Around The House Cat Club, Villa Park, IL, August 22-23, 1998 KITTENS BR CW NP PA PB BH CW LS DB PB Talisker Renegade RB 6 2 2 3S 8 6 3S 1S 6 Karissimakat's Sea O Love HI 4L 7 2L 2 4 2L 2L 2 Marja Luvs Smoke Signal PS 3L 10 5L 10 3 3L 5 Kavekats Shadowlaord MC 9 1L 1 5L 1L 4 Mystywood's Autumn Rhapsody ES 3 3S 1S 7 5S 3 Huntersglen Cry On My Shoulder AC 10 4 6 4L 9 10 Goldspurrs McFly BG 1S 5S 2 1S 7 Hoosiercoon's Caitlyn MC 9 1L 1 4L 8 Kent Sunrise Song of Leopardhaven BG 2 8 6 5S 3S Mi Snowypaws Blackberry Brandy SR 8 3 5 10 4S Hillstblues Apache Boy Kodiac AB 4S 10 2S 8 1 Karissimakat's Kiss N Tell HI 1 1 4 Katsdolls Winston RD 5L 8 5 Hoosiercoon's Kari MC 2L 9 1L Leoti's Oddman Out of Karissimakat AB 9 2S 4S Leotie's Harmattan AB 6 1 JCV The Sundancer Kid PS 5 5 Tezpurr Moonbeam Selene BG 7 3 Hoosiercoon's Moonshadow MC 4 3L Lonerock Skys Flyboy RD 7 4L Mi Snowypaws Scottish Shortbread SL 7 5L Athanor's In The Nikki of Tyme TO 4S 9 Kavekats Dark Shadows MC 3 Wunderkatz Pixie Pee Wee TO 4 Kavekats Jupiter Hook of Luckypaws MC 5 Priderock Inkjet Domino of Tezpurr BG 2S Goldspurr Odysee BG 2S Jedidiah's Leviathan NF 3L Rockn'Spots Mascarade OC 5S Allbreed/Longhair Count 30 16 32 30 17 30 30 15 15 30 Shorthair Count 15 15 15 15 CATS BR CW NP PA PB BH CW LS DB PB Yquem Que Sera Sera ES 4 3S 4 1 2S 2 1 1S 2S 1 Talisker Emeril RB 2 2S 8 4 7 2 4S 1S Santal Uri of Myapogee BI 1 4L 5 2L 9 4L 2L 5 Tammerish T S Eliot of Fyffestar AS 8 9 3 1S 6 2 Teklanika Tako of Asgardkatt NF 2 4L 1 10 5L 4 Bengaland's Pantera Divinci BG 3 4S 5 4 3S 7 Winstardancer Divinci Spotlight BG 1S 6 3S 10 7 3S Dorwil Fiona of Celticpride MC 5 1L 3 5L 3 Dreambabys Mcafees Fantasy PS 3L 9 5 2L 1L Hoosiercoon Silver Flame MC 10 10 7 5L 9 Dreambabys Fire N' Ice PS 9 7 3L 6 Serenitie Marys Lambz of Nitewind SR 2 5S 4S 8 Allstar Andre Agassi of Sportstar SF 5S 5 8 2S Dollhouse Tajmah of Katsdolls RD 5L 9 4 4L Seasape Mexinaya of Johnsbay MC 1L 3 1L Cica's Valery Fawn-Fawnovich SB 3 8 10 Willowplace Aberlour of Celticpride MC 2L 6 Karissimakat's Lookin For Trouble PS 6 3L Blaukatzen's Navajo Shadow Warrior CX 7 5S Sportstar Scottie Hamilton SF 8 5S Rabeau's Little Ladybug OC 10 4S Texpurr Ramses Ice Fie BG 1 Calicoon Simba MC 6 Kavekats Coonhilda of Luckypaws MC 3L Allbreed/Longhair Count 27 15 28 27 15 27 27 15 15 27 Shorthair Count 12 13 12 12 ALTERS BR CW NP PA PB BH CW LS DB PB Oakheaven's Sink Or Swim of Bruan HI 2 1L 2 1 2L 1 3L 3 Talisker Desperado RB 1S 4 2 5S 5 4 1S 1S Karissimakat Toby of Leotie PS 3L 3 5L 3 5 3L 4L Leotie's Emberwilde Djinn AB 4 5S 3S 2 2S 3S 4 Shags R Us Rigel of Stellarcoon MC 5L 5 3L 4 2L 5L Johnsbay Waldoboro MC 2L 1 3 5L 2L Sol-Mer Tobias AS 3 2S 2S 2 5S 2S Mystywood Shelley's Tango Splash ES 3S 1S 3S 5S 1 Nascat's Emercoon Fitipawldi MC 1 1L 1L Huntersglen Untamed Heart AC 3 4L 5 Desperados Prince-of-Wales MC 4L 1L 2 Tonkatales Samantha TO 4S 5 4S 4S 4S Dixipaw's Mr. Kringles Snowball AC 5 4L Celticpride Liam Farrell MC 1 Desperados Roemeow Beluga MC 4 Allbreed/Longhair Count 16 11 16 16 11 15 16 10 10 15 Shorthair Count 5 5 5 5 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS BR CW NP PA PB BH CW LS DB PB Buckshot 1 3S 1 1 1S 2 3 1S 2S 1 Lucy Locket 3 5S 5 3S 5 5 5S 5S 5 Sean Thornton Omilo 2 1S 2 4S 1 3S 2 Christy 2S 5 2S 3 2 3S 4 Classy 5 3 5S 4 4 4S 4S Diva 4 1L 4 4 1L 1L 1L 3 Labonte 3 2 1 2S 1S Mary Kate Danaher Omilo 4S Allbreed/Longhair Count 9 1 9 9 1 8 8 1 1 8 Shorthair Count 8 8 7 7 HOUSEHOLD PETS BR CW NP PA PB BH CW LS DB PB Acacia From Rocqui Thode 6 2S 1 3 2S 6 3S 1S Mr Big 1L 4 6 3L 1 2L 1L 6 Zane Grey 2 2 2L 5 1L 2L 1 Bunny 1S 6 7 1 7 2S 4 Spike 4S 4 1S 2 3 4S 5S Bell Star 4 3S 2 5S 5S 4S 2 Milo 5 2L 8 7 2 3L Crystal 1 3 4L 4L 3L 7 Ciatti 3L 8 5 5 5L 5 Mischief 3 5L 1L 6 3 Watkins Glen 4L 5L 4 4L C-Vest-Tor 1 2S Skeeter 4S 3 Ellie Mae Clawpett 7 1S Pearl Jammer 8 8 K-Cee's Kahlua Brown 5S 3S Saunte Angelica 4 Thumbs 5 And Tigger Too 7 Jamaica 3S Pumpkin 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 23 11 23 23 11 22 22 11 11 23 Shorthair Count 12 12 11 11 -- This report was prepared by Nancy McMullen (