Cats, Ltd & The Nomads, Arcadia, CA, January 15-16, 2000 Saturday Sunday Carol Barton AB Pat Harding AB Marjorie Hanna AB Frances Yow AB Wendy Klamm AB Robert Thompson AB Patricia Andrews AB Pascale Portelas AB Anne Ritzinger SP Kay DeVilbiss SP KITTENS CB MH WK PA AR PH FY RT PP KD Elvessa's Festus of Narmada TO 3 5 8 1 1S 4 8 2 4 1S Mightycats Nitro of LAPD MC 1 2 5 2L 1 3 3 1 Neapolitan's Kharma of Hillstblues AB 1 9 4S 2 7 9 2S Mistyridge Nquizitive of Furrdreams PS 7 3 4 2 9 3 Jedidiah's Elias of Winteridge NF 5 6 4 5 2 4L D.B.'s Madox SS 10 7 3L 1 6 1L Barebods Nina SX 7 6 7S 3 7 7S La Foret's Sweet Josie NF 5 3 4L 5 6 Taiyo's Netsuke JL 9 9 5 7 2L Dicaprio of Starbengal BG 6 3S 8 4 9S Misty Ridge Precious of Pawsitive PS 2 9 1L 1 Technicolor Wytenite of Picadilly DR 8 4 10 9 6S Ritz-O-Cats Split Decision ES 6 4 5 3S Millwood Embossed Tapestry BG 6 10 5S 4S Lady Gwendolyn of Purr Angels ES 10 3 2S Degoonacoon's Catumet Bay MC 2 9 5L Blazers Dawson MC 7 7 3L Tassam Spellbound of Pawsdlite OS 1 6S Junglebook Leopard Tattoo BG 8 10 Verana Rags Lucy of Anayakats RD 5L 8 Dimonkatz Rocketman of Hillstblues AB 10 5S Woodghost Indian Giver PB 10 8S Millwood Samurai of Desertstar BG 2 Equistice Ephanae AB 4 Ritz-O-Cats Hooter ES 6 Dollhouse Robert William/Anayakats RD 8 Wilding's Cedarmist of Touchstone PB 8 Legendary Yoyo of Stageone PB 10 Allbreed/Longhair Count 36 38 38 39 15 40 39 39 38 16 Shorthair Count 22 24 CATS CB MH WK PA AR PH FY RT PP KD Chaucer's Isabelle BS 6 2 1S 7 10 2 2S Ahura Jus Plain Precious PS 3 2L 6 3 3 5L Sumalee Montana AS 2 7S 3 4 10 1S Millwood Hot Tamalee BG 4 10 4 2 7 Kojiki''s Himawari of Taiyo JL 7 7 7L 8 8 3L Pawsdlite Pinjarra OS 2 7 3S 9 3S Sumalee Buccaneer ES 2 4 710S 5S Tangyi Fudge Browny BU 9 5S 8 5 9 Ritz-O-Cats Jackpot ES 1 7 1 4S Buster Basking In The Sun SF 6 4S 10 4 8S Nasdoii Mercury HB 5 8S 3 2 Thycatacres Ogalvie AW 5 4 7 6S Mutiny Lupers Little Dan Manis SG 4 8 1 10S Coonsboro Rupaul of LAPD MC 1 9 2 LAPD Cruiser MC 3 8 1L Bengoria Billy The Kid BG 9S 1 9 Mar-Rob'sprincess Eboli SX 10 10 6 Wonder's Snow Spirit NF 1 5L 7L Kahunacoon's Makawao Pakalolo MC 3 5 Pawsitive Koala Behr HI 4L 9 4L Neapolitan's Tazzman of Hillstblues AB 4 6 Kachinakats Ironeyes of Brat Kats MC 3L 1 Hooligans Seamus PS 8 6 Pawsabilitys Dreamingoffantasia SF 9 5 Kariba's Boon Mee KT 8 8 Hooligan's Catelan of Snugglebug PS 6 2L Ragmars's Jotham of Anayakats RD 3 6L Hillstblues Taja of Shimiji AB 6S 