Tropicats/C-GACE, Fortaleza-Ceara, Brazil, March 20-21, 1999

             Saturday                   Sunday      
        Alberto Leal    SP        Alberto Leal    AB
        Carlos Arrieta  SP        Carlos Arrieta  AB

KITTENS                                  AL CA AL CA
Ipanema Madona                       PS  2L 1L  1  1
Bruma's Xanadu of Skywalker          PS  1L 2L  2  2
Iracema Dansk                        ES  1S 1S  4  3
Golddinasty Cream Amon-Ra            HI  4L 3L  3
Sharam Sabrina                       PS     4L  5  4
Iracema Escolastica                  ES  2S 2S     5
Ipanema Fascination                  PS  3L 5L
Sofia                                PS  5L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      9  9 11 11
                     Shorthair Count      2  2      

CATS                                     AL CA AL CA
Harwood Victoria                     PS  1L 1L  1  1
Oakhill Baltasar of Gatopardo        BG  1S 1S  2  2
Mar-Rob's Bidu Sayao of Skywalker    SX  2S 2S  3  3
Coventgarden Elixir de Amor          ES  3S 3S  4  4
Mahavira Baghdad                     PS  2L 2L  5
Moonlight Night's Red Don            SI  5S 4S     5
Coventgarden El Principito           PS  3L 4L
Jatulmejubad Maria Bonita            BI  5L 3L
Belle Nana Boneca                    SI  4S 5S
Ipanema Willy                        PS  4L
Coventgarden Lindissima Amapola      PS     5L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     13 13 23 23
                     Shorthair Count      8  9      

Safira                                   1S 1S  1  1
             Allbreed/Longhair Count            1  1
                     Shorthair Count      1  1      

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           AL CA AL CA
Eros                                     1S 1S  1  1
Michele                                         2  2
             Allbreed/Longhair Count            2  2
                     Shorthair Count      1  1      
This report was prepared by David Thomas (