Karousel Kats, Reading, PA, February 4-6, 2000

         Friday                   Saturday                   Sunday
  Bobbi Tullo         AB    Connie Webb         AB    Beth Hicks          AB
  Vickie Shields      AB    Vickie Shields      SP    Marilyne Gregg      AB
  Adriana Kajon       AB    Adriana Kajon       SP    Louise van de Water AB
  Judy Chapetta       AB    Beth Hicks          SP    Ellen Crockett      AB
  Roz Drusch          AB    Lynne Sherer        SP    Lynn Sherer         AB
  Lisa Bressler       SP    Odette Lamoureux    AB    Connie Webb         AB

KITTENS                                  BT VS AK JC RD LB CW VS AK BH LS OL BH MGLVW EC LS CW
Pampa Yentle                         BS   6  1  3     1     4 1S 1S 3S 1S  5  2  7 10     1  2
Izod's Marduk                        AB   2  4  5  6        5 2S 3S 2S 2S     3  4  4     5  6
Berryhille's Minnieme                ES     10        6 1S  1          4S  2  7  2  1  2  6  4
Whozz Splish Splash                  PS   1    10     4 4L    7L 4L 9L 1L  1     6     1  9   
Whozz Sir Lumpselot                  PS   5  2          2L    4L    1L     3  4  1  5  5      
Lunarcoons Ganymede                  MC   3     1  1  5 3L  2    1L                    9     3
Columbeau's Pepe La Pewter           CX         7                4S 1S 3S     1 10  2  8  4   
Purafection Tahini                   SG  10  3     7  3             4S     9           4  8 10
Hunterdonhall Ares                   BG      7     3  8 4S  6 3S           8                 5
Sarajen Jaegermeister                MC      5          6L    1L    4L              3  3      
Mainlysilver Reed                    MC   9                   5L       2L  7           7  2   
Dandenong Rita Hayworth              RD      9              8 9L    8L 9L           6  6      
Classicalcats Elvira                 SX   4     4  5             2S        4                  
Kojiki's Kyoto of Katzelein          JB         8       3S                       3  7 10      
Ezluvin Mama's Cream Puff            PS                     3 3L                          3  1
Arenal Jetsen of Purrsnickety        HI            2        7    8L    8L                    9
Pangurban's Jazz Cleopatra           MC                 8L          2L 3L     8           7   
Dandenong Rudolph of Dollvalley      RD         2       1L       6L        6                  
Glor-ee Victoriana                   SI           10    5S          5S        9  8            
Memry's Unchained Melody of Calla    PS         6     7          2L                 9         
MTNest Major Tom                     MC      6        2       8L    5L                        
Wildwood Peekachu                    SX                                5S        9  8        7
Lloyal Welleslley                    BI                10L          7L 5L 10             10   
Moulincrecy President of Salemcoon   MC                          3L 3L        5               
Jinjorbred's Amir Abdul Aziz         SX      8                4S                 5            
Beachbengals Chimera of Animatrax    BG   7     9       2S                                    
Kim's Doll's Taffie                  RD            9             5L                          8
Mainette Aspen                       MC                 7L          6L        6               
Archibald's Kisa Alekovna of Avtovo  SB            4            10L10L                        
Shaynacats in Retrograde Motion      PS                 9L    6L       4L                     
Woodlyn's American Beauty            PS            8  9                                       
Kittycharm's Queens Lace of Woodlyn  HI              10     9                                 
Broadsway McCoy                      MC                       2L      10L                     
Coonalley's Sterling AG of Karocoon  MC                 5L       7L                           
Legendary Shadow                     PB                       5S 5S                           
Jedidiah's Majida                    NF                      10L 9L                           
Pyramid Sahib Amir Tabooli           EM   8                                                   
Wildwood Hershey Bud                 SX                    10                                 
Aluren Out On Parole of Nodngait     BG                                      10               
Mainlysilver Barton                  MC                                6L                     
Rockringens Lou Reed of Finlandia    NF                                7L                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     46 44 47 46 47 28 52 34 35 33 34 53 46 49 49 50 48 48
                     Shorthair Count                    13    18 15 17 18                     

CATS                                     BT VS AK JC RD LB CW VS AK BH LS OL BH MGLVW EC LS CW
Medieval Magician Merlin             AL   1  4  5  2  3 2L  5 3L 2L 7L 3L     9  7  3  4  4  3
Whozz Twinkle Lil Star               PS   6     9  7  9 4L  2 4L 4L 9L 7L  1     5  2  5     1
Calla's Heavens To Betsy             AS   3  1  4  5  2 4S    4S 2S 6S 3S  7        1 10 10   
Jinjorbred's Jimmy Buffet            SX   2  2  2       5S  3 5S 1S 1S 4S     4  4     3     4
Hunterdonhall Zannydo                BG   7  6  8  6  4 2S  9 2S 5S        5        7  9     7
Oaktree Cream Kid of Moonglo         SR      5  3     8 7S 10 1S 3S 3S 1S     6     6     3 10
Brigantina's Angel Line of Bruan     HI      8  6  3  1     4 9L 3L        4     6           9
Yggdrasil's Tom Bombadil             NF                 5L  8    6L 3L 4L  3  3  9     1  7   
Dreambabys DDG Dreamsicle            PS   5                         1L 1L  2  1  1     2  1   
Argo's Bogart of Tipsntufts          MC   4    10  1 10       5L 5L    2L     7           2   
Dollvalley Maximillian               RD      3  1  8        1 2L 1L                          2
Purberri's I'm So Dizzy              HI   8                      9L 8L 5L     8        7  6   
Purrsession Cinnamon Twist           PS      7        5       1L10L              3            
Beachbengals Chimera of Animatrix    BG                       3S 7S 2S        2           5   
Skatts Don Juan of Glor-ee           OS                 1S  7    8S             10           8
Bassetti's Mitsubishi of Van Der Paw JB           10    6S             7S           8        5
Laki's Angelica of Vindouro          BU      9  7             8S 4S                    8      
Peaceful Paws Frost Line of Hi-Me    HI               6 9L                       2  5         
Yggdrasil's Tomermory Siebirhtsson   NF  10        4    7L       8L 5L                        
Codycats Nahsoba of Quinsigamond     MC                             4L 6L     5           9   
Legendary Back to Basics             PB                       6S 6S 5S 5S        8            
Coonpulsive THe River of Stacalone   MC                     6 7L                             6
Kittyup Skrimshander of Mannahatta   MC   9                            8L           4         
Windstorm Equynox                    BG                             7S 6S  6                  
Salemcoon Linguini                   MC                 1L                             6      
Boraines Rave-on                     PS               7                    8                  
Dreamdolls MrPickwick of Pidepipurr  RD                            10L10L                 8   
Cooncreole Svetlana                  SB                       8L 7L    9L                     
Stacalone's Ebony and Ivory          MC                             2L       10               
Seascape Figaro of Pangurban         MC                             6L     9                  
Islandcats Appollosa of Sarajen      MC     10                6L                              
Amtails Crazy Horse                  MC                 8L                10                  
Azala's Illyria                      AB            9                   8S                     
Witsend Aztec                        BG                 3S    7S                              
Catzajammin's Jow Jow                OC                          9S                10         
Duman's Hearts Afire                 TA                                             9         
Kitty Charm Snowden of Purrsession   PS                 3L                                    
Ocination Ares                       OC                                2S                     
Truebrit Cadeauje of Rustling        BS                             4S                        
Blueblaze Demon O The Snow           MC                 6L                                    
Mummersmeow Cheerio                  SL                      10L                              
Sarajen Mrs. HB Stowe of Mannahatta  MC                10L                                    
Hercats Kinkade Laluce               BG                       9S                              
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     64 64 62 64 64 40 70 45 43 45 46 69 62 66 68 65 61 65
                     Shorthair Count                    22    24 24 22 23                     