5 Dawndream's Tina Marie BA 10 1L Dawnstar Eve BG 2S 9S Ragbenchers King Soloman RD 9 8L Stageone Sandstorm of Desertstar BG 1 Hunterdonhall Timba of Rockettes BG 5 Degoonacoon Zambezi of Brnyfls MC 5 Serenitie's Mistie Wisteria SL 6L 8L Rexautik's Oscar DR 6 Velpaw's Facsimile SI 10 Technicolor Spumoni of Kasperkatz DR 7S Allbreed/Longhair Count 67 68 68 69 23 68 68 67 67 23 Shorthair Count 45 45 ALTERS CB MH WK PA AR PH FY RT PP KD Mutiny Kalirol Kama Kaya SG 3 5 4 1 4S 2 4 4 5S Highlites Playboy PS 2 1 3 4 1L 5 1 1L Tassam's Phuket of Degoonacoon OS 1 3 5 3S 1 1 1S Blokkatz A.J. Kuh Kater SR 5 1 1S 4 5 2 2S Palace Guard of Mun-Ha BI 2 3 2L 3 5 2L Hillstblues Sweet & Sunny AB 2 1 4 2 4S Pagoda's Novarese of Kazzakatz BI 4 4 5L 5 3 4L Legendary Billiebob of Equistice PB 2 5S 2 3S Blackforest Buster Whats His Face MC 5 4L 3 3L Pedropurrs Alexi MC 3L 3 Leopardlane King Leopold BG 2S Kahunacoon's Nani Akamai Keiki MC 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 14 13 15 15 6 13 13 13 13 6 Shorthair Count 8 8 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS CB MH WK PA AR PH FY RT PP KD Johnny Dollar of Cat's Cradle 1 1 1 2 2S 3 3 2 2 2S Kate Scarpetta of Cat's Cradle 2 3 2 3 4S 4 1 1 4 4S Victoria-Rose of Gatoamarosa 4 5 6 6 3S 1 2 4 3 1S Trooper Brandon of Q4 5 6 5 4 1S 2 4 5 1 3S Murphy 3 4 4 5 1L 5 5 3 5 1L Glory B. Gumdrop 6 2 3 1 2L Allbreed/Longhair Count 6 6 6 6 2 5 5 5 5 1 Shorthair Count 4 4 HOUSEHOLD PETS CB MH WK PA AR PH FY RT PP KD Totally Awesome Blossom 3 4 2 2L 1 2 2 4L Coco Chanel of Cat's Cradle 2 6 2 5L 5 4 1 5L Salome 2 1 1S 4 1 3 4S Sweet Pea 5 1 3 4 6 4 2L Lobster Bob of Cat's Cradle 3S 5 2 3 6 3S Seaside Sadie of Cat's Cradle 1 5 1 5 2S Thumbelina 3 4 7 1S Marilyn of Gatoamarosa 6 6 3 3L Redd Fredd Snow of Cat's Cradle 3L 6 6 1L Hiawatha Forsty Heels 5 1 4S Summer Snow 4 1L 3 Ms Mocha Topaz 5S 2 5S LS Tango 4 6 Singh Tai 3 2S Mugsy Cleveland 5 4L Biddie Kitty 5 Allbreed/Longhair Count 21 21 21 21 8 21 21 22 21 8 Shorthair Count 12 13 NEW BREED OR COLOR CB MH WK PA AR PH FY RT PP KD Excalibur's Louis Wain of Chaucer BL 1 1 1 1 1L 1 1 1 1 1L Eeyaa Sterling Silver of Ambrergene BG 2 2 2 2 1S 4 2 2 5 1S Gatoamarosa's Lowis MK 3 3 3 3 3S 3 3 4 2 2S Gatoamarosa's Lowla MK 4 5 4 4 4S 5 4 3 3 3S Gatoamarosa's Lowretta MK 5 4 5 5 2S 2 5 5 4 4S Allbreed/Longhair Count 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 1 Shorthair Count 4 4 -- This report was prepared by Deborah Reed (