Austin Cat Fanciers, Temple, TX, October 3-4, 1998

           Saturday                    Sunday
     Jan Gustafson       AB     Sue Bower           AB
     Judy Chappetta      AB     Ann Hoehn           AB
     Vicki Jo Harrison   SP     Hisako Yamada       AB
     Rene Copeland       SP     Deborah Reed        SP
     Al Walbrun          SP     Chris Pohto         SP
     Bengal Kitten Congress: Nancy Parkinson
     Bengal Cat Congress: Nancy Parkinson
     Shorthair Championship Congress: Alexey Shchukin

KITTENS                                  JG JC VH RC AW NP SB AH HY DR CP
Minusdetails Ferragamo               CY   2  3  7 1L 2L     6  3  4 1L 2L
Chaskara Aryana                      RB   5  8  3 5S 1S        4    1S 2S
Karissimakat CSA SGT of Caligula     HI      5  6    4L     5  7    2L 1L
Kakatz Gucci Velvet Rose             BI      9 10 4L          10  9 5L 4L
Sholine's Serendipity of Sh'Boi      OS   3  7              8  6  8      
Rosettea Inner Clarity of Suite      BG         5       2S  9  2    2S   
Chez Mana Billet Doux                PS                     2  1    3L 3L
Shonstar Cinnabar                    SI      2  8 9S 8S                9S
Yaxian Emmy Lou Purr of Kiwendo      TO      6    6S 7S             3S 8S
Acatranch Bart Maverick              SX  10     4    9S             8S 6S
Priderock Moya                       BG   4       1S    8S             1S
Whozz Dennis The Mence               PS   6                       1 4L 5L
Purranha Keegan                      AB         1    4S             7S 4S
Suite Jazzy Belle of New Horizon     BG   1                 1  8         
Joykatz Adrenalin                    BG   9       4S    1S             3S
Tularensia Starlight Express         SI                     7  5  2      
Whozz Misty                          PS      1  2    3L                  
Jorbee Lil Bronze Muffin             AS   8          6S    10       4S   
Britanya's Black Magic Woman         DR          10S 3S        9    5S   
Dutch                                BG      4    7S                9S   
Silverheels G Golly Miss Molly       AS           2S              5      
R-C Candy Mann                       PS           2L 1L                  
Epsilon Purrpetua                    BG              2S 9S               
Bengaland Mia Divinci of Chaparral   BG              5S               10S
Joykatz Dixie Link of Jaguarslair    BG           8S    6S               
Suite Easy Lovin of New Horizon      BG                     3            
Rojon Domino                         BG                           3      
Radiance Golden Myear                OS             10S                7S
Millwood Italian Filigree            BG                     4            
Regency Southern Doll                HI                           6      
Kavekats Jaxson                      MC   7                              
Prince Thibodeaux Mi Shere           BG                           7      
Kinukatz Lady Godiva                 TO         9                        
Acatranch Brett Maverick             SX           3S                     
Silverheels Gunnery SGT              AS     10                           
Epsilon Pawladia                     BG                 3S               
Regnbuekats Kaeli of Ouijakatz       NF                          10      
Junglebook Chain Reaction            BG                                5S
Tejas Moody                          BG                 4S               
Koonarys Satin Lady                  MC           3L                     
Theo                                 BG                             6S   
Starbengal MJ Deva                   BG                 5S               
Purrzzbirs Freedoms Victory          BI              5L                  
Mabuhay Fool's Gold of Strayinc      SO           5L                     
Slider                               BG                 7S               
Joykatz Phantomz Legacy              BG                            10S   
Kent Sunrise Song of Leopardhaven    BG                10S               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     63 62 62 15 15    60 61 60 15 15
                     Shorthair Count              46 48 33          45 45

