Valley Cats, Harlingen, Texas, December 16-17, 1995 Morgan, Hoehn, Kovic, Brown, Parkinson, Harrison, Caruthers, Mays, Pannell, Hogan GM AH DK DB NP VH CD FM SP CH KITTENS AB AB AB SP SP SP AB AB SP SP Minusdetails Rebel Without a Tail, MX, S 3 4 3 5S 5S 1S 5 3 3S 1S Purberri's Chubacca of Oltae, HI, SC 5 5 8 1L 3L 3L 6 9 4L 3L Sholines Jaz Ma Tazz of Sh Boi, BA, SC 10 8 10 4L 1L 5L 3 2 4L Hojpoj Jacks Back, OS, SC 2 2 2S 4 2 2S Minusdetails Down Pat, CY, SC 1 4 3L 2L 7 3L Concho's Henry VIII, BU, SC 3 5 1S 4S 5S 4S Anserbam A Tear Fell of Britanya, SX, SC 4 7 2S 9 8 4S Memry's Lady Juliette of Catpalace, PS, 6 2L 4L 10 1L 1L Tlingel's Eternal Sinh of Pashar, BI, SC 2 1 4L 1L 6 Hojpoj Off and Running, OS, SC 1 2S 1S 1 5S Greystoke Emma Cuter What, ES, SC 9 6 8 3S Shal-Mar's S'Mores, CX, SC 8 8 4 Tejas Nuklear Fission, BG, SC 9 4L 2 Woodlyn Cosmos, PS, SC 2L 5L 5L Annbirwaves Evening Shadow, BI, SC 1 2L Concho's Hannah Sue, BU, SC 6 1S Tlingel Elaborate Speculation, BI, SC 5 2L Woodlyn Chili Pepper, PS, SC 7 5L Tejas Sam Houston, BG, SC 4S 3S Straying Patsy Cline of Oro Ojos, SX, SC 10 5S Toytown's Top Fuel Funny Cat, TO, SC 7 Toytown's Jessica Rabbit, TO, SC 2S Mypygata Aye Khan, BG, SC 3S Sorceress Finians Rainbow, OS, SC 3S Woodlyn Catnip, PS, SC 5L Shiekspurr off Beat, PS, SC 10 Kitten Count - Allbreed, Longhair 29 29 29 12 12 12 31 31 13 14 Shorthair 17 17 17 17 17 CHAMPIONSHIP CATS Minusdetails Rhinestone Cowboy, MX, SC 1 2 1 2S 2S 1 1 2S 1S Thomcats' Swan Song, BO, SC 8 6 5 3S 4S 6S 4 5 3S 7S Regency Lil Boy Blue, HI, SC 3 5 4 1L 1L 6 6 2L Regency SOuthern Storm, PS, SC 6 7 2 2L 7 2 1L 1L Concho's Gem Dandy, BU, SC 5 1 3 4S 7 1S 3S Whozz Pistol Pete of Melody, PS, SA 2 2L 3L 3L 3 3L Henrijean Osha of Kariam, BI, SC 10 7 1L 5L 10 4L 3L Regency Lil Angel in Blue, HI, SC 3 4L 5L 2 9 5L Sholines Casper of Sh Boi, OS, SC 4 4 5 8 Azala's Mujiz, EM, NE 7 8 1S 3S Nola Simbolo De Navidad of Mypygata, BG, 9 6S 1S 3S Toytown's Tazberry Tart, TO, SC 10 5S 2S 6S Wipf's Cavalier of Tularensia, Si, SC 8 6 3 Shiekspurr James, HI, SC 3L 2L 2L Catpalace's Lea, PS, SC 4L 9 4L Britany's Curly Sue, DX, SC 9 4S 10 Tularensia Cinnamon Spice, SI, SC 4 6S Shonstar Maia of Fiesta, SI, SC 9 3S Radiance Roxanne, OS, SC 7S 2S Whozz La Bamba of Ausclair, PS, SC 10 5L Bemisu's Nubian Queen of Britanya, SX, S 5S 5S Greystoke's Rambo, AS, SC 5S 5S Wipf's Virtuosity, SI, SC 7S 4S Cheetashden's Copper King, BG, NW 1S Melody Kimberly, HI, SA 4L Wipf's Versatility, OS, SC 4S Demiaras Happy Days, HI, SC 5L Sorceress Yoda, SI, SC 6S Championship Cat Count-Allbreed,Longhair 33 33 33 11 11 11 32 32 10 10 Shorthair 21 22 21 22 22 ALTERS Azala's Khalif, AB, NE 1 5 2 3S 1S 2S 3 1 2S Jetset's Crash Landing, HI, SE 3 3 7 3L 4L 1L 7 6 3L 2L Zoez Valischka of Catpalace, PS, SC 4 1 4 1L 3L 4L 5 1L 1L Annbirwaves Dashing Dude/regency, CX,SC 2 1 2S 1S 1 2 4S 1S Karth Teddy Roosevelt of Shadowstar,mc,s 7 3 2L 2L 2 3 4L 5L Minusdetails Cherub, CY, SC 8 6 4L 5L 4 4 2L 3L Purrzzbir's Solitaire, BI, SC 6 9 5L 1L 2L 6 5L 4L Wipf's White Bow Tie and Peds, OS, SC 9 6 2S 5S 9 8 2S Thomcats' Born Yesterday, BO, SC 5 2 8 1S 5S Jorbee Tynker's Bobo, AS., SC 10 10 10 9 3S KTWO's Avalanche Part Deux, HI, SC 7 4 5 Rumors Chocolate Decadence, OS, SC 5 5S 3S The MJ's Haystack, BS, SC 9 10 3S Charlicats Yankee Doodle Dandy, BO, SC 8 4S 5S Toytown's Watch Me Too, TO, SC 4S 4S 4S Regency Moonlite, PS, SC 3L 7 Sorceress William The Red, OS, SC 1S 5S Catpalace's Atalanta Media, PS, SC 5L 10 Sorceress Zeus, SI, SC 8 Thomcats Inidgo Midnite Madness, BO, SC 3S Alter Count - Allbreed, Longhair 25 25 25 9 9 9 25 25 9 9 Shorthair 16 14 16 16 14 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS Toebee, SC 1 3 1 1L 2L 1L 4 1 1L 1L Coco, SC 3 4 2 1S 1S 1S 1 3 2S 1S Aggie, SC 2 2 4 2L 1L 2L 3 2 2L 2L Reno, SC 4 1 3 2S 2S 2S 2 4 1S 2S HHPet Kitten Count- Allbreed, Longhair 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 Shorthair 2 2 2 2 2 HOUSEHOLD PETS Booger, SC 2 4 2 1L 3L 1L 1 1 4L 4L Lil Miss Stake, SC 5 3 1 1S 1S 3S 4 3 2S 2S My Silver Bullet, SC 4 5 3 2S 4S 2S 2 2 1S 1S Astro, SC 3 4 5L 1L 3L 3 5 3L 1L Brandi, SC 2 3L 5L 2L 5 1L 5L Passionate, SC 1 1 3S 1S 3S 3S Anomaly, SC 5 5S 3S 4S 5S 4S Aja, SC 2L 2L 4L 2L 2L Everlovin' Red Thing, SA 4L 4L 4 5L 3L S I Am, SC 4S 2S 4S 5S Shidoni Two, SC 5S 5S Bugsy, SC 5L Household Pet Count-Allbreed, Longhair 12 12 12 6 6 6 12 12 6 6 Shorthair 6 6 6 6 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -