Catastrophic Cats, Kimberton, PA, March 4-5, 2000

              Saturday                Sunday
        Connie Webb     SP      Marilynne Gregg  AB
        Frances Yow     AB      Paul Lahey       AB
        Robin Higgins   AB      Robert Forte     AB
        Adriana Kajon   AB      Joe Edwards      AB
        Lisa Bressler   SP      Patti Andrews    SP
        Adriana Kajon   SP (BG congress)

KITTENS                                  CW FY RH AK LB MG PL RF JE PA
Jinjorbred's Taddeo of Classicalcats SX  2S  1     3     2  2  6  6 1S
Mtncats Pastel Purrfection           ES  1S  2  3  9     1  6  3  7   
Boraines Sensation                   PS  3L     2  6 1L        2  5 1L
Catbalu Hedonist of Moonglo          BS  4S  4  9 10        8  5  9 5S
BleuJeanne's Pandora                 CX  3S  7     8        7  8  4 3S
S Rockringens Lou Reed of Finlandia  NF  5L  3           3  4 10    2L
Seafarer's Femme Kohl                PS     10       5L  5  3  1    4L
Sarajen Jaegermeister                MC         8    2L  4  1         
Mainette Sage                        MC  1L     5  4             10   
Bengaland's Shana DiVinci Power      BG         1    3S     5       4S
Coonpulsive RioGrande of Stacalone   MC  2L     4        9     7      
Osiris Ali Baba Fiddi Kool-Lah       EM  5S  9  7        6            
Winter Hawk of Windstorm             BG            7 1S           2   
Broadway McShea                      MC         6              4    3L
Broadsway McCoy                      MC              3L           1 5L
Floppicat Briaton                    RD      8       4L           3   
Catzajammin's Juneau                 OC            5 5S  8            
EZLuvin Mama's Cream Puff of Jatar   PS  4L  6             10         
Lloyal Welleslley                    BI                 10     9  8   
Leotie's Dragonair                   AB      5       4S               
Catzajammin's Fargo                  OC              2S             2S
Kim's Dolls Taffie                   RD            1                  
Wegiestarr Danpur                    NF            2                  
DarlinLilDolls Charity of Whispurrin RD                  7            
BellaPalazzo Bridger                 RD                     9         
Hillside Melannge of BlueBlaze       MC        10                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     20 32 32 32 20 32 32 32 32 20
                     Shorthair Count     12          10             12

CATS                                     CW FY RH AK LB MG PL RF JE PA AK
Jinjorbreds Jimmy Buffet             SX  3S  1  3  1     7  5  5    5S   
Yggdrasil's Tom Bombadil             NF  8L  4  9  4 1L  6  8    10 7L   
Khamsin's Starbuck                   AB      2  1    2S  1  2  2    3S   
Medieval Magician Merlin             AC  5L  3  8  2 3L  4          5L   
My Thai Chao Fah of Love Sumalee     KT      5  6  9 9S        6  3 1S   
Chaucer's Isabelle                   BS  4S          1S     1  1  7 2S   
Dreambaby's DDG Dreamsicle           PS  7L     2    2L  2  9     6      
Oaktree Cream Kid of Moonglo         SR  1S  6     7 4S           9 8S   
Peaceful Paws Frostline of Hi-Me     HI         5    7L  3  6       8L   
Purberri's I'm So Dizzy              HI  4L          8L  5        2 4L   
Purafection Tahini                   SG  6S        8 8S           1 4S   
Priderock Malachite of Masada        BG            5    10         10S  1
McKittyCreek Serendae of Ruffntufts  MC  3L  8  4                  10L   
Bengaland's Pandora DiVinci Power    BG                     4     4    10
Soulmates Perris of PURRsonable      RD  1L     7              8         
Dreamdolls MrPickwick of Pidepipurr  RD            3 4L             2L   
Yggdrasil's Tobermory Siebirhtsson   NF  2L        6                1L   
Windstorm Equynox                    BG  9S 10       5S                 6
Columbleus Pepe La Pewter            CX  5S                10     5      
Mainlysilver Reed                    MC  6L              8  7            
Berryhille's Minnieme                ES  2S          3S  9               
Boraines Rave-On                     PS              9L        4    3L   
Amtails Crazy Horse                  MC                     3  3         
Minusdetails Against All Odds        CY  9L       10           7         
Timehearts Celebration               HB      7      10S             6S   
MTNest Major Tom                     MC                           8 6L   
BleuJeannne Mardi Gras of Columbleu  CX      9       6S                  
Skatts Don Juan of Glor-ee           OS  7S                   10         
Truebrit Double Red Fantasy          BS        10                   9S   
Jataimekits Blade Runner of Mistys   SN              7S             7S   
Medoz Gulliver                       BG                                 2
Bengaland's Houdini DiVinci          BG                                 3
Windstorm Lucky of Ganges            BG                                 4
Priderock Diamond of Masada          BG                                 5
Sartoris Alstair                     AB                        9         
Badgers Bengals Mary                 BG                                 7
Witsend Aztec                        BG                                 8
Nor-Wynd Licorice                    MC              5L                  
Witsend Noteable                     BG                                 9
Stacalone's Ebone and Ivory          MC              6L                  
Leotie's Serenity                    AB  8S                              
Emberhearth's Sonoma Azule           RD                             9L   
Miao Miao American Dream             AC             10L                  
Berryhille's Felicity                PS 10L                              
Catzajammin's Jow Jow                OC 10S                              
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     38 69 68 68 38 67 64 67 67 37 25
                     Shorthair Count     29          29             30   

