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The French Cat, Paris Champerret, France, January 11-12, 1997

[Championship Cat and Kitten Finals Only.  I am missing the names 
 of several of the kitten entries if anyone has the late entries 
 page from this show. ]
       Pat Harding        AB 
       Steve Savant       AB 
       Lynne Sherer       AB 
       Odette Lamoureux   AB 
       Pascale Portelas   AB 
       Martine Caillard   SP
KITTENS                                  PH SS LS OL PP MC
Minusdetails Nacho Ordinaire         CY   1  3  4  7  1 2L
Mylene des Folies Bergere            SF   5  5  6  8  6 2S
64A                                          1  5  2  5 1L
Memry's Rhett Butler                 PS   2  4  1  1      
Three Gemini Dewiwanira              ES   4  6     4  8 4S
Margot de Blue Swann                 BS   3  2        2 1S
May Be de Minabel                    OS   8    10     4   
29A                                       6  9        7   
Debill's Fanny                       PS   9     2         
Made in Normandie des Aiglettieres   PS      8     6      
Catzanova Madison                    SO               3 6L
103A                                            3       5S
Euraztec Tonatiuh                    SX  10     7         
Mascotte des Jardins du Prieure      HI         9       3L
Montkittery T'Hara of Coup de Coeur  MC         8       5L
No Contest Cacao Flip                HI           10    8L
Maestro D'Amarok                     ES            3      
Calicoon Heyaka of Coup de Coeur     MC            5      
Three Gemini Majestic Loops          PS   7               
Myrtille de la Griffe Royale         PS      7            
Follow Me Masterpiece                HI            9      
Rag-Amour Something Special Mandy    BI               9   
Maewa de Ker-Briant of Joyfulsymphon SI              10   
Max des Griffes D'Or                 PS     10            
58A                                                     4L
Marrousia De La Mer de Kara          RB                 3S
Moon Drop D'Oz                       PS                 7L
Amonophis Mandipur of Radjasthan     SI                 6S
Liman Stabaruk Van Joscat            TV                 9L
127                                                     7S
Midnight Summer Dream Michelson      NF                10L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     70 62 68 66 64 46
                     Shorthair Count                    22

CATS                                     PH SS LS OL PP MC
Minusdetails Down Pat                CY   1  6  1  4  5   
El Shaklan Lorien of Amenophis       OS      1  3  2  2 1S
Naturskat Daniel                     NF   4     5 10  9 3L
Chantarabe's Non Pareil              PS  10  4     1    1L
Singatown's Little Shangai           SI   3  7     9    4S
Melodie de Blue Swann                BS   8     7     1   
Three Gemini Sasha                   PS            5  4 6L
Coup de Coeur Punky                  MC            8  7 2L
Cynran Yankee Doodle Mac Dand        MC         4       4L
Coup de Coeur Kaoma of Toon Y Coon   MC      3          5L
El Shaklan Lobelia Victoria          OS      2          5S
Logan des Aiglettieres               ES            3    7S
Sky Cats Love Me Tender              ES   9             2S
Maya du Grand Argentier              BI     10         10L
Inomoe Maeki Neko                    JB        10       9S
Privilege Drakar Noir                PS         2         
Mechete du Relais Napoleon           BI   2               
Myra Belle de la Sirice              SI               3   
Junglebook Firechief of KCPride      BG   5               
Joyfulsymphony Lom                   CR      5            
l'Oliveade Little Boy                HI         6         
Little Girl de Ker-Briant            OS   6               
Coup de Coeur Punky                  MC               6   
Maylor Red Robin of No Contest       HI            6      
Auroraborealis Inua Kit              MC   7               
El Shaklan Lala Nahama               OS            7      
Slipperpaws Blanita                  RD         8         
Moustache du Pertuis D'Antoiche      PS      8            
Limerick du Hameau Kertweed          BI               8   
Amenophis Indira of Radjasthan       SX         9         
L'Chogun De La Mer de Kara           RB      9            
Loussirane de Kapoutan Lidj          TV              10   
Anwratha's Moliere                   BO                 3S
Jersey de la Cour Imperiale          PS                 7L
Debill's Bodacious                   PS                 8L
Catzanova's Leonardo                 SO                 9L
Loxianne De La Mer de Kara           RB                 6S
Ker-Briant Marlow                    SI                 8S
Becton's Mister Megalo Of So Pretty  ES                10S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count    117115117109114 75
                     Shorthair Count                    40
This report was prepared by Richard Ketz (Richard_J._Dr._Ketz@rohmhaas.com).