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Cats Unlimited, Boeblingen, Germany, March 15-16, 1997

          Saturday                     Sunday
     Vickie Shields       SP     Massimo Picardello   AB
     Karen McInchak       AB     Karen McInchak       SP
     Yvonne Patrick       AB     Yvonne Patrick       SP
     Marilyne Gregg       SP     Marilyne Gregg       AB
                                 Vickie Shields       Maine Coon Kitten Congress 
                                 Vickie Shields       Maine Coon Male Congress 
                                 Vickie Shields       Maine Coon Female Congress 

All cats are EN region unless otherwise indicated.

KITTENS                                VS KM YP MG MP KM YP MG VS
Coonmora's Hennessy,NW            MC   3L  2  1 2L  3 2L 1L  2 2L
Acadiapark Freejack of Tuscaloosa MC       1  2 1L  1 1L 2L  1
Vaha's Michael Jackson of Ysha    TA   4L  7  5 4L  7 4L 5L  4
Mt.Machias Caddy Shack            MC   2L     6     2    3L  3 3L
Dreamhunter's Lady Godiva         MC   5L  5  7       3L 8L    7L
Mrs. Anscombe v.d.Baerenhoehle    SO   1L  4  4 5L
Auroraborealis Mahagoni           MC       8  3     6   10L
Lone Star's Silence Song          BS                8 3S 2S  8 5L
Acadiapark Fancy Shadow           MC            3L    7L     6 6L
White Big Boss v.d.Rheinaue       BS   2S  6  8 2S
Anstin v.d. Baerenhoehle          SO                  8L 4L  5
Bloomingdales Ruby Ruth           BS                4 1S 1S
Ybsy von Heidebergen              BO   1S  3    1S
Sally vom Tannensteg              RD                  9L 7L  9
Zihuatanejo's Diosa Dicha         MC                5       10
Van Cello's Yasata Silva          OS                  4S 3S  7
Micky Bella Santa                 MC                9 6L
Franmar Spike Monster Junior      MC               10    6L
Larissa von Eski-Van              MC                 10L 7L
Saskakhan's Chaykotay             MC                           1L
Van Cello's Pollea                SI                  2S 4S
Miss Tequilla Sunrise of Eski-Van MC                           4L
Doebele's Make My Day             MC                  5L
Virginia von Heidebergen          BU   3S       3S
         Allbreed/Longhair Count       20 23 23 19 31 27 26 31 22
                 Shorthair Count       3         3     4  4

Degoonacoon's Suquamish Bay          MC 2L  2  1 9L  3 1L 1L  8 3L
Coonyham Sonoma of Dreamhunter       MC     4  8 2L  5 4L 4L  6    4L
Coonquest Harley Davidscoon          MC 4L     2 1L  2    2L  2 4L
Junglebook Firechief of KCPride,GL   BE     5  5 1S    1S 4S  4
Celticurl's Killians Red,ES          AL 6L  3    5L    3L10L  5
Huntersglen Mary Rose of Sarcenet,ES AL        7 3L    6L 6L  3
Cashemara's Romeo                    BS 4S  6  3       3S 2S     
Red Nugget von Bayern                PS              410L 3L  1
St.John's Voodoo Queen               MC 1L 10          9L          1L
Blueberry Romeo                      BS              8 2S 3S  9
Geronimo vom Storchenring            PS 3L     6  5
Monashees Bequest of Jim Brady       MC 5L           1          5L
Candiala vom Brettachtal             PS        9          5L 10
Romina vom Tannensteig               RD              6 8L 9L
Cancoon's Sky's Focus of Auroraborea MC     7          7L       6L
Blackmoon's Cheers Sylvester         MC     1          2L
Van Cello's Imrah Indi               OS              9 5S 1S
Shir Khan Burchana                   BE 2S       6S    4S
Desideria von Katmandu               BI                   8L  7
Everclassic Quincy                   HI       10 4L
Cooncreole Tabasco                   MC         10L    8L      10L
Aladin v. Schaienbusch               SO     9    7L
Dusty of Sumapons Charming           MC              7          8L
Catline's Handsome Is                PS10L  8
Fire Fly of Virginia                 MC 7L                         8L
Blueberry's Diamant                  BS        4
Friskins Ariel                       BO 5S             6S
Coonmora Monaghan of Acadiapark      MC             10
Clarence of the Maine Forest         MC                5L
Maineguard's Lucifer                 MC                         1L
Saskakhan's Medley                   MC                            2L
Cenaida's Jarmelina                  MC                   7L
Maineguard's Mufasa                  MC                         2L
Millwood Ringlet                     EN 1S
Honeacoon Charlotte Carolina         MC                            3L
Arabella von Rauhardt                BS          2S
Undine von Heidebergen               BU          3S
Ballyshannon's Amber                 BE 3S
Pretty Woman of Ontario              MC                            5L
Weidebusch's Lilly                   MC 8L
Cahemara's Camilla v. Noble House    BS          4S
Endeavour of Kennebec River          MC                            6L
Hot Maylove's Beverly                MC 9L 
Hrencat's Cathryn O'Toole            MC                            7L
Abby A Dream The Fantasy             BS                   5S
Cenaida's Moritz                     MC                         7L
Dreamhunter's J B Fletcher           MC                            9L
Auroraborealis Jaywalker             MC                         9L
Funny Face Child of Maine            MC                           10L
        Allbreed/Longhair Count         70 79 90 69 98 89 86100 31 38
                Shorthair Count         20       21    13 13

ALTERS                                  VS KM YP MG MP KM YP MG
Mt.Machias Santigo Bay               MC 1L  5  1 1L  1 3L 1L  1
Mt.Machias Sassafrass                MC 4L  1  4 4L  2 1L 2L  5
Coonquest American Beauty            MC     3  5       2L 3L   
Dinky of Sumapons Charming           MC              4 4L 5L  2
Momo von Meisenburg                  SO 3L  2  2               
Huckelberry von Meisenburg           SO 5L     3 3L            
Alfredo v. Palium                    MC              5        4
St.John's Hamilton                   MC 2L           3         
Collein's Alec                       MC     4    2L            
Van Cello's Bombaata                 OS                1S 1S  3
Max vom Eisberg                      NF                5L 4L   
Baby von der Whiskyfarm              NF          5L            
        Allbreed/Longhair Count          9  9  9  9  9  8  8  9
                Shorthair Count                         1  1

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           VS KM YP MG MP KM YP MG            
Tommy                                HH  1S  1  1 1S  1 1S 1S  1
       Allbreed/Shorthair Count           1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
This report was prepared by Kurt Vlach (dreamhunter@magnet.at).