CATS                                     JG JC VH RC AW NP SB AH HY DR CP AS
Felitan Xena of Shonstar             OS   3  1  7 7S 8S     1       1S 3S 2S
Whozz Corky                          PS   6  2  3 4L 1L    10     4 3L 2L   
Balimoor Betsy                       BA   2 10  2    2L     3  1    2L 3L   
Minusdetails Brocade                 MX      9 10 2S 1S        9  9 4S 2S 3S
Hunterdonhall Tarzan                 BG      3  1       2S  2          1S 1S
Joykatz Touchdown of Jaguarslair     BG      6    1S 6S 3S  9       2S 8S 5S
Regency Southern Miss of Shiekspurr  HI   8  5  9 1L 3L        7    4L      
Kaos Jedi Mind Trick                 TO         5 5S 5S           5 3S 5S 6S
Manypaws Cheddar Delight             BS  10       4S 4S           8 5S 7S 8S
Treskuchiy Sibirskiy Moroz Mur       SB                     4  2 10 1L 4L   
Hojpoj Bad Attitude                  SI      8    8S 2S     8  8    8S      
Crystalmoon Chantilly Cafe           MC      7  4              5  1         
Starbengal My Marira                 BG         8 6S           6  6         
Shadowstar Chantilly Lace            SI             10S     5     3       7S
Millwood Dresden Doll                BG                10S  7  4            
Tejas Poteet Strawberry              BG   4                       2         
Kenkoons Quicksilver                 MC              5L     6       5L      
Joykatz New Millenium                BG   1             1S                  
Priderock Dragoness                  BG   7          9S                4S   
Oro Ojos Nueces                      MC                        3       1L   
Felitan Southern Rebel of Saroko     SI   9          7S                   9S
Lovepurries Ma Tres Douce Argentee   MC   5       2L                        
Sammycats Wynter Wonderland          PS         6 3L                        
Nemesis Boa                          BG           9S                9S 6S   
Epsilon Pardus of Highveldt          BG           3S    7S                  
Goldspurr Odysee                     BG                 5S          6S      
Shiekspurr Imani                     HI              4L                5L   
Love Sumalee Kudzu of Strayinc       KT                       10       9S   
Lovepurries Truley Lovable           MC      4                              
Greystoke Dark Paradise              ES                             7S   10S
Texpals Lil Snow Man                 HI                           7         
Cheetahsden's Taya of Highveldt      BG              3S                     
Oakhill Flash Gordon of Animatrax    BG                 4S                  
Tejas Tex Marks The Spot             BG                                   4S
Joykatz Brady of Tejas               BG                 6S                  
Sholines Freaky Friday of Sh'Boi     OL           5L                        
Tejas Little Italy                   BG                 8S                  
Joykatz Y2K Compliant                BG                 9S                  
Tejas Asia Myna                      BG          10S                        
Manypaws Lilymaid                    BS                            10S      
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     39 42 41 12 12    36 37 37 13 13   
                     Shorthair Count              29 30 28          25 24 26

ALTERS                                   JG JC VH RC AW SB AH HY DR CP
Whozz The Boss                       PS   1  1  2        2     1 2L 3L
Purranha Darby O'Gill                AB         4    3S  3  1  2 3S 1S
Chayat's Smoroki                     RB      2  1 2S 1S  4  4         
Jorbee Sterling                      AS           5S 2S     5  3 2S 2S
Regnbuekats Autumn Sunset            NF   3  3    1L        2    1L   
R-C Hugs N Kisses of Mc Purr-Dee     HI   5       3L 1L  5          1L
Jetset Crash Landing                 HI         5 4L 5L  1       3L   
Sholine's Odyssey of Shadowstar      OS   4          5S        5 1S   
Toytown's Unsinkable Molly Brown     TO   2     3                5S 5S
Whozz Grasshopp Urr                  BI              3L     3       4L
Tejas Double Agent of Kaos           BG           3S 4S          4S   
Whozz Flower Power                   PS      4    5L 4L               
Regency South Texsun                 PS              2L          5L 5L
Kaos Mostly Harmless                 TO      5    1S                  
Jedidiah's William Robert            NF                        4    2L
Bizybir Honey U R Adorable           BI           2L             4L   
Walkabout Snowjon of Jaconahranch    BG                             3S
Frelyns Alpha Blue Thunder           AB           4S                  
Tsailing's Mr. Goodbar               OS                             4S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     17 17 18  7  8 19 20 18  9  9
                     Shorthair Count              10 10           9 10

Erin of Catpatch                          2  4  3 1S 1S  4  1  6 2S 2S
Rikki Tikki Tavi of Joncree               1  3  2 1L 3L  2     4 2L 2L
Tangerina                                 3  2  6 4L 4L  3  2  7 3L 3L
My Girl of Catpatch                       4  5  5 2S 2S  6  4  5 4S 4S
Merlins Blue Magic                              4 2L 2L  5     2 1L 1L
Clem Kadiddle Hopper                      5  1  1 3L 1L               
Maggie May                                               7  3  3 3S 3S
Texas Aggie of Kakatz                                    1     1 1S 1S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      5  5  6  4  4  7  7  7  3  3
                     Shorthair Count               2  2           4  4

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           JG JC VH RC AW SB AH HY DR CP
Tazbuster Brown                           2  1  1 3S 1S  2  4  4 1S 3S
Tippy of Texpals                          3  3  2 2S 2S  5  2  1 4S 4S
Qbee Bear of Koonary                      1  4  4 2L 1L  1  6  5 1L 1L
Bonnie of Catpatch                        5  2  5 1L 2L  4  5  2 2L 2L
Sapphire Rose                                5  3 1S 3S  3  3  3 2S 1S
Romeow of Curiocats                       4       4S 4S     1    3S 2S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      6  6  6  2  2  6  6  6  2  2
                     Shorthair Count               4  4           4  4
This report was prepared by David Thomas (