana                 BI  3L          1L     8              
Navajo Akia of Sunspark              BG           3S 4S              7     
Fyffestar Stephan King               AS  3S       8S        7              
Navajo Niobie                        MC        3S                 7        
Rumford's The One After Nine O Nine  MC        2L                 8        
Coonyham Gold Rush of Velvet Jewels  MC                             10  7  
Sportstar Scottie Hamilton           SF              9S              9     
Sunvals Parade of Dreambabys         HI                              2     
Rojon's Tidal Wave                   BG                  5                 
Sunspark Miranda In The Snow         BG     9S       7S                    
Coon Cross Guildenstern              MC  2L                                
Casteline's Spencer                  CY        4L                          
Careingcats Pordita of Scheherazade  SX     5S                             
Lonerock Smoke Gets In My Eyes       RD        5L                          
Joykatz Marker's Magic of Elan       BG              6S                    
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     17 18 17 17 17 41 42 43 42 42 42 42
                     Shorthair Count     23 24 24 24 24                    

ALTERS                                   RB PA AK JE LB LS RB PA AK OL DB CW
Jedidiah's Mark                      NF  1L    1L 1L 1L  1  1     1 10  2  3
Mystywood Fire And Desire            PS  2L    5L 2L 3L  4  2  7  9  2  3  8
Yquem C'est Si Bon of Silvrleaf      ES  3S 3S 3S 1S 4S  3  8  9  8  1  7  6
Lilla B Gimme A Chance of Ohanaskye  SI  1S 1S 5S 2S 1S     3  1  7     1  4
Holly Farms Root Beer Bandit         RD  4L 2L 3L 4L           6 10  8  5  2
Shags R Us Rigel of Stellarcoon      MC     3L 2L 3L 2L  2     3  4        7
Tamoshan's Sweet Talking Guy         OS  2S 4S 4S 3S 2S     4     5  5 10  
Kintoi's Walker River                AS  4S    1S        7  7     2  6  8  5
Starcrystal's Veracity of Dreamstar  BI  3L       5L     5 10           9  1
Asgardkatt's Bea                     NF     1L 4L              2  6  7     
Oakheaven's Bam Bina of Luvhaven     HI  5L              8  6        4     9
Dixie Paws Mr Kringles Snowball      AL     4L       5L  6     4     9     
Sportstar Doug Flute                 SF     2S 2S    3S       10  3        
Fyffestar Jake                       AS  5S 5S    5S 5S        5           
Karissimakat's Braelyn Alexa         HI                     5  8     3     
Navajo Aja Khan                      BG           4S     9              4  
Desperados Orange Roughy             MC                                 6  
Careingcats Mookie Natango           MC                     9              
Supurr Ragdolls Sam                  RD              4L                    
Bengalbel Farms Raja of Fyffestar    BG                                   10
Ragmar Kyle of Katsdolls             RD                 10                 
Karissimakat Toby of Leotie          PS     5L                             
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     17 17 17 17 17 26 26 27 26 27 27 27
                     Shorthair Count      9  9  9  9  9                    

Nicodemus                                3S 1S 1S 3S 3S  2  1  1  1  3  1  1
Monroh                                   1S 4S 3S 1S 4S  1  2  4  3  1  3  2
Mewsicman Sterling                       4S 2S 2S 2S 2S  4  4  3  2  4  2  4
Jimmy                                    2S 3S 4S 4S 1S  3  3  2  4  2  4  3
             Allbreed/Longhair Count                     4  4  4  4  4  4  4
                     Shorthair Count      4  4  4  4  4                    

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           RB PA AK JE LB LS RB PA AK OL DB CW
Shagadelic of Kulwicki                   4S 3S 2S    1S  4  2     2  4     5
Dirty Harry                              2S 4S    4S 3S     4  3        5  3
Indianapolis Exit 138                       1S 1S 2S 5S        4  1  3     
Bailey                                   2L       3L 1L  5  5  5           
Ciatti                                   5L 1L 2L 4L     3     2           
Cherish                                  1L    5L 1L        3           2  
Sir Linus From Addison                                   1        3     4  1
Einstein                                    2L 3L    5L  2        5        
Boy George                               4L 5L       2L              6     4
Jesse James                              3L 3L    5L 3L           4        
Samson                                   1S 5S 3S 5S 2S     1              
Crystal                                                     6        5  1  
Ellie Mae Clawpett                       5S 2S 5S 1S 4S                    
Tiger The Tank                                                 1     1     
Maggie Pi                                                            2  3  
Lord Nigel Patrick Winfield                 4L                             2
Lucy B. Tortellini                                2L 4L                    
Gio                                      3S    4S 3S                       
Loki                                           1L                          
Copper                                         4L                          
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     11 11 11 11 11 16 21 19 18 21 20 19
                     Shorthair Count      6  6  6  6  6                    

Dairyland BC Little Elk              LP  1L 1L 2L 1L 1L  1  1  3  1  1  2
Dairyland BC White Buffalo           LP  2L 2L 1L 2L 2L  2  3  2  3  2  1
Dairyland BC Chipmunk                LS  1S 1S 1S 2S 1S  3  2  1  4  3  4
Dairyland Farmer Man                 MK  2S 2S 2S 1S 2S  4  4  4  2  4  3
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      2  2  2  2  2  4  4  4  4  4  4
                     Shorthair Count      2  2  2  2  2                  
This report was prepared by Vicki Novak (vnovak@mediaone.net)