Wisconsin Illinois Cat Fanciers, Waukesha, WI, April 19-20, 1997 Saturday Sunday Fate Mays SP Fate Mays AB Massimo Picardello SP Massimo Picardello AB Glynis McCartney SP Dewane Barnes AB Edith Mary Smith AB Lynne Sherer SP Patti Andrews AB Richard Bailey SP KITTENS FM MPGMcEMS PA FM MP DB LS RB Koontucky Southern Comfort MC 3L 4L 1L 4 1 5 10 1 4L Pewterpaws Will Knott RB 2S 5S 3S 8 2 7 2 3S 2S Rumford's Spirit in the Night MC 1L 2L 7 1 2 4L 1L Ronshaar's Autumn Joy AB 3S 3S 2S 8 2 5 10 3S Rinkurl S Wonderful SX 1S 4S 5 3 3 2S 1S Karissimakat's Danielle of Bruan PS 1L 2L 7 1 4 5L Karissmakat Chubby Checker HI 5L 3L 6 9 5 3L 5L Leopardhaven Nairobe BG 2S 10 3 3 1S 4S Sportstar Scottie Hamliton RB 1S 1S 1 9 6 Sportstar Phil Jackson RB 4S 3 8 4S 5S Bruan's Braveheart HI 3L 4 4 9 Tammerisk No Holds Barred CR 5S 6 10 10 5S Kauffman Sir Winston Purrkins PS 5 8 8 3L Mikyttens Rio Suite of Katsdolls PS 4L 2 1L Marjaluvs Dawn Hortense of JCV PS 5L 5L 6 Leopardhaven Morning Glory BG 4S 5S 6 Moi Zatzo NF 2L 4 Willowplace Griendal of Celtipride MC 2L 2L Leopardhaven Kalahari of Kent BG 7 Katsdolls Treasure Island PS 7 Tammerisk Flaming Fire of Mistwood AS 9 Oaktree Kaitlyn of Starstream SL 9 Czes Hanah Jai of Marjaluvs PS 4L Allbreed/Longhair Count 19 19 19 28 28 31 31 31 19 19 Shorthair Count 9 9 9 12 12 CATS FM MPGMcEMS PA FM MP DB LS RB Oakheaven's Sink or Swim HI 2L 7L 2L 9 4 4 1 2L Rinkurl Parachute Dancing SX 7S 4S 2 1 10 5 1S 3S Condopurrs Sojourner of Hoosiercoon MC 1L10L 8L 5 3 8 4L 7L Jedidiah's Mark NF 2 1 6 1L 1L Tarydan's Anya RB 4S 2S 3S 7 4 2S Oaktree Nickelby SR 6S 6S 1 10 3 5S Huntersglen Harmataan AL 6L 6L 10 10 7 9L10L Love Sumalee Blue Angel KT 3S 3 3 9 7S Leopardhaven Arusha BG 6 5 2 6S Oakheaven Partydoll of Karissimakat HI 4L10L 8 3L 3L Junglebook Firechief of KCPride BG 5S 2 5 6S Pawnwhisker Al B Sure of Mystywood ES 6S 7S 9 9 4S Bassetti's Fire N Ice of Silvrleaf ES 2S 1 8S 2S Mystywood's Jumping Jack Flash PS 3L 4 5L 6L Leotie's Serra Angel AB 8S 4S 2S 5 Shars Run Scottee of Snowstar PS 4L 8 2 Karissimakat Puffricks Litl Maverik PS 4 2L 4L Cakebread's Tovarich of Snowstar PS 1L 6 10L Karraway M'Zar AB 5S 3S 5S Starlite Rags Katmando RD 2L 6L 9L Cottercoons The Joker MC 7 6 My Apogee Taurie BI 9L 9 7L Tammerisk American Express AS 7 1S Capecoon Moses Boy MC 6L 3 Leotie's Mox Ruby AB 1S 1S Allstar Andre Agassi of Sportstar SF 7S 8S 4S Monarch's Bewitched CR 3S 1S Kauffman Jenna RD 4L 8 Joykatz Kokopelli of Sedona BG 5S 7 Imagicoon Haley's Comet MC 8L 6 Oakheaven's Int'l Shipping Line HI 8L 1L Alicaf's Jesse James of JCV PS 7L 3L Velvet Jewels Garnet MC 3L 8L Santal Tympani of Purrcussion BI 7L 5L Huntersglen Desert Willow AL 5L 9L Tammerisk Tornado Ally CR 7S 8S Catastery Aki Tora JL 10L 8L Wiscoonsyns Izzabella MC 8 Leotie's Sulton