C.A.T. Credo, Tokyo, Japan, December 6, 1998

            Connie Webb       AB
            Chieko Ohira      AB
            Yukimasa Hattori  SP
            Mamiko Kawahito   SP
            Haruyo Tomonari   AB
            Haruyo Tomonari   AB

KITTENS                                  CW CO YH MK
Maikagura Bonbon                     PS   6  1 1L 1L
Caribe's Fritter                     BU   2  6 1S 2S
Pitterpaws Mystique                  RD   4  4 6L 6L
Shonancats Mamezou                   MC   1  3 4L
Shwetsun Virgin Blue                 BI   5  710L 8L
Makimaki Blue Tiger                  AS   9  5    1S
Starchild Ena                        RB      8 2S 4S
Skipway Alufu                        SS      9 5L 4L
Advent Hill Argo of Dorrymama        NF      2    3L
Shonancats Aska                      MC        3L 7L
Mainelyhill Musashi                  MC        8L 2L
Verlaine Ernest of Weddingbell       PS        7L 5L
Starchild Impact                     RB  10    3S
Lesplushes Tango                     CX     10    3S
Dorrymama Elf                        NF   7       9L
Ayano Challenger                     PS   3
Wegiekatt's William of Cherryland    NF        2L
Lesplushes Crochet                   CX        4S
Panzerbreez Treitinan                AB        5S
Makimaki Tiger Woods                 AS           5S
Moble Coon Mitukuni                  MC   8
Missionhill Savoir Faire             PS        9L
Williamina Blue Baron of Ohedo       BI          10L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     51 49 32 32      
                     Shorthair Count           19 18      

CATS                                     CW CO YH MK HT HT
Espiegle Alliele                     HI   6  4 6L 1L     1
Williamina Playboy of Principatus    MC   3  7 2L 7L  4
Murayam Totoro of Lesplushes         CX   8 10 3S 1S  3
Hikoma's L-Ku                        BU   2  3 4S 4S
Starchild Ange of Esmeralda          RB      1 1S10S     3
Jedidiah's Andy of Capriceange       NF   5    1L     1
Excalibur Rupert                     BS      6 5S 2S
Marsparadise Holy Honey              AS        7S 6S     2
Marirose Maggie                      SX   4   10S        7
Amenophis Nuance                     SI      9    8S    10
Akerrs Duke of Goldenleos            BG        8S 7S  9
Williamina Alexandrite               MC      2 3L
Azure Blue's Ysatis                  NF      5    2L
Fiorire Erishio                      PS   7           2
Farandoll Limelight Taiga            RD   1           8
Catsai Xmas Carol of Santamary       NF        4L 6L
Sirfield Cream Puff of Poseposition  PS           3L  7
Williamina Sterling Silver           MC        7L 5L
Maniantchet First Lady               PS      8 9L
Monnacre Biora                       RB        2S
Olive Meu                            RB           3S
Marsparadise Nina                    NF                  4
Lonerock Maromaro of Friendship      RD           4L
Queenshill Marimo                    AB                  5
Surfland Eievui                      AB           5S
Soleil Shuri                         NF        5L
Bluetribe Luce                       RB   9
Kitty Hawk Richard                   RB               5
Bellearis La Kirara                  AS                  6
Star Cattery's Betina                AC        6S
Bellearis Marble                     AS  10
Khamsin's Four For Tango             AB               6
Bellearis Layna                      RB                  8
Mysticoon Eagle Dance of Eternalcoon MC        8L
Stellahart's Katsura of Kyotorags    RD           8L
Bellearis Lady Lee                   AS                  9
Marirose Myka                        SX           9S
Queenshill Rose                      AB        9S
Rosettastone Moka                    SS           9L
Proud Nagi of Candyfloss             RD       10L
Amenophis Mocanbo                    SX              10
Mammina First Lady Tora              PS          10L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     86 85 42 40 41 44
                     Shorthair Count           43 43      

ALTERS                                   CW CO YH MK
Mrmurayama Textile                   CX   3  3 2S 3S
Farandoll Philippe                   RD   2  1 3L 1L
Bellearis Kenny Brown                AS   4  5 4S 2S
Hikoma's F Dayan                     BU   5  4 5S 5S
Bluefantasy May                      RB      2 1S 1S
Guardianangel Mars                   MC   1    1L 2L
Kariyushi Rabi                       MX        3S 4S
New Charms's Polianna of Glucklich   PS        2L 3L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      8  9  3  3      
                     Shorthair Count            6  6      

Jandararin of Vodka                       3  1 1S 1S
Bellearis Polly                           1  3 2S 2S
Curl                                      2  2 1L 1L
Jandararin of Bourbon                     4  4 3S 3S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      4  4  1  1      
                     Shorthair Count            3  3      

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           CW CO YH MK
Honma Akebi                               1  5 2S 2S
Simba                                     3  1 1L 1L
Hoshino Kuro                                 2 1S 1S
Hanako                                    5    3S 4S
Rui                                          3 2L 2L
Taku                                      2  4
Pikka                                     4       3S
Bellearis Momo                                 4S 5S
Gonta                                          5S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     10 10  2  2      
                     Shorthair Count            8  8      

NEW BREED OR COLOR                       CW CO YH MK
Little-Kirara Aman                   MK   1  1 1S 1S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1            
                     Shorthair Count            1  1      
This report was prepared by Deborah Reed (debreed@flash.net).