Mia Marguerita Cat Fanciers, Costa Mesa, CA, March 27-28, 1999 Saturday Sunday Larry Paul AB Maureen Nottingham AB Yvonne Patrick AB Yvonne Patrick AB Lindajean Grillo AB Robert Thompson AB Steven Savant AB Connie Webb AB Hisako Yamada AB Pascale Portelas AB Bobbie Tullo SP Larry Paul SP Marge Hanna AB Steven Savant SP KITTENS LP YP LG SS HY BT MH MN YP RT CW PP LP SS Tassam Kiante BA 2 3 1 5 1 1L 1 1 2 8 2 2L 1L Toytown's Lash Larue of Elvessa TO 1 2 7 1 1S 9 3 10 3 1 1S 1S Pawsdlite Marlena Dietrich OS 10 5 8 4 3S 9 6 6 5S 3S Neapolitan's Tazzman of Hillstblues AB 3 7 4 7 3 3 8 2S 5S Argo's Sugar Magnolia of Bewitched MC 5 5 9 4L 7 5 2 9 4L Tangyi Fudge Browny of Pawsability BU 9 3 2S 6 9 1 8 3S LAPD Purrfect of Pedropurrs MC 4 2 5 2 4 3L 3L Ahura's Boo Radley PS 4 3L 9 2 6 5 1 Chittagong's Blue Vision BI 1 10 5L 1 4 10 1L Sweet And Sunny AB 10 2 4 7 3 2S Pinkfantasy Joli of Saphire PS 8 2L 4 5 5L 5L Millwood Citrina of Ambergene BG 6 3 8 6 4 9 Technicolor Spumoni of Kasperkatz DR 8 10 10 4 7 4S Kahunacoon's Uli Kokoleka MC 9 5 10 2 4L Leopardlane Na Ama Nakia BG 6 6 5S 8 Southpaw's O'Brian of Hooligan PS 9 6 10 2L Apaws Bare E Sweet of Dreamcats SX 7 8 10 4S Mar-Rob's Princess Eboli SX 8 7 8 Dixie Pixie's Barbie of Hillstblues PL 2 4 Rexautik's Oscar DR 5 3 Bitterroot Angeni of Bengoria BG 7 4S Ritz-O-Cats Fiona ES 7 5 Rummblepurrz Serenity Dancer BU 9 7 Pawsitive Sweet Lil Buttercup PS 3 Mar-Rob Phuzze Phaedra of Blackat SX 6 Maineline's Pumpkin NF 6 Maineline's Sophie NF 10 Allbreed/Longhair Count 32 32 32 32 32 13 29 27 29 29 29 29 13 13 Shorthair Count 19 16 16 CATS LP YP LG SS HY BT MH MN YP RT CW PP LP SS Felidesvivre Cat-A-Combe of Tassam OS 2 1 2 4 1 1S 2 2 1 2 2 2 1S 2S Whozz Simply Irresistible PS 1 2 3 2 2L 3 4 2 1 5 1 1L 2L Pajean's Humdinger of Whozz PS 3 4 4 3 1L 1 4 5 1 2L 3L Purberri's Blue Ridge of Ktwo HI 8 8 5 5 4 3L 8 8 7 5L 4L Cortine Smplyawsm of Judge's Choice CR 5 7 9 5S 6 6 8 5S 7S Kojiki's Himawari of Taiyo JL 9 6 9 8 9L 8 9 4L 6L Olive Mario RB 5 3S 6 1 3 9S 1S Mightycats Centurion MC 7 3 7 3 5 7L Silversprings Zeus PB 7 6S 10 9 4 8S Wishstar Southern Comfort PS 4 7L 3 3L 5L Willowplace Crystal King/Shonancats MC 6 6L 7 5 7L Ritz-O-Cats Sir Thomas ES 10 10 8 5 3S Hillstblues Tiramisu AB 8 10S 9 3 4S Willowplace Cruella Decoon MC 1 1 8L 1L Chittagong Villager BI 7 4L 6 9L 8L Ritz-O-Cats Jackpot ES 5 3 3S 8S Chaucer's Isabelle BS 10 6 6S 4S Dreamland Aurora BG 6 9S 7 7S Marirose Maggie SX 9 10 4 10S Silversprings Yoda PB 5 2S 6S Mightycats Miranda of L.A.P.D. MC 6 5L 6L Dreamland Gypsy of Stageone BG 10 10 5S Rinkurl All That SX 9 10 9 Holligan Mickey O'Shea of Geewizker PS 2 9 Velpaws' Chocolate Truffle SI 8 8 Kybengalbabies Dakota of Bengoria BG 7 9S Chaucer's Ivette of Ritz-O-Cats BS 7S 10S Katchinakats Iron Eyes MC 8L 9L Riverpurrls Sterling of Pawsitive HI 10 10L Brynfls Hemingway of Degoonacoon MC 3 Mutiny Rotima Cassiopeia SG 4 Degoonacoon's Pompanesset Bay MC 4 Dreamland Soundofmusic of Stageone BG 2S Dreamland