AB 10 Willowplace Griselda of Celticpride MC 5L Seascape Princess Dunella MC 5L Stoutshill Moon Traveler of Leotie AB 8S Moi Ostara of Ymir NF 9L Allbreed/Longhair Count 27 31 28 51 51 51 51 50 29 29 Shorthair Count 23 23 23 23 23 ALTERS FM MPGMcEMS PA FM MP DB LS RB Rinkurl Hakuna Matata SX 2S 6S 3S 7 8 5 8 1 3S 3S Bruan's Barney Rubble HI 2L 1L 3L 1 3 3 4L Oaktree Kurlee Lambeau SL 1L 4L 3 1 2 3L Choneko Mabudachi JB 4S 1 4 4 2S 4S Kulta's Einstein SI 3S 3S 1S 6 6 4 Stoutshill Shawnee AB 6S 1S 5 9 1 10 Desporados Orange Roughy MC 3L 3L 7 6 5 1L Mittsnpaws Ted E Bear of Strazkatz SO 6L 5L 5L 10 6 2L 2L Myjoys Stellar Envoy OS 2S 2S 2 2 1S Brithaven Ted E Bear BS 5S 4S 2 7 1S J's Iris One Mau Time of Item EM 6S 4 7 4S 2S Almondize Aspen TO 1S 9 7 3 Mysticoon Desiree of Koontucky MC 2L 5 1L 3L Tammerisk Smokey's Miracle AS 5S 7S 7S 8 9 Huntersglen Sir Thomas Lipton AL 6L 10 9 5L Austinova Sasha Angel RB 4 3 Rinkurl Thea Later SX 5S 2 Norsestar Seraphina Taffy NF 5 9 Ragmar Kyle of Katsdolls RD 8 4L Kingland Pachebel BI 8 5L Moi Keeyon NF 4L 10 Mistywood Rhapsody in Blue ES 7S 5S Leotie's Iskandar AB 6 Forpaws Commodore HI 1L Forpaws Silver Dawn PS 2L Katzilk P K Panther BU 10 Tammerisk Blu Barry Muffin CR 4S Katsdolls Doves Essence of MyJoy RD 4L Katsdolls Once in a Blue Moon RD 5L Catujita Kublai Khan BG 5S Tammerisk Demitasse CR 8S Allbreed/Longhair Count 21 21 20 42 41 33 33 33 14 14 Shorthair Count 22 23 22 18 19 HOUSEHOLD PETS FM MPGMcEMS PA FM MP DB LS RB Mud Muffin HH 1L 1L 4 1 3 7 4L 1L Moonbeam Shadows HH 1S 1S 1 2 2 6 4S C-Vest-Tor HH 4S 4S 3 1 1S 3S Shades of Paris HH 3L 5L 5L 7 6 3L 3L Jasper Shadow Mist HH 2S 6 1 1 1S Kailey HH 2L 2L 2 2 1L Friskie HH 3S 2S 9 3 5S 4S Charlie HH 5L 7 9 3 5L 4L Mister Bobby Sox HH 4L 3L 3L 7 2L 5L Chloe HH 1S 8 5 4 5S Cricket HH 4 4 6 Splish Splash HH 2S 5 3 Loki HH 4L 8 5 Mr. Peepers HH 3S 5S 4 Lolly Popp HH 4L 1L 2L Noko Marie the Snake HH 7 5 Box O Rocks of Purrsweet HH 5S 2 Willie HH 3S 2S And Tigger Too HH 4S 2S Schroeder HH 5S 3S Double Stuff Oreo HH 5 Mister Mysty of Purrsweet HH 6 James Dean HH 2L Allbreed/Longhair Count 11 11 11 24 24 22 22 22 10 10 Shorthair Count 13 13 13 12 12 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS FM MPGMcEMS PA FM MP DB LS RB Earnhardt HH 3L 1L 2L 4 3 2 1 4 1L 1L Elliott HH 1L 2L 1L 2 1 2 1 2L 3L Affina Snowbird HH 2S 2S 2S 2 1 5 5 2 2S 1S Kylie HH 1S 1S 1S 1 5 4 4 5 1S 2S Mister Wood HH 4L 4L 3L 5 4 3 3 3 3L 2L Zoes Song of Myjoy HH 2L 3L 4L 3 Allbreed/Longhair Count 4 4 4 6 6 5 5 5 3 3 Shorthair Count 2 2 2 2 2 NEW BREED OR COLOR FM MPGMcEMS PA FM MP DB LS RB Rockabyerags Mr Magic Purr RD 1L 1L 1L 1 1 1 1 1 1L 1L Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count -- This report was prepared by Nancy McMullen (oaktree@PioneerPlanet.infi.net).