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Golden Triangle Cat Fanciers, Huntsville, TX, April 20-21, 1996
Saturday: Ann Hoehn (AB), Wendy Klamm (AB), D'Ann Kovic (AB), 
          Penny Garrett (AB), Vicki Jo Harrison (SP)
Sunday:   Jan Gustafson (AB), Don Caruthers (AB), Fate Mays (SP)
          Debbi Brown (AB), Cheryl Hogan (SP)

The following results are UNOFFICIAL.

KITTENS                           AH  WK DAK  PG  JG  DC  FM  DB VJH  CH 
Purberri Cliffhanger           HI  2   2   2   6   4   2   3   6  1L  1L 
Love Sumalee GB                KT  3   1   1   4   3   1   1   3  3S     
Silvering Hts Rah Rah Cis-Boom ES  1   7   3   3   5   7   2   8  2S  3S 
Masquerag Blew By You          RD  6   3       9       8       1  2L  3L 
Greystoke Hale Cat             AS  5               6   5   6   4      1S 
Hillcountry Deacons Enchantmen MC          8       2   6   9   5      2L 
Britanya's Honeysuckle Rose    DR  7   9   4       7           2  5S     
Sholine's Ice Maiden           OS          6   5   1              4S  4S 
Patrexia Don Mateo             CR              7   9   9       7  1S     
Concho's Honey Bun             BU      6   9   1                      5S 
Pashar's Great Scott           BI      5                   5   9  4L     
Fejuko's Renegade              BO                  8   3   8             
Annbirwaves Gentle Saralee     BI                      4   7          4L 
Toytown's 20th Century Fox     TO              2          10  10         
Caspurr                        CY  8  10       8                         
Rumpystilskins Mi Shuba        CY  4                              5L  5L 
Toytown's Dixieland Jazz       TO      4   7                             
Purberri Caramel Popcorn       HI      8                   4             
Owlpurr Icingonthecake         RD          5                      3L     
Sylmeezy Jazmine               SI                 10  10                 
Toytown's Ponyboy              TO                                     2S 
Suerrell's Sienna              AB  9                                     
La Gemini Heady's Smudge Proof PS         10                             
Kiwendo Lovi Lantana           TO 10                                     
      Allbreed/Longhair Count     26  26  26  24  27  27  27  27   9  10 
              Shorthair Count                                     17  17 

CATS                              AH  WK DAK  PG  JG  DC  FM  DB VJH  CH 
Minusdetails Rhinestone Cowboy MX  2   5   2   2   1   1   1   8  4S  3S 
Murteza Rambo Dio              AB  3   4   1   1   2   2   2   2  3S     
Chayat's Rurik                 RB  1   1   8   3       4   9   3  2S  2S 
Colorfield Camden              MC  5   7   5   5       5   3   7  3L  2L 
Purberri Odie Wun              HI  8   3   6       3   3       4  1L  1L 
Felitan Boomerang              SI 10   2   7   6   7              1S  1S 
Webefrench's Sweet Jasmine     CX      6  10           6   6   1  7S  4S 
Thomcats' Swan Song            BO  7   8           8       7   6 10S     
Torador's Adonis               TO     10       4  10      10      6S  6S 
Hoj Poj Off And Running        OS      9           5   8   4          7S 
Birpatch Syrus So Special      BI  4                  10       5  2L  4L 
Sholine's Jaz Ma Taz           BA                  6   9       9  5L  3L 
Ryanplace Boy Toy              MC          3       4       8             
Shonstar Scarlet O' Hair       PS                      7   5      4L     
Sholine's Casper               OS          4   9                     10S 
Britanya's Curly Sue           DR             10   9              8S     
Concho's Gem Dandy             BU  6           8                         
R-C C Note                     HI              7                      5L 
Nola Simbolo de Navidad        BG                                 5S  5S 
Greystoke Jay Onebrowntoe      AS  9                                  9S 
Tejas Nuklear Fission          BG          9                             
Tracekat's Tilt                ES                             10         
Greystoke Rambo                AS                                     8S 
Anserbam Sabrina               SX                                 9S     
      Allbreed/Longhair Count     43  43  43  43  46  44  45  46  13  13 
              Shorthair Count                                     30  33 

