NOVACATS, Baltimore, MD, January 8-9, 2000

            Saturday                         Sunday
      Beth Hicks          AB         Sue Bower          AB
      Lynne Sherer        AB         Ann Hoehn          AB
      Pam Barrett         AB         Debbi Brown        AB
      Patti Andrews       AB         Richard Bailey     AB
      Amanda Bright       SP         Mark Coleman       SP
      Lisa Bressler       SP         Pam Barrett        SP

KITTENS                                  BH LS PB PA AB LB SB AH DB RB MC PB
Purberri's I'm So Dizzy              HI   3  1  1  1 1L 4L  2  3  2  1 5L 1L
Berryhille's Minnieme                ES   6  3  2  8 3S 1S  1  5  1  2 1S 1S
Sarajen Jaegermeister                MC   5     3  5 2L 1L  7  2  9  3    2L
Shaynacats In Retrograde Motion      PS      5  4    5L 3L  9        7 7L 3L
Pyramid Sahib Amir Tabooli           EM      6     2 6S 5S  3       10 3S  
MTNest Major Tom                     MC   8        7 4L     4     5    2L 8L
Kojiki's Kyoto of Katzelein          JB            4 2S 2S 10        5 2S 8S
Columblue's Pepe La Pewter           CX   1     5    1S 6S     9       9S 2S
Mainlysilver Reed                    MC   4  2       6L 6L        3    3L  
Dandenong Rudolph of Dollvalley      RD     10  9    8L 2L     1          4L
Chrischat's Mirror Image             ES         8    7S 4S           4 5S 3S
Jumanji's I'm Too Sexy For My Spots  BG   2  4                    7    6S 9S
Karalot's Ghost WithThe Most         PS  10          3L          10    1L 6L
Nodngait Teva                        BG      8       5S10S  8  7           
Jinjorbred's Amir Abdul Aziz         SX   7          4S           8    7S 6S
Regnbuekatt's Andre                  NF         7                    9 4L 5L
Moonglo Cassiopeia                   SR        10       3S             8S 5S
Glor-ee Victoriana                   SI                       10  4       7S
Rockringens Lou Reed Of Finlandia    NF           10 7L           6        
Aluren RPM                           BG            3        6              
Coonpulsive Riogrande of Stacalone   MC                 9L           8 6L  
Medoz Rumpelteazer of Speakeasy      BG   9         10S 7S                 
Lloyal Welleslley                    BI      9                        10L 9L
Medoz Gulliver                       BG                              6 4S  
Jumanji's Irreplacable Trinket       BG         6                         4S
Chromatics Picasso's Palette         PS                 5L     8           
MTNest Afternoon Delight             MC      7                            7L
Ramshead Werewolf                    MC                10L  5              
Regnbuekatt's Echo                   NF              9L        6           
Torries Panzer                       BS              9S 9S            10S  
Broadsway McCoy                      MC                        4           
Ezluvin's Batteries Not Included     PS            6                       
Jeans Bow                            RD                 8L             9L  
Islandcats Metallica                 MC                 7L               10L
Aluren Finesse                       BG            9                       
Mainlysilver Barton                  MC                                8L  
Vestavia's Mischief Bound            BG              8S                    
Hunterdonhall Last Minute            BG                 8S                 
Islandcats Taboo of Florabunda       MC             10L                    
Windstorm Hotditydo of Bengalizze    BG                                  10S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     62 60 58 60 34 34 59 59 59 60 34 34
                     Shorthair Count                 28 26             25 25

