The Vagabonds, San Francisco, CA, November 4-5, 1995 Grillo, Tullo, Markstein, Lemp, Markstein, McInchak, Hovick, Shields, Slater, Ruttan LG BT PM VS VM KM KM CH VS JS KR LG KITTENS AB AB AB AB SP SP AB AB AB AB SP SP Annbirwaves Elegant Simplicity BI MP 3 7 3L 2L 3 2 4 2L 2L Shuksan Lady Currie Jewel BO NW 7 2 7 3 1S 2 6 3S Capaqua's Cloud Walker TA MP 4 1 10L 1L 1 1 5L 4L Raksha Fade to Black /Pawsklite,OS,MP 5 5 2 3S 10 5 9 2S St. Valentine's Murphy Brown MC MP 4 5 1L 9 5 4 1L10L Kingcat's Seraphin/Sandyanas PS MP 9 8 4L 5 10 8 6L 6L Maineline Zachary/Winteridge NF MP 1 2 9L 10 1 1L QT's Mr. Blue Jangles SL MP 7 4L 6L 6 2 10 8L Coonyham Cherokee MC MP 10 10 8 7 3 7L Patata's Ginger Rog-Ear SF MP 1 5S 1 2S Kingcat's Robin ES MP 8 4 1S 6 A-Kerr's Jumping Jack Flash BG MP 4 3S 5 9S Kingcat'sSmoky Topaz /Ladygodiva, ES 5 9S 3 5S Heritage Sukari BG MP 2 1 1S WinwilloOhLonesomeMe /Ragmuff , PS 3 9L 7 7 Dollchateau Ken /Merrypawpins, RD 6 2L 5L 8 St.Valentine'sChancesR Chaunchey, MC 6 10 8L 3L Shuksan Lady Jazzmin Jewel BO NW 5S 2 1S Chat-An-Dolls Queen/Furreal RD MP 8 8 9L 5L Raksha Grandilliusion /Pawsdlite,OS,MP 9 4 4S Captain Cat's Sergeant TA MP 6 5L 4L Azulikit Kilauea /Kahunacoon MC SW 3L 4 9L Bob Nude-Heart SX MP 4S 3S 5S Kahunacoon Makawao Paniolo,MC SW 3 3 Degoonacoon's Skokomish Bay, MC 9 7L 7 Geishagoll the Enchanter of Chi SI MP 10 6 Raksha Haiku Satori /Tamosha,SI MP 2S 9 Chat-An-Dolls Pharooh /Furreal RD 9 8L Tintagel's Tynam AL MP 6L 7L Moonlight Nights Diamond Lil BA MP 7L 8L Degoonacoon's Madawaska Bay MC 6 Destiny Wizzard/ Moonlight Night SI 7 St. Valentine Saranade in Blue MC MP 3L Anita Vacation SX MP 8 Chatandolls Lovemetendr of Ragmuffs 9 Coonyham Paladin of Furreal MC MP 10L Degoonacoon's Wassataquoit Bay MC 10L Kitten Count - Allbreed, Longhair 47 48 50 50 31 31 49 45 48 48 31 30 Shorthair 19 19 18 18 CHAMPIONSHIP CATS Tassam's Kasim BA NW 1 3 3 1 4L 1L 2 1 1 3 1L 2L Wavey Baby's Snow White DX MP 5 1 3 3S 1S 1 2 5 2S 1S St. Valentine Rhapsody in Blue MC 2 2 2 1L 5L 3 2 1L Lambakin's Bllubonnett of TKO AC 1S 2S 4 4 1 3S 3S Semavi Vaat Snoopy /Captain Cat TA 3 1 2L 3L 5 6L 3L Marisa's Sweet Infinity RD NW 5 4 2L 3 3L Belltown Orion of Alcat BG SW 5 2S 4S 1S 2S Sammkat's Masquerade/Coonyham,MC 5L 4L 4 2 5L Birbabes Rigoletto of Kazzakatz BI SW 4 5 4L 4L Samnkat Starlight Express MC MP 2 4 2L Bengalpalace Calypso of Heritage BG 5 4 4S Raksha Cherries Garcia in the Dark SI 4 4S 3S Coonyham's Mokelumne of Argo MC 3L 3 Lady Godiva's Knight in Black Satin,PS, 5 Champ Cat Count-Allbreed, Longhair 19 18 19 19 14 15 17 17 17 17 15 13 Shohrthair 4 4 3 4 ALTERS Highlite Flash Fire PS MP 2 3 5 3 1L 3 4 4L 2L JJ's Purrecious Prince Allen RD MP 4 3L 1L 1 2 5 5 3L 3L A-Kerr's Son Rise BG MP 4 1 1 3S 3S 5 3 2S 4S Kim-Lynn's Cinnamon Crunch BU SW 2S 2 5 1 1 5S 2S Pandomainea Starblazer MC NW 1 4 5 4L 3 5L 1L Raksha Shefanhow Ephel-Duath SI MP 3 3 4 1S 4S 1 3S 1S Pagoda Novarese of Kazzakatz BI SW 5 5L 4L 2 2L 4L Kittyshack Tory Andresen SO SW 4 2 2 5S Vroom's Intimidator /Pacifikatz AS NW 1 4S 1S 3S St. Valentine's Gaby MC MP 3L 4 1L 5L Caj Niki's Newphew KC SG MP 1S 3 4 Carlos Skintana Belfry SX MP 2 2S 4S Samnkat Magic Juan MC MP 2L 5L 4 Verve Star Spangled Spots /Ihof,BG,MP 2 Winwillow Teddy Bear PS NW 2L Yankee Doodle Dandy BO SC 5S Alter Count - Allbreed, Longhair 17 17 17 17 8 8 18 18 15 18 8 8 Shorthair 9 9 9 9 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS Tirza of Trelawney & Co MP 5 4 5 1 2L 1L 1 2 2 2 1L 2L Patrice II of Trelawney & Co MP 3 1 2 1S 3 5 3 4 1S 2S Purrr Bearrr MP 4 3 5 2S 3S 1 5 3S 3S Molly MP 1 1 3 3L 2L 5 3L 1L Lobster Bob of Merrypawpins MP 3 4S 5S 2 1 1 5S 4S Rowdy MP 5 4 3S 2S 4 3 2S 5S Pagan The Purador MP 2 1S 4S 5 3 4S 1S Slick Willy MP 2 1L 4L 4 4 2L 2L Radulfus MP 2 4L 3L 4L 4L Lady Godiva's Check out my 'Stash ,MP 4 5L 5L 5L Buhda MP 5S Lady Godiva's Polecat MP 5L HHPet Kitten Count - Allbreed, Longhair 13 13 11 14 6 7 12 11 12 12 6 6 Shorthair 7 7 6 6 HOUSEHOLD PETS Kalico Kidd of Cat's Cradle MP 2 1 2 1 2S 1S 3 1 2 1S 2S Parker MP 2 1 1L 1 2 4 1 1L 1L Soyling MP 4 5 3S 2S 2 1 2 5 2S 4S Sunny Delite of Cat's Cradle MP 3 2 5L 4L 4 5 3L 3L Merlin MP 3 5 4 1S 6 3 4S Paddy Wack MP 1 4 4S 4S 3 3S 1S Sparkling Froelich Weihnachten MP 5 3L 1L 4 5 3L 2L Minsu MP 3 4 5 5S 3S 5S 3S Fiona of Cat's Cradle MP 3L 2L 3 4 2L 5L Dusty MP 3 2L 3L 5L 4L Horton Heresa Who MP 5S 5S HHPet Count -Allbreed, Longhair 10 11 14 11 5 4 11 11 11 11 5 5 Shorthair 6 6 6 6 NEW BREED AND COLOUR Tribblecurl Shirnoff Kaliostrovich, SB 1 1 2 1 1L 1L 1 2 2 1 2L 1L Petit Poucet's Jasmin BG MP 2 3 1 2 1S 1S 3 3 1 2 1S 1S Starpoint Tanya Kaliostrovna/Tri SB 3 2 3 2L 2L 2 1 3 3 1L 2L NBC Count - Allbreed, Longhair 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 Shorthair 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -