Enjoy Cat Club, Nagano, Japan, April 11, 1999

            Motoko Oizumi    AB
            Keiko Yonshino   SP
            Kinue Kawahashi  AB
            Tamami Hamano    SP
            Motoko Oizumi    AB (male/female congress)

KITTENS                                  MO KY KK TH
Snowisland Blizzard                  RB   2 2S  1 1S
Aritzia Kimutaku of Garbera          PS     1L  3 1L
Pingu Babybel of Poleposition        PS   3 4L    4L
Guardianangel Wind Rider             MC         2 2L
Williamina Pippi Longstocking        MC   1 3L
Good Child Maikel                    RB   5 1S    2S
Farandoll Runa                       RD         4 5L
Farandoll Whitelily of Ammycrystal   RD     2L
Gloria Gengoro                       PS           3L
Williamina Phoenix                   MC   4
Jedidiah's Praise of Farandoll       NF         5
Jedidiah's Hero                      NF     5L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     14 13 15 13
                     Shorthair Count         2     2

CATS                                     MO KY KK TH MO MO
Marirose Maggie                      SX   3     6 5S     4
Amenophis Nuance                     SI   9 1S  3 6S
Hikoma's L Ku                        BU     2S  1 1S
Queenshill Rose                      AB   6 7S    9S     5
Starchild Ange of Esmeralda          RB   1 3S    3S
Chieko's Foo                         PS     3L    2L     3
Soleil Alfred                        NF   5 2L    7L
Williamina Q                         MC     4L 10 1L
Murayam Totoro of Lesplushes         CX   7 5S    2S
Topcan Real Toy                      RD  10       8L  4
Mainelyhill Diva                     MC   2              1
Williamina Alexandrite               MC     1L    4L
Fiorire Erishio                      PS         7     2
Shonancats Mamezou                   MC           6L  1
Excalibur Rupert                     BS     6S  4
Mainelyhill Musashi                  MC         2    10
Fellowcats Diamondchip of Berezakatz PS     5L  9
Candy Rena Ion                       SO   8           5
Williamina Blue Baron of Ohedo       MC     9L    5L
Jedidiah's Warrior of Avantgarde     NF     8L        6
Extend Holmes                        SF     8S    4S
Candy May Atom                       AS           7S  8
Pasdo Chat Ginga                     AS    10S        7
Maniantchet First Lady               PS   4
Candy Rena Goku                      RB         5
Chatandolls Alex of Reddoor          RD           3L
Monnacre Biora                       RB                  2
Olive Mario                          RB               3
Azure Blue Arbre of Tsuu Moon        NF         8
Corey Du Vaumichon                   CX     4S
Pitterpaws Mystique of Farandoll     RD     6L
Tiffanyland Volvo                    PS     7L
Noblu's Kii Love Me Do               SI                  6
Soleil Frol                          NF                  7
Lonerock Maromaro of Friendship      RD           9L
Noblu's Jii Sweet Angel              OS           8S
Mainelyhill Bianca                   MC                  8
Bouquethouse Prince Kaito            PS               9
Catsai Xmas Carol of Santamary       NF    10L
Cherryland Arashi                    NF          10L
Starchild Impact                     RB     9S
Bouquet House Endless Love           PS                  9
Candy Charm Bernice                  HI                 10
Khamsin Four For Tango               AB          10S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     74 47 76 47 38 28
                     Shorthair Count        28    28      

ALTERS                                   MO KY KK TH
Pasdo Chat Shining Star              AS   2 1S  2 1S
Guardianangel Jupiter                MC   3 5L  1 1L
Farandoll Philippe                   RD   1 2L  3 4L
Topcan King of Cougar                RD   4 3L    3L
Fairy Forest Arashi                  NF   5 4L  4
Noble Coon Kouetu                    MC         5 2L
Topcan Aloha Rana                    RD           5L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      8  7  8  7
                     Shorthair Count         1     1

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           MO KY KK TH
Simba                                     1 1L  2 1L
Gonta                                     2 1S  3 1S
Bunyan of Yutaka-Snow                     3 2S  1 2S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      3  1  3  1
                     Shorthair Count         2     2
This report was prepared by David Thomas (thomcats@flash.net).