The Enchanted Cat Club, Albuquerque, NM, October 26-27, 1996 Saturday Sunday Pat Harding AB Georgia Morgan AB Jan Gustafson AB Juliana Slater AB Bobbi Tullo AB Vickie Shields AB Hisako Yamada AB Wendy Klamm AB Judy Chappetta SP Sue Becknell Bower SP Vicki Jo Harrison SP Don Caruthers SP Congresses: Witches (females) Warlocks (males) Pat Harding AB Juliana Slater AB KITTENS PH JG BT HY JC VH GM JS VS WK SB DC Minusdetails Nacho Ordinaire CY 3 6 2 3 1L 4L 4 1 1 1 6L 1L Moonlight Night Tye Dyed Satin SI 1 8 1S 1S 5 7 9 5S 1S Ktwo's Littlest Angel HI 7 1 2L 1L 1 9 1L 2L Blue Swann Mazarine of Chaucer BS 6 1 4S 5S 2 2 2S 4S Murteza Nellie Bly of Ragcats AB 9 3 5S 2S 3 4 1S 2S Pinecoon's Lumberjack MC 1 4 4 4 4L 8 Shozz Ashton PS 9 9 3L 4 3 6 Belgatto's Hot Tamale PS 2 2 5 6 3L Kinukatz Tonkerey Sips TO 9 6 10 2S 4S 4 Ktwo's Mt. Blanc PS 8 5L 2 5L 3L Condopurrs Gin Blossom of Bodaci MC 3 6 7 10L 4L Radiance Time and Tide OS 6 7 7 6S 5S Moonlight Night Sylk Stalkings SI 4 7 9 3 Whooz Surprise Surprise PS 5 5 2L 4L Akerr's Son Shine BG 8 2 3S 3S Purberri Over The Rainbow HI 7 6L 5L 2L 9L Purrzzbir's Truffle of Concree BI 9L 8L 8 9L 8L Valanora Mustang Sally PS 3L 7L 10 5L Cancoon Sky Focus MC 6L 10 10 8L Jon-Fa's Spitzfire OS 10 2 Ragmuff's The Big Bopper RD 5 8 Nola Desiree of Mypygata BG 6 3S Jinjorbred's Maya Angelou SP 7 3S Kdachina Dolls Coonie RD 10 9L 10L Lyonesse Sean Connery MC 8L 5 Shandigars Natori OS 10 4S Birpatch teddy Bear BI 9 7L Coonquest Maine Fair Lady MC 7L 6L Birpatch Too Sweet BI 3 Tularensia Savannah Rose SI 5 Ragmuff's Blue Velvet RD 5 Cancoon Billy Bob MC 8 Jon'fa's Mis Firespit SI 8 Nasdoii Thunder HB 10 Oltae's Diamond Tiara PS 7L 28A 10L Whooz Quinten PS 10L Allbreed/Longhair Count 48 48 48 48 30 27 48 48 49 49 27 27 Shorthair Count 18 18 21 20 CATS PH JG BT HY JC VH GM JS VS WK SB DC PH JS Minusdetails Down Pat CY 1 9 1 1L 3L 5 1 2 5 7L 1L 1 Blumajik Legends Midnight Promis RB 6 1 10S 3S 6 3 7 2 7S 8S 3 Dotzcatz Demitasse OS 4 2 5 4S 1 4 6S 6S 3 Cottercoon's Mr. Ted E Bear MC 2 4 3 7L 4 2 9 7L 2 Ktwo's St. Helen HI 7 3L 5L 3 10 3 2L 2L 2 Jinjorbred's Queen Noor SP 8 10 1S 2S 4 5S 1S 6 Chatandolls Lovemetendrofragmuf RD 5 7 8 4L 10 5 8L 9 Coonyham Mojave MC 9 5L 6L 4 7 4L 3L 8 Tejas Cut and Shoot BG 8 2 2 3S 8S 2S 5S HojPoj Off and Running OS 3 4S 5 1S 3S 7 Suerrell's Sienna AB 5S 7S 3 8 9S 4S Concho's Hannah Sue BU 10 4 8S10S 9S 4 Memry Daddy Big Bucks of Belgatt PS 3 6 1L 4 Kim-Lynn's Littlest Angel BU 6 6 3S 5 Zoez Trashy Side PS 7 2L 2 4L Mun-Ha's Salsa BI 8 5 8L 10 Greystoke Rambo AS 10 6 9S 6 Nadoii Titan HB 9 1 5 Gogees Cajun Gold of House O Pur BG 3 8S 1 Kinukatz Angelica TO 6 6S 7 Lyonesse Eric The Red MC 2L 9 3L Cabaret's Iredescense CH 1 8 Vensdelmar Guzel TV 9 7L 10 Mythicoon's Perseus MC 