ALTERS                                   CW FY RH AK LB MG PL RF JE PA
Minusdetails Nash Bridges            CY  2L  2  2  2     2  1  1  2 2L
Taliesin Quintessa Bedmole           BS      6  3  4 1S  3  2  5  6 1S
Capilano's La Sorcierce              DR  4S  1  4  1 3S  6  8  3    3S
Shaynacats Pepper Noire              PS  3L  5  7    2L  1  5  2  9 1L
Windwalker Ziggy Stardust of MTNest  MC  5L     5  5 3L  5  4     7 3L
StoneIsland's Brian Boru             PB  2S  4  1  7     7        1 2S
DiNunzios Doll Mitch                 RD  1L  7       1L  8  3         
Berryhilles Red Zinger               ES  5S        3     4  7  9      
MtKittery Waterville                 MC      3       5L        4  4   
Snowlace Tasha of Lloyal             BI  4L          4L     9     5 4L
Bengaland Moonlighting of BlueBlaze  BG  1S          2S           3   
Burmystic Sable Memory of Chrischat  BU                     6  6    4S
Epona's Woden                        NF                        7  8 5L
Windflowers Spencer Chartwell        BU      8  8    4S               
Love Sumalee Kudzu of Strayinc       KT  3S        8 5S               
Specialty Dreamey Romeo              SN            6                5S
Medoz Sunstreak                      BG         6                     
Vestavia StJohn Braveheart           BG                        8      
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     10 23 23 23 10 23 24 24 24 10
                     Shorthair Count     13          12             14

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           CW FY RH AK LB MG PL RF JE PA
Chaize of Mountaincats                   3S  1  1  1     1  4  1  5   
Maggie Pi                                    3  3           3  2  4 2S
Press My Luck                            1S  2  4           1     3   
La Vida Loca                             2S  4       3S        3  1   
Cool as a Breeze                                   2 2S  2          1S
Simon                                                    5  2  4    3S
Bubblin Brown Sugar                      4S              4     5  2   
Valentinejune of Specialty               5S  5       1S             4S
Samson                                   2L        4 1L             2L
Clover                                          2  3                  
Braxton                                                  3  5         
Cassidy of Strayinc                             5    4S               
Molly                                              5                5S
Dust Bunnie                              1L          3L             3L
Titan                                    4L          4L             1L
Lady Lilly                               3L          2L             4L
Phantom Menace                                       5S               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      4 20 20 20  4 19 19 19 19  4
                     Shorthair Count     15          13             15

Levi                                     1S  6  5  3 2S  8  4  3  3 4S
Buster of Mountaincats                   7S  1  2  7 5S  3  1  6  2 8S
Flashdance of Foxikatz                   4S  3  4  9 6S  2  8  1  7 7S
Pandora                                  6S  2  8  8 3S  1  7 10  5 3S
Foxikatz Desiree                         1L  5  6  2 1L  4  2  5  4 1L
Danny                                    3S  7  1  1 7S  6     4 10 2S
El Sid                                   5S  4     6 1S 10  3  7  6 1S
Dixie Chick                              9S 10  3  5 9S  7  9  8  1 5S
Hilly                                    2S  8  9  4 8S  9 10     8 6S
Star Magic                              10S  9 10 10 4S     6  9  910S
Class Act of Foxikatz                    8S     7   10S  5  5  2    9S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1 11 11 11  1 11 11 11 11  1
                     Shorthair Count     10          10             10

NEW BREED OR COLOR                       CW FY RH AK LB MG PL RF JE PA
Truebrit Midnight Scandal            BL  1L  1  1  1 1L  1  1  1  1 1L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                                  
This report was prepared by Richard Ketz (