ALTERS                                   BT VS AK JC RD LB CW VS AK BH LS OL BH MGLVW EC LS CW
Minusdetails Nash Bridges            CY   1  3  2  1  1     1 1L 2L 2L 2L  3  2  3  5  3  4  1
Shaynacats Pepper Noire              PS   2  6     5  4 1L  3    4L 4L 5L  1  7  2  1     7  3
Berryhille's Red Zinger              ES   5  5  3  4  6 5S  5    1S 1S 4S     3  6     6  8  4
Whozz The Boss of KibbyKat           PS                     8 2L 3L 1L 1L  4  1  1  6  1  1   
Windwalker Ziggy Stardust of MTNest  MC      4  1  2    2L    4L 1L 5L 3L        7  2  7  5   
Windflower's Spencer Chartwell       BU            6  3 2S 10       3S 3S 10  8  8 10    10 10
Witsend Noteworthy                   BG   3             4S    3S 5S 2S 2S  9  4        2  6   
Snowlace Tasha of Lloyal             BI   6  2          4L  4                    9  7  9  9  5
Rinkurl And More                     SX                     6                 5  4  4  5  2  2
Dinunzios Doll Mitch                 RD   4     4  3  5 3L    5L                             7
Berryhille's Winston Cup             ES                       1S    4S     2  9 10  3         
Azala's Achaea                       AB                 3S    2S       5S  5        8 10      
Janipurr's Dobutsu of Jagcat         JB                       4S 3S    1S  8              3   
Epona's Woden                        NF      1        2       3L                              
Laki's Frederic of Vindouro          BU         5       1S       2S                           
Skatts Louie The Lilac               SI                     7       5S           5            
Mainette Baron Von Chat              MC                             3L        6              8
PeacefulPaws Cotton Blend            HI                          5L    4L  6                  
Prancenpaws Suki of Catberytail      HI                 5L  9                                6
Willowplace Domperion of Sirbentley  MC                     2              7                  
Bengaland Moonlighting of BlueBlaze  BG                                             9        9
Rinkurl Tahuti of Ocination          SX                       5S 4S                           
Cestee Spanky of Sharjenn            ES                                                4      
Myshadows Mombo King                 PS                                                8      
Animatrax Dark Victory of Bengalizz  BG                                      10               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     21 21 20 21 21  8 26 11 11 10 11 26 26 26 26 26 26 25
                     Shorthair Count                    12    13 13 14 14                     

Press My Luck                             2     3  1  1     1    2S 3S 4S  4  5  4     3     1
Peaches Creampuff                         3  5          2L  2 3L 4L 1L 1L     1  3     2  1  2
Cool As A Breeze                             1  1  2  3 1S    4S 1S 5S 2S  3        5     4   
La Vida Loca                                            5S  4 2S 3S 4S 1S           1  1  2  4
Maggie Pi                                 1     5             3S 4S        1     1  2  4     5
Sir Linus From Addison                          2  4    5L  3    1L 3L 4L     3     4        3
Chaseparkway                                 2        2 1L    1L 3L 2L 3L        5  3         
Ciatti                                    5     4  5          5L 2L 5L 2L                 3   
Katie Belle                                  4          4S    1S    2S 5S     4        5      
Dust Bunnie                                  3        4 3L    4L 5L        5                  
Azriel                                                5 3S    5S    1S        2               
Tiger The Tank                            4                            3S  2              5   
Samson                                                  4L  5 2L    4L 5L                     
Braxton                                            3                             2            
Phantom Menace                                          2S                                    
Bailey                                                           5S                           
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     19 14 19 19 14  8 20  7  8  7  8 19 19 19 19 19 19 18
                     Shorthair Count                    11    10 10 12 12                     

Rubyslipper Pure Platinum                 3  1  1  5  1 2L  2 2L 1L 1L 2L  2  2  2  3  2  2  2
Hamlet                                    1  3  2  1  4 2S  4 2S 1S 1S 3S  3  3  1  1  1  4  4
Dixie Chick                               2  4  3  2  2 1S  3 1S 2S 2S 2S  1  4  3  4  4  3  1
Tammie                                                      1 3S 3S 3S 1S  5  1  4  2  3  1  3
Cinder Ella McBlue                        4  2  5  4  3 1L  5 1L 2L 2L 1L  4                  
Scotchy                                   5  5  4  3  5 3L                                    
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      5  5  5  5  5  3  5  2  2  2  2  5  4  4  4  4  4  4
                     Shorthair Count                     2     3  3  3  3                     

Truebrit Midnight Scandal            BL   1  1  1  2  1 1L  2 1L 1L 1L 1L  2  1  2  2  1  2  2
Rubyslipper Kramer Junior            ML   3  3  2  1  2 2L  4 2L 2L 2L 2L  4  3  3  3  3  3  3
Eden                                 AB                     1 1S 1S 1S 1S  1  2  1  1  2  1  1
Vereinschaft Godiva                  MK   2  2  3  3  3 1S  3 2S 2S 2S 2S  3                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      3  3  3  3  3  2  4  2  2  2  2  4  3  3  3  3  3  3
                     Shorthair Count                     1     2  2  2  2                     
This report was prepared by Richard Ketz (Ketzcats@aol.com).