Flash Dancer BG 6 Lunada Bay Druid MC 6 Stageone Sandstorm of Desertstar BG 4S Woodghost Tobacco PB 7 Kachina Kats Wolf Warrior MC 7 Starbengal Rosetted Bondoleros BG 9 Cyndi's Diva Divine BG 10 Elan Starlet BG 10 Dragonslair's Somchai of Kariba KT 8S Kahunacoon's Makawao Pakalolo MC 10L Purrkats Irish Cream PS 10L Allbreed/Longhair Count 57 57 57 55 56 26 56 56 55 56 56 56 26 25 Shorthair Count 29 30 30 ALTERS LP YP LG SS HY BT MH MN YP RT CW PP LP SS Willowplace Domperion of Sirbentley MC 1 1 6 2 1 1L 1 1 3 2 1L 1L Summersky's Regulus BO 3 7 1 1S 2 4 7 2 5 3 1S 1S Whozz Ashton of Radiance PS 2 8 4 6 2 2L 7 3 2 2L 5L Rexnfx Chiffon Debutante DR 9 3 4 4 4S 4 10 1 4S 3S St. Valentine's Murphy Brown MC 5 2 8 10 3L 3 3 2 7 4L Singatown N'Fortune Cookies SG 4 9 3 9 5 7 8 9 2S 2S Luvpaws A Torrid Affair of Pinecoon MC 7 5 1 7 4L 4 4 3L 4L Saphire Captain Sunshine PS 3 8 6 5L 10 2 3 6 8 Jedidah William Robert NF 8 4 2 5 1 10 5L 2L Lateadakats Johnny Walker BG 6 6 4 1 6 7 9 3S Ala-Poes Cookie Krumbles/Kim-Lynn BU 10 9 5 5S 9 9 5 5S Shadowstar Majicman of Radiance OS 10 5 2S 4 4S Palace Guard of Mun-Ha BI 7 5 1 3L Minusdetails Sterling of Bewitched CY 10 9 6 7 Eljayem's Quartnie of Kazzakatz BI 3 9 10 Chaucer's Ian BS 10 3S 8 Dawndream's High Steppin Strutter BA 6 6 Taiyo's Kikkoman JB 8 5 Apaws Munero Uno of Dreamcats SX 8 5S Legendary Billie Bob of Equistice PB 7 10 QT's Madame Butterfly SR 8 9 Kachina Kats Dark Cloud MC 5 Blisspurrs Thumm Purr SO 6 Pawsdlite Fire In The Sky OS 8 Allbreed/Longhair Count 29 28 29 28 29 14 25 25 24 26 25 26 13 14 Shorthair Count 15 12 11 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS LP YP LG SS HY BT MH MN YP RT CW PP LP SS Logan 1 1 2 1 1 1L 1 1 1 3 1 1 1L 1S Tabatha 3 3 1 4 2 1S 2 3 3 2 2 2 1S 2L Penny The Pirate 4 2 3 3 3 2L 3 2 2 1 3 3 2L 2S Sabrina 2 4 4 2 4 2S 4 4 4 4 2S 1L Allbreed/Longhair Count 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 4 3 4 4 2 2 Shorthair Count 2 2 2 HOUSEHOLD PETS LP YP LG SS HY BT MH MN YP RT CW PP LP SS Hiawatha Frosty Heels 1 1 1 3 1S 2 1 1 1 1S 2S Sweet Pea 4 5 2 3 1 3L 4 4 5 1L 1L Autumn of Mainelycats 2 2 2S 2 3 4S 1S Mac Millan of Cat's Cradle 3 2 4S 1 3 3S Billy Budd of Mar-Rob 5 3 5 4 2S 3S Maximillian Oscar Manzie 5 2 1 5 2L 4L Berry 4 2L 3 2 4L 2L TC 5 4L 3 3 5L 3L Amarilla 3 4 4 4 4 Yum Yum 5S 2 2 5S Summer Snow 1L 1 3L 5L Noella 3 4 2 One Lucky Starry Night 5 5L 5 Hubba Bubba Esqu. 1 3S E.D. Weena 4 5S Spooky 4S Buster Cleveland 5 Ms Mocha Tapaz 5 Allbreed/Longhair Count 20 20 20 20 20 7 20 19 19 19 19 19 7 7 Shorthair Count 13 12 12 NEW BREED OR COLOR LP YP LG SS HY BT MH MN YP RT CW PP LP SS Zakhar Tameranovich of Willowbrook SB 1 2 2 1 2 1L 1 1 2 1 1 1 1L 1L Gatoamarosa's Lowretta MK 2 1 1 3 1 1S 2 2 1 2 2 2 1S 1S Silver Matrix ML 3 3 3 2 3 2L 3 3 3 3 3 3 2L 2L Catalons Indiana Jones BB 2S Allbreed/Longhair Count 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 Shorthair Count 2 1 1 -- This report was prepared by Deborah Reed (debreed@flash.net).