Mississippi Cat Fanciers, Jackson, MS, July 19-20, 1997 Saturday Sunday Larry Paul AB Georgia Morgan AB Frances Young AB Joe Edwards AB Debbie Brown AB Pat Smith AB Roslyn Drusch AB Richard Bailey AB Penny Garrett SP Fate Mays SP Judy Chappetta SP Don Caruthers SP KITTENS LP FY DB RD PG JC GM JE PS RB FM DC Regency Lil Star of Annbirwaves HI 2 7 1 4 1L 5L 1 1 1 1 1L 2L Tutaimo Wailon Tango of Coyotecat AB 10 6 2 1 2S 2S 7 8 5 3 3S 2S Silvering Hts. Mean Wittle Kid ES 5 3S 4S 5 3 2 9 2S 5S Mysticoon Cheyenne MC 3 1 4 8L 1L 9 5 8L 6L Kattewyk's Pandora SX 9 2 9 8 4S 6 4S Kariam's U Betcha BI 5 9 6L 2 6 4L 8L Shadowstar Chantilly Lace SI 5 1S 1S 4 9 10 Shaynacats Maggie Dee PS 10 4L 10 3 4 1L Cooncreole Blue Suede Shoes MC 3 6 2 2L 4L Dotzcatz Gaylord of Minusdetails OS 1 9 7 1S 1S Purberri's X-Mas Cookie of Woodlyn PS 2 8 5 3L 7L Memry's Ashley Wilkes PS 4 2L 4 4 Manypaws Sheherazade OS 7 8 6 5S Willowplace Sorceror of Catalystic MC 8 10 5 10 Pajean's Benjamin of Whozz PS 4 2 5L Memry's Jessamine of Woodlyn PS 3 6 5L Sholines China Doll of Sh'Boi BA 4L 8 3L Whozz Alexandria PS 7 3L 6L Sholines Rembrandt of Sh'Boi BA 6 10 7L Toytown's Prince Charming TO 10 5S 9 Lovetoken Princess Jasmine PS 3 3L Shadowstar Majicman of Radiance OS 3 3S Manor Itsme Again Margaret OS 8 7 Bonocchis Dance All Night of Manor ES 7 3S Ajax Greystone BG 8 4S Whitmar Lady Guinevere of Memry PS 6 7L Vinec A Slight Mistake of Manor ES 7 I'd Rather Bea Sailing PS 2L Lovetoken Delta Dawn PS 5L Telone Shameless Hussy of Manor ES 5S Luvpaws Sierra of Arkatz MC 6L Lovetoken Denzel PS 7L Kabobmemry Lady Gabriella of Memry PS 9L Allbreed/Longhair Count 40 40 38 40 24 22 39 39 39 39 23 23 Shorthair Count 16 16 16 16 CATS LP FY DB RD PG JC GM JE PS RB FM DC Chaskara Lvinya Dvibrok RB 2 2 2 1 2S 2 2 5 3 1S 2S Minusdetails Dior CY 4 10 8 2 5L 4 3 1 5 3L 2L Felitan Southern Oracle of Saroko OS 3 5 5 4 1S 6 5 1 1S Shaynacats Caesar's Ghost PS 7 1 10 2L 2 8 2L 1L Charlu Liam AB 6 7 4S 5S 10 1 3S 3S Whozz Brittney PS 8 3 3L 6L 2 1L 8L Shaoida's Buster Blu of Moonswept HI 10 9L 7 7 6 7L10L Whozz Siberian Wynter of Sammycats PS 1 1 6 4L 3L Heartspaw's Rock Star of Toytown TO 4 6 3 9 4S Beprscreprs Arabi of Slymeezy SI 9 9 1S 8 8 Coonsworth Runninbear of Tipsntufts MC 7 4 6L 8L 5 Mysticoon Rimrock MC 5 1L 4 6 Lovetoken Daisey Mae PS 6 7 2L 3 Toytown's Miss Sugarbear TO 8 2S 7 9 McKatsfancy That's Jake HI 10 9 3L 7 Coquille's Storyville MC 5 9L 4 5L Pajean's Benjamin of Whozz PS 1 4 8L Anacapa Kaats Blue Belle Skogpus NF 9 1L 4L Mypygato Nolabella BG 4S 9 10 Catalystic Painted Lady MC 3 5L Starkad's Grinner of Amberskog NF 3 5L Coquille's Amma Kat Falgout MC 4L 8 Peachkisd Just in Time PS 6 7L Toytown's Sweet Tart TO 3S 4S Junclebook Firechief of KcPride BG 2S 5S Murteza Ida Tarbell of Ragcats AB 10 5S Felitan Redd Butler of Manor ES 5S 3S Koryn Sigaminne Skogpus NF 8L 9 Hellan's Smoke Gets in Your Eyes PS 6L 6L Silverlion's Blue Moon of Oro Ojos SO 7L10L Whozz Amazingly Graced PS 10L 7L Slymeezy's Stripped Lady SI 8 Bopats Dixie Wizard of Coosacats BG 10 Peachkis'd Jo Macon Whoopee PS 4L Cooncreole Rosedown of Amine' Tiger MC 9L Texpals Lil Bitta Joy HI 9L Shiekspurr Keeper HI 10L Allbreed/Longhair Count 48 49 49 49 29 30 51 50 51 51 32 32 Shorthair Count 19 19 19 19 ALTERS LP FY DB RD PG JC GM JE PS RB FM DC Coonyham Antonio Banderos of HojPoj MC 3 5 1 1L 2L 2 1 3 1L 1L Fejuko's Renegade of Annbirwaves BO 2 4 1 3S 7 5 6 4S 3S Lebaron Peachy Keen of Sunnkiss SF 6 2 3 5S 2S 8 5 4S Minusdetails Kwik Pik MX 5 1 4 2 3 3S 2S Purberri Cliffhanger HI 5 3 6 3L 3L 4 4L 4L Pengar's Romulus OS 3 4 2 1 1S 1S Whozz Trae PS 1 3 1 2 3L 2L Whozz Ashton PS 3 4 5L 4L 6 2L 3L Toytown's Aphrodite TO 6 5 2S 1S 5 5 Whozz Tuffy McGerk PS 1 2 2L 1L Chayat Princesska RB 5S 4 6 2S Claddaghcats' Brian Boru AS 4 4S 5S 5S Coyotecat's Major AB 2 1S 4S Cooncreole Rhett Butler of Pengar MC 6 5L 5L Acrith's Cal Ripcoon Jr. MC 4L 4 Chayat Misha Pushkin of Elsgold RB 3S 8 Toytown's Chablis of Mixologies TO 6 Hager's Samurai Swordsman ES 7 Pengar's Arne Gustavsson NF 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 21 21 21 21 8 8 23 21 23 21 9 9 Shorthair Count 12 13 12 14 HOUSEHOLD PETS LP FY DB RD PG JC GM JE PS RB FM DC Chessie Cat 4 2 4 2 2L 2L 4 1 1 2L 1L Alabama Rusty 1 2 3S 2S 2 3 5 4 1S 3S Go Pak of Kaos 5 5 1 5S 1 4 1 2S Patches 1 3 3 5S 3 2 2S 1S Starfleet's Quickfoot 2 5 2S 4S 5 5 4S 5S Zed 3 5 4S 2 3 Brunie 4 1L 1L 2 1L 3L Prim Rose 3 1 1S Mac of Kaos 5 3 3S Pepper Patti 4 4L 4L 5L 5L Nadine 1S 5S 4S Pee Wee 3L 5L 3L 2L Mollyann 5L 3L 4L 4L Hoppy 4 Now And Zen of KAOS 3S Allbreed/Longhair Count 15 15 15 16 5 5 15 15 15 15 5 5 Shorthair Count 10 11 10 10 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS LP FY DB RD PG JC GM JE PS RB FM DC Sir Andrew McTabish of Pashar 1 1 1 1 1L 1L 1 1 1 1 1L 1L Cotton 2 2 2 2 2L 2L 2 2 2 2 2L 2L Allbreed/Longhair Count 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Shorthair Count NEW BREED OR COLOR LP FY DB RD PG JC GM JE PS RB FM DC Live Oak Pegasus MK 1 1 2 1S 1 1 2 2 1S 1S Live Oak G.I.Jane MK 2 2 1 2S 2 3 1 1 2S 2S Live Oak Chili MK 3 3 3 3S 3 2 3 3 3S 3S Allbreed/Longhair Count 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Shorthair Count 3 3 3 -- This report was prepared by Richard J. Ketz (AlanCRichK@compuserve.com).