5 7 Gogees Bolouie of House O Purr BG 2S 7 Widget SR 10 7S 10S Pairdocs Harols of Vansdelmar TV 9 8 HojPoj Karma Chameleon of Radian SI 4S 2S Saroko Southern Belle SI 9 8 Nasdoii Catherine The Great HB 7 6S Whozz Popcorn PS 8 6L Pawsdelite Sally Jesse Raphael OS 5S 10 Moonlight Night's Diamond Lil BA 1L 6L Lyonesse Coonderella of Coonques MC 4L 9 Kinukatz Murphy Brown TO 1S 10S Bodacious Happenchance MC 5L 5L Tsusan Madame Butterfly SI 1 Joncree Love of My Life TO 4 Koblizek Cisco Kid SI 6 Auxarcs Mystic Warrior OC Lonerock Kaluha of Shadowgrove RD 6L Kojiki's ChoCho San Neko JB 7S Kojiki's Komori Dansei JB 8L Twodee's Sister Sister HI 8L Nadoii Cleopatra HB 9S Allbreed/Longhair Count 55 55 54 54 23 23 57 56 55 55 23 23 26 27 Shorthair Count 32 32 32 33 ALTERS PH JG BT HY JC VH GM JS VS WK SB DC Inkblotz Ms. Marple BS 7 1 4 8 3S 4 2 5 2 2S 5S Mainleycats Doctor Zhivago MC 6 5 1 2L 3 3 1 5L 3L Annbirwave's Dashing Dude of Reg CR 4 2 7 1S 2S 3 5 3S 1S Purberri Cliffhanger HI 6 5 3L 1L 8 7 8 2L 1L Kikicat's Angel PS 5 5 7 3L 1 6 3 4L 212A 3 3 3S 1S 5 7 1S 2S Minusdetails Rico Suave of Rioga CY 9 9 9 5L 4L 10 6 3L 4L Akerr's Jumping Jack flash BG 8 7 6 6 5S 1 4S Purrzzbir's De Senor BI 3 4L 5L 9 8 4 10 HojPoj Jacks Back OS 2 8 6 4 8 3S AlaPoe's Ballatorie of Kim-Lynn BU 4 10 2 2 9 Karth Teddy Roosevelt of Shadows MC 1 3 1L 9 2L Willowplace Mountain Explorer MC 1 2L 2 1L Kikicat Holy Smoke ES 8 9 4S 7 7 359A 4S 10 4 Ramblin' Apple Brown Betty SR 10 5 10 Shandigars Slick 50 OS 2 4 Rumors Chocolate Decadence OS 10 2S 5S 352A 10 6 Dotmar Daddies Buttercream AS 1 Cabaret's Imogene CH 9 Jon-Fa's Justa Fu Machu OS 4S Ramblin' Wooly Nelson SR 5S Winwillow Of Lonesome Me of Ragm PS 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 30 30 30 30 11 11 30 30 30 30 10 11 Shorthair Count 19 19 19 19 HOUSEHOLD PETS PH JG BT HY JC VH GM JS VS WK SB DC Chester HH 1 5 4 1 4S 5S 5 3 4 1 2S 3S Black Bart HH 5 3 4 1S 2S 2 1 3 2 3S 1S Everloving Red Thing of Surcats HH 4 2 5 2L 1L 1 2 5 3 1L 1L Lady Andrea HH 3 1 1 3 2S 1S 3 5 4S 4S Dizzy Desiree HH 2 3 2 3S 4S 4 4 1S 2S Sir Reginald Le Chat HH 5 3L 2L 4 2 5 2L 2L Tea HH 4 2 5S 3S 5S 5S Lady Patches Le Chat HH 1L 3L 1 3L 3L Allbreed/Longhair Count 8 8 8 8 3 3 8 8 8 8 3 3 Shorthair Count 5 5 5 5 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS PH JG BT HY JC VH GM JS VS WK SB DC 401A HH 2 1 1 2 1L 1L 1 1 1 1 1L 1L Charles of Pashar HH 3 2 2 3 1S 1S 2 4 3 3 1S 2S Tabby Faye Meowy HH 1 3 5 3L 2L 3 4 4 2L 2L Ann of Pashar HH 5 2S 2S 3 2 2 2S 1S Sam's Big Bubba HH 3 3S 3S 4 5 5 3S 3S Lightning of Nasdoii HH 5 4L 4L 5 5 2 3L 4L Fuzzball HH 4 4 4 1 4S 4S 400A HH 5 4 2L 3L 4L 3L Allbreed/Longhair Count 8 8 8 8 4 4 7 7 7 7 4 4 Shorthair Count 4 4 3 3 -- This report was prepared by Lisa Dickie (