CATS                                     BH LS PB PA AB LB SB AH DB RB MC PB
Peacefulpaws Frostline of Hi-Me      HI   9     2  410L 4L  6  5  2  2 3L 1L
Khamsin's Starbuck                   AB  10     1  2 7S 1S  9     3 10 2S 1S
Oaktree Cream Kid of Moonglo         SR   3  1    10 2S 5S  4  6     4 5S 8S
Jinjorbred's Jimmy Buffet            SX   1  6  4    1S     7    10  3 1S 3S
Hunterdonhall Zannydo                BG         8  9    3S  1  7  7  6    4S
Yggdrasil's Tom Bombadil             NF   2     5       3L 10        1 1L 3L
Argo's Bogart of Tipsntufts          MC      7  3  7              6  5    2L
Boraines Rave-On                     PS      9     1 3L 2L     8       7L  
Dreamdolls Mrpickwick of Pidepipurr  RD      5 10  6 5L10L             9L 4L
Pewterpaws Blue Rose                 KT         6       2S  8  4       6S 5S
Talisker Rave On                     RB                        2  5  7    2S
Meisha Chagall of Boraines           PS      2       1L           8    5L  
Megacoon Jonjon of Tayaway           MC      3       4L           9    6L  
Millwood In Fired Up Of Nodngait     BG     10       3S 7S             3S  
Codycats Nashoba of Quinsigamond     MC   6                 2          8L  
Stacalone's Ebony and Ivory          MC   8             9L     3           
Yggdrasil's Tobermory Siebirhisson   NF            3           1           
Witsend Noteable                     BG   4  4                             
Dollvalley Maximilian                RD              7L           4       8L
Pewterpaws Blue Madeline             KT            8 4S                  10S
Fanfayre's Red Hot Jazz              PS              8L 8L           8     
Salemcoon Rigatoni of Coonalley      MC            5                   2L  
Columbleau's Millenium Thyme         CX              8S        9       7S  
Minusdetails Against All Odds        CY   5                   10           
Windstorm Equinox                    BG   7         10S                8S  
Kittypen Naomi Gen                   SX                 4S             9S 9S
Coonalley's Matt Black               MC         7                         7L
Kaperkats Cady of Shalloway          PB         9                         6S
Kaperkats Big Ben of Shalloway       PB              6S10S            10S  
Azala's Illyria                      AB                 6S             4S  
Wegiestarr Bruna Bonor               NF              2L                   9L
Quinsigamond's Dunderberg            NF                           1        
Blueblaze Demon O The Snow           MC              6L 6L                 
Jama Goodness Graceous               HI                 7L                6L
Fanfayre's Razzle Dazzle             PS                     3              
Speakeasy Light My Fire              BG              5S 9S                 
Coonpulsive The River Of Stacalone   MC                     5              
Aristo Limaz Tommy of Finlandi       NF      8                             
Norwynd Licorice                     MC                 1L                 
My Thai Chao Fah of Love Sumalee     KT                              9     
Lloyal Vallyntyno                    BI                               10L10L
Kittyup Skrimshander of Mannahatta   MC                                4L  
Amtails Crazy Horse                  MC                                   5L
Salemcoon Linguine                   MC                 5L                 
Jumanji's Fortune and Fame           BG                                   7S
Bon Appetit Baby Ruth of Backstage   ES                 8S                 
Duman's Hearts afire                 TA              9L                    
Wanna Dance of Uniquely              SX              9S                    
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     70 71 68 71 37 37 69 71 70 71 38 37
                     Shorthair Count                 31 33             33 33

