Cats Unlimited, Wuerzburg, Germany, March 07-08, 1998 Judges: Bill Vermaas (AB/SP), Trudy Vermaas (AB/SP) KITTENS BV TV TV BV Kitnkiss Monchichi ES 1 1S 4 1S Colored Nature Miss Ashley MC 5 5L 2L Dreamhunter's Han Solo MC 3 1 Colored Nature Lady Naomi MC 2 1L Acadiapark's Heatherbell MC 4L 3 Stellarhart's Mr. Magic of Ragmagic RD 2 5L Dreamhunter's Harrison MC 3L 5 Greenstones Happy-Go-Lucky MC 4 Rising-Star's Blind Date MC 1L Hot Maylove's Johnnie Walker MC 2L Adinda van Tetisjeri of Echnaton SX 2S 2S Acadiapark's Henderson MC 3L Mara av Fager NF 4L Lafitte la Chat Chique BS 3S 3S Allbreed/Longhair Count 19 17 17 14 Shorthair Count 3 3 CHAMPIONSHIP CATS BV TV TV BV Coonmora's Dubonnet of Tuscaloosa MC 5 1L 1 5L Jjspurrecious Angel of Ragmagic RD 8 6L 3 4L Cancoon Sky Focus of Auroraborealis MC 2 2 3L Apollo of Echnaton SX 9 3S 5 1S Mythicoon's Sarafina MC 3L 7 6L Moelle's Anissya ES 6 2S 2S Saska Khan's Renegade of Yankee Jokers MC 4 2L Wyndhaven's Jackson Browne MC 1 9L Bertraude vom Nibelheim BS 4S 8 4S Sumapons Charming Dusty MC 7 4L Goldenmagi Liberty BG 10 1S Hillside Nighthawk MC 3 Happy Tamara's Welcome Choci ES 10 5S Virginia's Pretty Woman MC 4 Milly Vanilly the Especially MC 6 Capitol Heights Zelda of Saska Khan MC 2L Coonyham Sonoma of Dreamhunter MC 1L Happy Tamara's Hanky Panky PS 9 Hot Maylove's C-Tiffany MC 5L Proud Mary's Braveheart MC 7L Tuscaloosa's Andalusia MC 8L Santos von Golzheim MC 7L Calimero von Magada BS 3S Yankee Joker's Especially for me Elwood MC 8L Tara's Joshua MC 10L Angelina Il Dolce Topolino MC 9L Moonshadow of Caprimoon ES 5S Saska Khan's Medley MC 10L Allbreed/Longhair Count 51 42 37 30 Shorthair Count 7 7 ALTERS BV TV TV BV Coonquest American Beauty MC 3 1L 2 1L Puschel PS 2 2L 3 2L KitnKiss Lucky Star ES 1 1S Sumapons Charming Dinky MC 1 3L Allbreed/Longhair Count 3 3 3 2 Shorthair Count 1 HHP BV TV TV BV Kali 1 1S 1 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 Shorthair Count 1 1 -- This report was prepared by Kurt Vlach (