Chicago Feline Fanatics, Wheaton, IL, January 8, 2000 Saturday Dewane Barnes AB Paul Lahey AB Wendy Klamm AB Frances Yow AB J P Demers SP KITTENS DB PL WK FY JD BR Memry's Lady Katrina PS 6 2 1 1L 4 Wyndchymes Suiren JB 8 4 3 6 3S Mystywood's Mashed Potatoes N Gravy ES 7 9 7 4S 5 Dreambabys Dreamcatcher PS 1 5 9 2L Kipkat Laydownbesideme of Kulwicki TO 5 2 2S 9 Janvier Patience Is A Virtue CX 4 7 8 7 Mystywood Fire And Desire PS 9 2 5L 8 Finger Unchaind Melody of Mystywood HI 4 5 1 Calicoon Sir Milo MC 5 3 3 Castleline's Spencer CY 3 10 10 Nascat Crystal of Velvetjewels MC 1 3 Bailiwick Annie R BG 6 2 Bamboo La Femme Nikita of DJ Bengal BG 2 8 Bengalalnd's Mei-Li Power BG 1S 6 Rumford's The One After Nine O Nine MC 7 10 Dawnstar Golden Sunbeam of Tezpurr BG 8 5S Peeps Marshamallow SL 10 4L Rumford's Revolution MC 1 Pharaohsgold Inferno of Tezpurr BG 4 Purrdocz Willie Bwild of Purrcussion BI 6 Koontucky Whiskey MC 3L Dreambabys One Dream At A Time PS 9 Purrcussion Wipeout of Purrdocz BI 10 Allbreed/Longhair Count 27 28 28 28 17 27 Shorthair Count 10 CATS DB PL WK FY JD BR Cherokee Trails Rolling Thunder CX 4 2 7 1S 5 Memry's Myland Constance PS 1 7 2 5 3L Kabelkim Christopher Lake CY 5 10 8 9 2L 7 Sunvals Parade of Dreambabys HI 8 3 6 10 9 Fyffestar Stephen King AS 7 1 5S 2 Leopardhaven Chieftan PB 9 4 4S 4 Bengaland's Pandora Divinci Power BG 6 1 1 Santal Tympani of Purrcussion BI 10 6 7 4L Cooncreole Bocephus MC 1 10 4 Hoosiercoon Cherieamor of Rockincat MC 3 1L 8 Toytown Millenniumfalcon of Wilpurr TO 5 3 Leopardhaven Enchantress BG 2 8 Wilpurr Posh TO 8 3 Bengaland's Starlight Divinci BG 5 2S Leopardhaven Legacy BG 4 9 Wunderkatz Leonardo Di Catrio TO 9 3S Joleigh Mayflower Mada of Silvrleaf PS 5L 6 Fantasia Jardocurl of Snowstar LC 2 108a 3 Fantasia Flashcurl of Snowstar AC 6 Junglebook Virtual Temptation BG 10 Allbreed/Longhair Count 27 27 27 27 9 27 Shorthair Count 18 ALTERS DB PL WK FY JD BR Kabobmemry Lady Contessa of Memry PS 1 7 3 4L 2 Jedidiah's Mark NF 1 5 1L 1 Kintoi's Walker River of Calla AS 5 4 2 1S Purafection's Van-Again CR 4 2 2S 7 Forpaws Commodore HI 3 1 2L Brithaven Blu Bear E BS 5 4S 3 Dreambabys Daydream PS 3 3 Scandikats Baby Tal of Norsestar NF 2 6 Asgardkatt's Bea NF 1 3L Shags R Us Rigel of Stellarcoon MC 6 4 Trenier Rita Hayworth of Taffykats AS 7 6 Dixipaws Mr Kringles Snowball AL 5L 4 Bengalbel Farms Rawah of Fyffestar BG 5 3S Johnsbay Oliver And Co. MC 2 Oakheaven's Bam Bina HI 4 Desperados Orange Roughy MC 5 Careingcats Mookie Natango MC 6 Stoutshill Meenie AB 5S Allbreed/Longhair Count 21 19 22 22 15 22 Shorthair Count 7 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS DB PL WK FY JD BR Reilley River 3 1 3 1 1S 1 Shag-Adelic of Kulwicki 1 2 1 3 3S 2 Mewsic Man Sterlic 2 3 2 4 2S 4 Smudge 4 4 4 2 1L 3 Allbreed/Longhair Count 4 4 4 4 1 4 Shorthair Count 3 HOUSEHOLD PETS DB PL WK FY JD BR Simon 4 5 3 5 2S 2 Crystal 2 2 1 2L 1 Cherish 3 4 4 3L 5 Gio 1 1 5 1S Deep Indigo Girl of Kent 5 3 3S 3 Lucy B Tortellini 2 4L 4 Princess Starlett 4 1L Jessica 3 4S Joe 2 5S Jack 1 Nippy 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 16 16 16 15 7 15 Shorthair Count 8 -- This report was prepared by Vicki Novak (