ALTERS                            AH  WK DAK  PG  JG  DC  FM  DB VJH  CH 
Hoj Poj Jacks Back             OS  2   8   4   8   1   4       3  1S  1S 
Maineline's Beau               NF  4   3   2   1   4   2   6      1L  5L 
Karth Teddy Roosevelt          MC  5   6   3   4   3   5   2   4      4L 
Jetset's Crash Landing         HI  3   7   6   2   8   6   4   8  3L  3L 
Ballsofur Poquito Jack Daniels CY      1   8   6   6   7   9   2  4L  1L 
Annbirwaves Dashing Dude       CR          1           1   1   1  2S  5S 
Saroko Southern Eclipse        SI  6           9       3   5      4S     
Greystoke Lit'l Stubby         AS  1   9                   7      5S  3S 
Inkblotz Miss Marple           BS                  5   8   3          2S 
Tejas Nuklear Meltdown         BG          9   5   9   9                 
Thomcats' Glitter And Be Gay   BO      2   5                   6         
Acattaca's Steel Magnolia      OL                 10      10   5  2L     
Patrexia Shark In Sheepsclothi CR      5       7   2                     
Purrzzbir's Solitaire          BI                     10      10  5L  2L 
Britanya Marie Labeau          SX      4                       7         
Annbirwaves Blackjack          ES                              9      4S 
Toytown's Platinum Purrbox     TO              3                         
Toytown's Watch Me Too         TO                  7                     
Demiara's Divinity             HI  7                                     
Toytown's Tazbuster Brown      TO          7                             
Pengar's Romulus               OS                          8             
Toytown's Top Fuel Funny Cat   TO  8                                     
Britanya Billy The Nek Kid     SX                                 3S     
Sholine's Atticus Finch        BA  9                                     
      Allbreed/Longhair Count     24  24  24  24  25  25  25  25   8   8 
              Shorthair Count                                     16  17 

HOUSEHOLD PETS                    AH  WK DAK  PG  JG  DC  FM  DB VJH  CH 
Tabasco Cat                        4   1   3   2   3   5   2   2  1L  1L 
Little Miss Stake                  1   2   2   1   9   2   3   3  3S  1S 
Booger                             2   5   1   3       1   1   4  2L     
Ivy Rose                           5   6   6           4  10   1  1S  4S 
My Silver Bullet                   7       4   9       3   4   8  2S  2S 
Sweet Chloe                                7   5   1  10   5  10      5L 
Felix                              6   8   8       4       7   6  4S     
Aja                                    3       8   6              3L  3L 
Passionate                             4       7           6   9  5S     
Polly                                  9   9      10   9   8             
C.J.                               9       5           7       7         
Reebok                                 7           5              5L  4L 
Tequila Sunrise                                    2   6              3S 
Nickolas                                       4               5  4L     
Jasper Dan                                     6       8                 
Abby                                               7       9             
Diamond Rio                        3                                     
Chinta                                                                2L 
Reebok                                             8                     
Mr Zeke                            8                                     
Bonnie Rose                                                           5S 
      Allbreed/Longhair Count     24  24  24  24  25  25  26  26  12  12 
              Shorthair Count                                     12  14 

Sunflower                          2   1   1   1       1   1   2  2S  1S 
Wimbleton                          5   4       4   5   2   3   4  3S  5S 
Babs                                   2   3       4   3   4      1L  1L 
Hemingway                                  4       1   5   2      4S  4S 
Stubby Chubby Vendicator           4   5   5   3   3                     
Roadmaster                         1   3   2                      1S  3S 
Brutus                                         5   2           5  4L  3L 
Funny Bunny Blue                   3           2                  3L  2L 
George                                                     5   3  2L  4L 
Shidoni Lit'l Prissy                                   4          5S  2S 
      Allbreed/Longhair Count     12  12  12  12  12  12  12  12   4   4 
              Shorthair Count                                      8   8 
This show report was compiled by David Thomas (david@micro.ti.com)