ALTERS                                   BH LS PB PA AB LB SB AH DB RB MC PB
Shaynacats Pepper Noire              PS   6  1  1  4 3L 3L  8  7  7  5 2L 1L
Minusdetails Nash Bridges            CY   1  2  3  2 2L     6        1 1L 3L
Alchemy Bela Lugosi                  SI   9  9 10  9 5S 3S    10  5  3 4S 2S
Yggdrasil Vegard Ullvang             NF   3 10     5 5L 2L  1     1  2 3L  
Windwalker Ziggy Stardust of MTNest  MC   2  4  5  3 4L 5L        3  4    2L
Love Sumalee Kudzu of Strayinc       KT   5  3     1 1S     5  4 10  8 5S  
Beryyhille's Red Zinger              ES   4  7  4 10 2S        8  8 10 1S 4S
Petraxia Raven of Thomcats           CR   8     9       2S  3  9  9  6 3S 5S
Snowlace Tasha of Lloyal             BI      6  8  7           1  6       5L
Bengaland Moonlighting of Blueblaze  BG         7  6 4S 4S        2       3S
Epona's Woden                        NF         2       1L     3          4L
Prancenpaws Suki of Catberytail      HI                     4  2  4        
Windflower's Spencer Chartwell       BU  10        8    5S           9     
Azala's Achaea                       AB      5          1S 10              
Burmystic Sable Memory of Chrischat  BU         6    3S                   1S
Sarajen Elijah Craig                 MC                     2          4L  
Animatrax Dark Victory Bengalizze    BG   7                            2S  
Hercats Eli Too                      BG      8              7              
C.P. Rags Heartbreaker               RD                     9          5L  
Huntedonhall Synster Gust            BG                        5           
Blackforest Buster Whats His Face    MC                        6           
Peas's Sato of Jatar                 PS              1L                    
Medoz Sunstreak                      BG                              7     
Dinunzios Dolls Mitch                RD                 4L                 
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     31 31 31 30 16 16 31 30 31 31 16 16
                     Shorthair Count                 15 15             15 15

El Sid                                    1  1  3  1 1S 1S  1  2  1  3 2S 3S
LWC Lucy                                  3  2  1  3 2S 2S  3  1  2  1 3S 1S
Lord Odin                                 2  3  5  2 2L 2L  2  5  5  2 2L 2L
Dixie Chick                               4  4  4  4 3S 3S  4  3  4  4 1S 2S
Dejax Bewitched                           5  5  2  5 1L 1L  5  4  3  5 1L 1L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      5  5  5  5  2  2  5  5  5  5  2  2
                     Shorthair Count                  3  3              3  3

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           BH LS PB PA AB LB SB AH DB RB MC PB
Press My Luck                             3  4  2    1S        7  2  3 1S 2S
Maggie Pi                                 5  8 10  9 2S 2S  9  6  4    3S  
Cool As A Breeze                             1     2 3S 3S  4     3  6 4S 5S
Atlanta Izzy of Annbirwaves               4  3  9  5 5L 5L  1        4    4L
Peaches Cream Puff                        1  2  5       4L     3     1 5L 5L
Phantom Menace                                  4  4    1S  8  2  1    2S  
Pollyanna                                 7  9  7  7 1L    10  4       1L  
Chaseparkway                             10  6  1  8 3L 1L       10       3L
Ciatti                                    6  5     3 4L        5  7  8     
Sir Linus From Addison                          3    2L 3L     8  5        
Melba                                                5S     2  1           
Molly                                           8       5S        9       3S
Bubblin Brown Sugar                       2                    9     5     
Special Felines Louie                                       3          2L 1L
Deanna Troi                                 10              7             2L
Oliver                                            10    2L             4L  
Special Felines Leo                          7                         5S 4S
Braxton                                            6              6        
Lady Lilly                                8                          7     
Waggs                                                                9    1S
Special Felines Pretty Girl                          4S     6              
Cordelia                                  9                       8        
Picturesques Silhouette                                       10    10     
Tiger The Tank                                     1                       
Neheniah Malachi                                                     2     
Titan                                                       5              
Sweet Sunny Delight                             6                          
Dejax Pie A La Mode                                                    3L  
Griffin                                                 4S                 
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     32 32 32 32 15 18 29 29 30 30 15 16
                     Shorthair Count                 14 14             14 14

Outlonalimb Cosmos Mariner           BG   1  1  2  2 1S 1S  1  1  1  3 1S 1S
Dairyland BC Cody                    LP   2  2  1  1 1L 1L  2  2  2  1 1L 1L
Outonalimb Rhapsody In Blue          BG   3  3  3  3 2S 2S  3  3  3  2 2S 2S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      3  3  3  3  1  1  3  3  3  3  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                  2  2              2  2
This report was prepared by Jay Lehman (